Please give some answers of the following questions about chanting of 'HARE KRISHNA MAHAMANTRA':

1) Does excessive chanting is harmful for our health? (As, excessive exercise is harmful for one's health)

2) Does chanting '32 rounds' or '64 rounds' or '128 rounds' or '192 round' can make us weak and mentally     


I want to chant more and more,but the above rascal questions fall me in great doubt.Please clarify my doubts and help me to chant more and more.


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  • 1. One should serve Krishna according to ones level. Practical service is important and to engage mind, body and senses in Krishnas service. You may simply loose taste and get feedup, bored if you didnt develop taste.

    2. If one commits to many offenses then Holy Name will not manifest his full power. But even offensive chanting is purifying. One will become mad if he is chanting and thinking of sense objects and desires and he is unable to deal with this and then his mind will blow and pull him to more sense gratification.  One should think of Krishna and chant then one will get purified. Chanting many rounds is purifying but one has to take care of keeping his consciousness pure. Thats why we are doing various devotional services to engage our nature, mind, inteligence.

    • Volunteer

      Hare Krishna Damana Krishna Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

      It is so true practical service somehow helps us to chant nicely and feel taste. 

      I had experience of it when i was engaged with active practical service at the Temple. But that time i thought maybe Krishna is pleased with practical service more rather than our chanting?! Is it true?!

      For example, when we serve to the Deities full day in Temple standards after few days there is some change in our chanting. So is it more important to serve to Krishna practically or only with chanting we can please Him?

      And how just chanting might be a service?

      few days back i had this question and still have HOW JUST SIMPLE CHANTING PLEASES KRISHNA?! Whenever You have time please guide this ignorant servant!

       Thank You!

      Your servant, 

      • Volunteer

        also i had experience of when i studied i was fully engaged with material education but every time when i chanted i could feel that there is change in chanting that Krishna is showering His causeless mercy through His Names. 

        The same thing when i do my material duties even though thou out the day. Does it mean that even our material duties pleases Krishna rather than simple chanting? Or Krishna responds to us according to our present condition-stage?!

        Thank You again!

        Your servant, 

  • Volunteer













  • Hare Krishna !!

    The initial counted rounds for chanting the mahamantra  - 16, 20, 24, 32 rounds etc.. are all there to bring a sense of disciplined-devotion in us when we are distracted by the material world. As we start 'living in KC', we have the name of Krishna in word, thoughts and actions and we 'transcend' the counting. Certainly, there is nothing like excessive chanting. However, we should be cautious that we don't become obsessed with the rounds but rather enjoy the nectar of Krishna's name without 'forceful chanting'.

    In devotional service to Krishna and bhakthas,


  • Volunteer

    hare Krishna Prabhuji. Dandavat Pranam. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

    This kind of thought is not abnormal and very natural to come specially when one is from a non-devotee family background and the only member started practising KC. Actually what happens, In the so called modern times what we see everywhere that getting good grade ,having a fat paying job, having nice car,wife and spending spare time in shopping mall,multiplex and wineshop became a norm and way of life. So being born and brought up in this kind of environment generally we acquire a notion that this is normal way of life and spirituality is something which is being followed by LOOSERS and ABNORMAL individuals.

    So when when one starts chanting the mind gradually become introvert by withdrawing itself from external object but as our subconscious mind has a conception of life which it percieved earlier for many many birth and even in this life become bewildered and creates this kind of doubt that "if am not doing anything abnormal ?". Also our parents, relatives starts thinking what this guy is doing day and night , he has become mad and start questioning. Then by the words of opposition, mind again starts asking "am I wrong, am I getting mad? ".

    All the phenomenon happens because our conscious mind is shifting its mode from ignorance ,passion to goodness so the subconscious mind get confused and creates doubt.

    But doubt is not fact. As  Krishna's Lover Prabhuji has posted a very nice article regarding that. Thanks a lot prabhuji for posting such nice piece of info on Japa.

    So keep chanting without fear. It will gradually take away all the anarthas.

