Daughters of Krsna

Hare Krsna!

Please accept humble obesience! All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I was reading on Krsna's family. One place in Bhagavatam I found he had only one daughter - Charumati (from Rukmini), however it is mentioned elsewhere on internet that HE had one daughter from each of HIS wife. Can someone please help me here?

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  • Siddhartha Prabhu

    Hare Krsna! Please check: http://srimadbhagavatam.com/10/61/24/en2


    • Volunteer

      interesting i did not find this verse in my Srimad Bhagavatam 10th Canto :-x

      • Hare Krsna! I missed the purport. It says Krsna had one daughter from each of his wife.

        For completion - elsewhere it is mentioned that HE had ten sons from each too. Of which several were demi-Gods (like Pradumna was Madan).

        So leela was to bring all of them to Earth and take them back at the end of it. Is my understanding correct?

        Hari Bol!

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