Craving for mecry of the Lord Shaligram!

Dear prabhus and matajis…

My name is Ševko Bajic (Yogasishvara das- spritual name) and I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I am chanting and trying to practice devotinal service from 1988 since I meet devoties in sarajevo. For very long time I have desire to visit Damodara Kund to attain Lord Shalagram. For now there is no luck about that.  I am not shore when and how that will be possible, but that is my dream for long time.

I do have wonderful Sri Sri Radha Govinda deity in my apartmen (On picture).



I am using this chance to ask you is there any Govinda Shalagram that you may share. I would like to host one in my home,  since I am not shore that my wish of visiting Damodara Kund will ever be  fulfilled in this life…

In great hope…

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    Hare Krishna Yogasishvara Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    i heard that Shaligram Shila Himself should come to us if He desires to be served by us. We should not buy Him or ask for Him from someone but just desire very much and perfect our chanting. And when we become ready Krishna is in the heart and He will fulfill our desire. 

    When we become ready for that.

    Your servant,

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