    Your aspiring servant

    Hari bol

  • Volunteer

    Why Chant Hare Krishna?

    by Jayadvaita Swami

    from Back to Godhead, May-June 1994


    Here’s a page full of reasons.

    • Chanting Hare Krishna awakens love of God.

    • Chanting Hare Krishna brings liberation as a side benefit along the way.

    • When you chant Hare Krishna, you automatically develop knowledge and detachment.

    • Chanting Hare Krishna gets you out of the endless cycle of birth and death.

    • It is the most effective means of self-realization in the present Age of Quarrel. Nothing else works nearly as well.

    • Chanting Hare Krishna cleanses the heart of all illusions and misunderstandings.

    • By chanting Hare Krishna, you become free from all anxieties.

    • Chanting Hare Krishna brings you to self-realization—and shows you how to act as a self-realized soul.

    • It keeps you ever mindful of Krishna, the reservoir of pleasure.

    • There are no hard and fast rules for chanting. You can chant anywhere, any time, under any circumstances.

    • Krishna Himself is fully present in the transcendental sound of His name. And the more you chant, the more you realize it.

    • All other Vedic mantras are included in the chanting of Hare Krishna. So just by chanting this mantra, you get the benefit of all others.

    • Chanting Hare Krishna purifies not only you but every living entity around you. Whoever hears the chanting gets spiritual benefit.

    • A person who chants Hare Krishna develops all good qualities.

    • You can chant Hare Krishna softly for personal meditation or loudly with your family or friends. Both ways work.

    • Srila Prabhupada chanted Hare Krishna, and so did great souls in the past. So why not you?

    • It’s free. Chanting Hare Krishna never costs you money.

    • Chanting Hare Krishna brings the highest states of ecstasy.

    • There are no previous qualifications needed for chanting Hare Krishna. Young or old, anyone can chant—from any race, any religion, or any country of the world.

    • Even if you don’t understand the language of the mantra, it works anyway.

    • Chanting Hare Krishna brings relief from all miseries.

    • Chanting Hare Krishna is easy. When the best way is also the easiest, why make life hard for yourself?

    • Chanting Hare Krishna invokes spiritual peace—for you and for those around you.

    • When you chant Hare Krishna, Krishna Himself becomes pleased.

    • When you chant Hare Krishna, Krishna dances on your tongue.

    • By chanting Hare Krishna you can return to Krishna’s world, the eternal abode of full happiness and knowledge.

    • Chanting Hare Krishna frees you from the reactions of all past karma. Chanting Krishna’s name even once, purely and sincerely, can free you from the reactions of more karma than you could possibly incur.

    • Chanting Hare Krishna counteracts the sinful atmosphere of Kali-yuga, the present Age of Hypocrisy and Quarrel.

    • By chanting Hare Krishna you can relish at every step the full nectar that’s the real thirst of the soul.

    • The more you chant Hare Krishna, the better it gets.

    • If you look through all the Vedic scriptures, you’ll find nothing higher than the chanting of Hare Krishna. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

  • Volunteer

    1.Benefits of chanting according to psychology

    subtle body

    An individual is composed of two parts, the physical body and the subtle body. The physical body is what is usually referred to as the body. The subtle body is composed of nineteen constituents namely - the five subtle sense organs, the five subtle motor organs, the five vital energies (pranas), the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, the intellect and the ego [embodied soul (jiva)]. The five vital energies provide energy for the functioning of all these components. The subconscious mind contains various centres like the identification and interpretation centre, the give and take account centre, the desire and instinct centre, the like and dislike centre, the temperamental characteristic centre, etc.

    1.1 As a therapy in psychiatric illnesses

    Chanting proves to be beneficial in a majority of psychiatric illnesses. Chanting The Lord’s Name is perhaps one of the most effective modes of therapy in the treatment of ‘obsessive compulsive neurosis’.

    1.2 Introversion and introspection

    ‘Introversion and introspection are both quite necessary for the development of positive qualities within oneself. The process of chanting favourably facilitates the development of both these factors. Chanting in the true sense is not really possible without becoming introverted. If one wishes to observe whether chanting is going on in the mind, it is essential to become introverted. The mind which wanders due to its inherent tendency does not concentrate on chanting for long. Once this is realised it has to be brought back to chanting. In this process of turning it back one becomes aware of the thoughts or defects which prompted the mind to wander. This itself is introspection.

    1.3 Developing a liking for chanting and purification of the subconscious mind

    According to psychology, chanting The Lord’s Name and that of a worldly object are both quite similar. When a mother utters or hears her son’s name several emotions such as motherly affection, happiness, worry, aspirations, etc. are generated in her subconscious mind. This is because all emotions associated with the name of the object, that is the son, coexist with it. The memory or hearing of that name, constantly activates them. One does not require effort to remember one’s son. It occurs automatically and constantly and becomes a powerful driving force of her life. Sometimes due to this very force a mother is prepared to sacrifice everything for her son. The psychological response in chanting The Lord’s Name too, is the same. Some emotion or image about The Lord is consciously or unconsciously present in the person chanting His Name. One also has some notion about His qualities. One knows from discussions that one is benefitted by The Lord’s grace and that chanting His Name is the tool to acquire it. Hence, the spiritual emotion (bhav) that one is chanting the Name of the One who has particular qualities accompanies the Name. Due to this very spiritual emotion, emotions such as respect, love and devotion for God, fear of wrong actions, etc. go on increasing progressively while emotions to the contrary go on diminishing. Thus gradual purification of the subconscious mind is achieved.’ (1)

    1.4 Reduction of impressions in the intellect centre as well as the subconscious mind

    deflection method

    • A. Absence of development of new impressions: As long as chanting is going on it prevents the development of new impressions about other things on the subconscious mind. Chanting The Lord’s Name is perhaps the best way in the wakeful state to prevent the occurrence of new impressions in the subconscious mind. [In the states of concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyan) and the superconscious state (samadhi) too, impressions about other things are not created on the subconscious mind.]

    • B. Reduction of existing impressions: When chanting is going on, the conscious mind does not accept the impulses coming from the centres of the subconscious mind like the desire and instinct centre, the like and dislike centre, the temperamental characteristic and the intellect centre. When this continues for long, gradually the impressions in these centres start decreasing.

    1.5 Increase in concentration

    As the impressions in the centres of the subconscious mind reduce, the impulses coming to the conscious mind from the subconscious also reduce. This aids the development of better concentration.

    1.6 The benefits are similar to those obtained in silence (moun)

    Chanting The Lord’s Name is a type of silence (moun). Hence, the psychological benefits of observing silence as given below, also occur with chanting.

    • A. Reduction in worldly problems: Most worldly problems arise from speaking. With practice of silence, they are naturally averted.

    • B. One can avoid telling lies.

    • C. Control over the six foes (shadripu): When emotions like anger, etc. are not expressed one can gradually gain control over them.

    1.7 The physical benefits resulting from tranquility of the mind

    When the mind remains peaceful with chanting, one is free from psychosomatic illnesses precipitated by stress and enjoys good health.

    2. Benefits of chanting according to the science of Spirituality

    2.1 As a therapy

    If one has problems due to spiritual factors then chanting The Lord’s Name is useful as a spiritual remedy. For example, if an individual has a deficiency of vital energy (pranshakti) then chanting the Name of a superior deity like Shiva, Vishnu or Ganapati is recommended. Similarly, if one has problems due to ancestors’ subtle bodies then the Name of Lord Datta is advocated.

    Now, to understand the relationship between the organs and the deities, do an experiment. First chant the word ‘Arka’ for a minute and note in which sense organs namely, the ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose some sensation is felt. Only then read the following paragraph.

    Thirty-one seekers attended a workshop on Spirituality. None of them knew the meaning of the word Arka. After chanting the word ‘Arka’ they experienced sensations in the various sense organs as follows: 19 seekers - in the eyes, 4 - in the ears, 4 - in the tongue, 3 - in the nose and 1 - on the skin. From this, one can deduce that there exists some relationship between the word Arka and the eyes. Arka is one of the Names of Surya (Sun deity). The Sun deity and the eyes both being associated with the tej (absolute fire) element, after chanting Arka, a majority of seekers felt the sensation in the eyes.

    The average spiritual level of the seekers was 35%. At a satsang (spiritual meeting), at times the spiritual level of seekers can rise upto 40-50%. [The spiritual level of an average individual is 20% while that of one who has attained the Final Liberation (Moksha) is 100%.] If individuals with a spiritual level of 20% perform this experiment they are not able to perceive anything. Hence when performing such experiments everyone does not get spiritual experiences. Only those who have attained a spiritual level of more than 35% through spiritual practice and are able to perceive something in the subtle dimension obtain some spiritual experiences.

    The following table illustrates the relationship of various organs to deities and also how the Name of a particular deity should be chanted to improve the function of a particular organ. The point to be noted here is that the specific chanting will be beneficial only if the function of an organ is impaired due to a spiritual factor, that is a reduction of vital energy (pranshakti) and not if the cause is physical or psychological.

      The organ The mantra of the deity
    A. ‘The sense organs  
    1. The ears Om Dikdevatabhyo Namaha
    2. The skin Om Samiranaya Namaha
    3. The eyes Om Arkaya Namaha
    4. The tongue Om Varunaya Namaha
    5. The nose Om Ashvinikumarabhyam Namaha
    B. The motor organs  
    1. The organs of speech Om Agnaye Namaha
    2. The hands Om Indraya Namaha
    3. The legs Om Upendraya Namaha
    4. The anus Om Yamaya Namaha
    5. The sex organs Om Prajapataye Namaha
    C. The antahkaran  
    1. The conscious mind Om Chandraya Namaha
    2. The subconscious mind Om Achyutaya Namaha
    3. The intellect Om Chaturmukhaya Namaha
    4. The ego Om Shankaraya Namaha’(2)

    2.2 The worldly (sakam) and non-worldly (nishkam) motives

    Some deities can be chosen according to one’s desire as follows.

    The deity The function
    1. The family deity (Kuladevata) Materialistic and spiritual
    2. Dhanvantari, Ashvinikumar,
    Physical and mental health
    3. Parvati Marriage, marital happiness, food
    4. Kamadev Sexual pleasure
    5. Prajapati Progeny
    6. Lakshmi, Kuber, Agni Money, wealth
    7. Indra Power
    8. Vishvakarma Architecture
    9. Chitrasen Music
    10. Nataraj Dance
    11. Sarasvati, Ganapati, Mahadev Numbers, letters, intellect
    12. Janardan The Final Liberation (Moksha)

    2.3 The perfect spiritual practice

    The complete spiritual practice is one that is compatible with the functioning of the body and the mind. Chanting The Lord’s Name is one such perfect spiritual practice. Hence, it is an excellent means of going towards the natural state of communion with God (sahajavastha).

    To follow the Path of Knowledge one requires sharp intellect but ‘All the four classes can chant.There is none too small or great to do chanting. Even the weak and the downtrodden are able to overcome the Great Illusion with the help of The Lord’s Name’. - Shri Dasbodh (4.3.24)

    2.4 Purification of speech

    ‘Worldly talk diverts the speech from purification of the subconscious mind and makes it impure. To bring about its purification one should chant The Lord’s Name.’ - Saint Bhaktaraj

    2.5 Internal purification

    • A. ‘Just as the sun destroys excreta as well as its odour, the radiance generated from chanting The Lord’s Name destroys the internal impurities.’ - Saint Bhaktaraj

    • B. Tukaram Maharaj has said, ‘Chanting The Lord’s Name is a very easy means of incinerating the sins of several births’. H.H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj too always said the same, ‘Rama’s Name is mightier than Rama Himself’. Thus chanting The Lord’s Name not only destroys the accounts of past actions but if done continuously, purifies man’s antahkaran and makes it potent, to receive spiritual knowledge. Just as one cannot reap a good harvest without ploughing the field to make it fertile, so also, knowledge does not penetrate the antahkaran until it is purified. Hence, it is essential to remain steadfast unto the practice of action (karma), devotion (bhakti), worship of The Lord, singing devotional songs (bhajanskirtans), etc.’ (3)

    • C. अज्ञानादथवा ज्ञानादुत्तमश्लोकनाम यत्‌ ।
           संकीर्तितमघं पुंसो दहेदेधो यथानल: ।। - श्रीमद्‌भागवत ६.२.१८

           The meaning: Just as fire chars wooden logs irrespective of whether they are deliberately or accidently thrown into it, so also if one utters The Lord's Name either intentionally understanding it or unintentionally, it cleanses man of his sins.

    2.6 Development of an introverted attitude

    This reduces the attachment to external objects.

    2.7 Development of devotion and faith

    The spiritual experiences that one gets from chanting, generate and strengthen devotion and faith.

    2.8 Appeasement of the deities

    When one chants the Name of a deity, it gets appeased. Just as in worldly life if one remains in constant touch with someone he does not forget us, so also by chanting His Name if one remains in contact with The Lord then He too remembers us.

    The Shrimadbhagvadgita (9:22) quotes the following secret of devotion.

    अनन्‍याश्चिन्‍तयन्‍तो मां ये जना: पर्युपासते ।
    तेषां नित्‍याभियुक्‍तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्‍यहम्‌ ।।

    It means, ‘I take care of the worldly requirements of those who worship Me with devotion’. One remains engrossed in The Lord’s Name and He looks after one’s worldly and spiritual needs. This itself is called Rajayoga. No matter what anyone may say I term this itself as Rajayoga (the king of Yogas). In Shri Gurucharitra, the title ‘the rich one’ is bestowed by saints upon one who chants The Lord’s Name. Hence, the truly wealthy one is the one chanting The Lord’s Name.’ - H. H. Kane Maharaj

    ‘Chanting The Lord’s Name is one’s duty. One should chant with every breath to repay the debt to The Lord who has created us.’ - Saint Bhaktaraj

    2.9 Chanting with and without worldly expectation and merits and sins

    • A. Since chanting The Lord’s Name with worldly expectation (sakam) is a good action, one acquires merits from it.

    • B. Just chant the Name of Hari, then the merits obtained are beyond measure! - Shri Dnyaneshvar Haripath[abhang (hymn) number one]

    • C. Chanting The Lord’s Name without expectation (nishkam) amounts to pure merits and with expectation to impure merits.

    • D. Heaven is acquired by meritorious sins. One acquires hell by sinful sins. God is attained only by pure merits, that is by devotion without expectation (nishkam). - Shri Bhavarthadipika (Shri Dnyaneshvari) 9:316

           The meaning: Heaven is attained by meritorious sins. [Since attaining heaven is not the motive of a seeker, the merits granting heaven are also termed as meritorious sins. The seeker’s aim is attaining the Final Liberation (Moksha).] With sinful sins one attains hell. Only with pure merits, that is devotion without worldly expectation (nishkam bhakti) am I (The Lord) attained.

    • E. Chanting with expectation fulfills one’s worldly expectations or bestows the grace of that particular deity. But chanting without expectation unites the seeker directly with the Brahman principle or God Himself.

    • F. ‘Sins committed unknowingly are nullified by chanting. However those committed deliberately are not.’ (Manusmruti 11.46)

    • G. The Lord’s Name - the annihilator of all sins: The Lord’s Name has the inherent power of annihilating all sins and fulfilling all desires. Since the very nature of the Name is that of Brahman or The Lord, it acquires this power. The Lord’s Name is the true illusion (anadhyasta vivarta) of The Supreme God. Perceiving a snake instead of a rope on the main object due to illusory forces is termed as illusion (vivarta). Perception of an object of a different nature (vijatiya) with cessation of knowledge of the main object is termed as false illusion (adhyasta vivarta) whereas perception of another object in place of the main object without cessation of knowledge of the same is termed as true illusion (anadhyasta vivarta). The illusion of ornaments in place of gold is a true illusion. Here there is no cessation of knowledge of gold yet one sees the ornaments. The incarnations (manifest forms) of The Supreme God are true illusions since in them, alongwith the knowledge of The Supreme Brahman one perceives the form of the incarnation. In the same way the Names of The Lord are true illusions of Brahman. The Names of The Lord are not distinct from The Lord Himself. They are one and the same. This is the description of ‘Namabrahman’ given by Saint Shri Gulabarao Maharaj.

    • H. The Lord’s Name is superior to the Vedas in nullifying sins: Scholars studying the Vedas are bound by behavioural restrictions. One studying the Vedas without following the code of conduct is not uplifted by the Vedas. ‘आचारहीनं न पुनन्‍ति वेदा: ।’ a quote also emphasises the same. It says, that the unrighteous are not uplifted by the Vedas. But The Lord’s Name has the potential to elevate even the immoral. Thus chanting The Lord’s Name can elevate not only the students of the Vedas but also others, not so qualified.’ (4)

      Even though sins are erased by chanting if they are generated continuously then it will be difficult to do chanting in the quantity required to destroy them. As a result, one will digress and fail to make spiritual progress, the main aim of chanting The Lord’s Name.

    2.10 A non-action (akarma karma)

    In any transaction despite meticulous efforts to minimize the ‘give and take account’, it is nearly impossible to conduct an accurate exchange. In short, a give and take account always persists. To avoid this it is essential that a non-action should take place.

    Any action performed whilst chanting The Lord’s Name becomes a non-action (akarma karma), that is becomes devoid of a result. Thus one neither attains merits nor sins from it. Because of this action no new accumulated account (sanchit karma) is created. Consequently one finishes experiencing one’s destiny and liberation from the cycle of birth and death is hastened. On an average if one considers the accumulated account (sanchit karma) to consist of 100 units, then in one birth 6 units of these are experienced as destiny (prarabdha). Thus a man should attain Liberation in 16-17 births. But this does not happen as while undergoing those 6 units of destiny usually an average person does not chant The Lord’s Name or do any other spiritual practice. Besides due to wilful actions (kriyaman) the accumulated account increases by 10 units. Thus at the time of death the accumulated account becomes 104 units and one gets entangled in the cycle of birth and death. That is why a non-action should occur. Chanting of The Lord’s Name is one of the best means to achieve that end.

    2.11 Overcoming destiny

    • A. No spiritual practice other than chanting The Lord’s Name can overcome destiny as all of them are in accordance with destiny. Chanting the Name however successfully overcomes destiny.

    • B. If one chants The Lord’s Name all the time, destiny becomes tolerable and its severity reduces considerably.

    • C. Destiny gets depleted by the act of chanting.

    2.12 Acquisition of supernatural powers (siddhis)

    The practice of specific chanting enables one to acquire control over a particular element and accordingly some supernatural powers, for instance chanting of ‘Surya’ (the Sun deity) bestows control over the tej (absolute fire) element and subsequently one is not affected by heat.

    2.13 Dissolution of the ego

    ‘Once one is adopted, in order to inherit the property of the foster parents, one has to forget one’s old name and replace it with a new one. Similarly, to acquire God’s grace one needs to forsake one’s ego and forgetting one’s own name, one has to replace it with His, (that is chant His Name). Thus, a seeker should get engrossed in chanting The Lord’s Name forgetting oneself and should blend with His Name.’ - Saint Bhaktaraj

    2.15 Benefits even after death

    ‘The Lord’s Name is the most subtle of all objects in the gross dimension. “It” accompanies the subtle body at the time of death on its onward journey. For the seeker chanting The Lord’s Name there is no death but only union with The Lord’s Name. As the seeker keeps chanting, this is what eventually happens.’ - Saint Bhaktaraj

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Dwaipayan Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    on the contrary not to chant is bad for health. :-)

     the main processes are:




     and in Kali Yuga we can remember Him by only chanting His Holy Names. after finishing our rounds in beads we can chant on mind and count on counters. or again in beads.

    but if senior Devotees request us to perform some service then we should not neglect but help them and continue chanting on mind.

    it means at the same time we have to perform our daily duties. because for this time our heart is not very clean. we have material desires. we can not neglect them. But fulfill them by performing duties in order to please Krishna and at the same time always chant the Holy Names on mind.

    Your servant, 

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