

As well all know Radharani and Godess Durga Ma are both the same. And also Godess Lakshmi and Radharani is also the same. Again Godess Lakshmi is the daughter of Godess Durga! Now please any kind soul clear my doubt. Why is it like this?

Ps:- I wasn't able to hold this confusion in my head, so I thought of aksing this question. If this offends anyone I apologize

Your servent


Hare krishna

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  • Hare Krishna Mataji, 
    Dandwat Pranam.

    1. Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī expands herself into various śakti-tattvas(Krsna Book 52)

    2. Durgādevī is a śakti-tattvas (SB 4.15.6) thus coming from Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī.

    3. There are billions of Lakṣmīs(Lakṣmī-sahasra-śata-sambhrama-sevyamānam (BS 5.29))

    • Goddess of Fortune, Laksmi, the daughter of the ocean (Letter to Sudama — New Vrindaban 7 June)
    • Goddess of Fortune, Laksmi,the daughter of Goddess Durgā (Krsna Book 53)
    • Rādhārāṇī, also has innumerable expansions of goddesses of fortune. (Krsna Book 47)


    Hare Krishna

  • Hare Krishna Priya Mataji,

    According to scriptures the supreme lord in his orginal form has three shaktis or potencies. The first one is the internal potency or hladini shakti.Second one is the marginal potency, or the tatastha shakti; and the final one is the external potency or the nila shakti.

    The internal potency is the shakti which doesn't take birth other than for giving pleasure to lord. She always accompanies the lord.In Krishna lila she is Radharani.This energy is purely spiritual in nature.

    The external potency or the nila shakti is the maha maya which is the material energy. In Krishna Lila she is the Paurnamasi.She arranges for all beautiful creations on the instructions of the lord.She is the prakriti.Upon the instruction of the lord, she deludes all jiva souls who have taken birth by her illusory power.

    The tatashta shakti, or marginal potency constitutes of jiva souls( you and me and others). Since we are in the middle of the 2 shaktis, we constantly face a choice of either approaching the spiritual energy or the material energy of the lord. The choice however; is of the individual soul.

    The supreme lord expands into three expansions namely: Aniruddha( source of Vishnu), Pradyumna( source of Brahmaa )  and Sankarshana( source of  Sadashiva not Shankara) and supreme lord also retains his original form of Vasudeva. The former three expansions interact with the lords shakti and we have creations in the mode of sattva, rajas and tamas respectively. Please don't mistake tamas as something 'bad'.It just represents ignorance.

    To create this material world, the supreme lord glanced over Prakriti and created the material universes and he himself lies down in the causal ocean which is called the Karanoda( sanskrit for karan/cause water).For this reason he is called the Karanodakshayi vishnu. In India , you may have seen the supreme lord lying down in an ocean and universes floating around him. It is this form of Vishnu which is represented in these pictures. When each of these universes are created, the supreme lord enters each of these universes and this form within the universe is called Garbodakshayi Vishnu . This is similar in imagination to the water inside a womb( thus the name garbh-oda meaning water in the womb).Here  we have one Lakshmi for him. Thus innumerable universes have innumerable Lakshmis pressing the feet of Narayan. This Garbodakshayi Vishnu gives rise to Brahma. In the times that we live, Brahma originated form the navel of this Vishnu.In past eras, he has come out from ear and other parts of Narayan's body.

    The material equivalent of Sankarshan is the Shiva.Thus Brahma-Vishnu and Shiva form the trinity for each universe; responsible for creation,preservation and destruction respectively.

    There are 10 types of creation in all. When creating this material universe, the lord creates the first 7 types, the remaining three are created by Brahma. Example of creation by supreme lord are the panch tattava and the material modes(such as sattva etc). Brahma creates the planetary systems exactly as they were.This he can do by doing tapas and visualizing what the supreme lord in his heart tells him to do. Just to add,  once a living soul enters the material creation, the all merciful lord does not leave it alone, but rather accompanies it in every single body form that it assumes.This form of Vishnu is called Kshirodakshayi Vishnu( Visnu who resides on the ocean of milk).

    For details on the creation etc, please read Srimad Bhagvatam and Chaitanya Charitamrita(aadi lila), but make sure to read the books in order.Bhagvad Gita first , then Bhagvatam and then Chaitanya Charitamrita.

    Coming to your original question, Lakshmi is thus the consort for the supreme lord in the sattava mode, and BhadraKali is the consort in the tamas mode. For origins of Durga, I suggest read up a little bit, because she is a combination of different shaktis.

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    • Volunteer

      Hare Krsna mataji Accept my humble obeisances AGTSP! Thankyou very much for this nice explanation, but still my doubt is like why is Godess Lakshmi the daughter of Ma Durga as both are the same.

      Your servent

      • Volunteer

        Dear Priya Mataji, even if Lakshmi Mata appeared as Daughter of Durga Mata will it make much difference?! 

        For example, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna appeared as a Son of Mother Sachi. In this way if Lakshmi Mata wants to appear in this world She can do that any how, from someone's womb or from a lotus flower.

        Krishna is ready to fulfill His Devotee's desires. For example, if You do Your chanting very nicely and cultivate desire to have Mother Lakshmi as Your daughter or Krishna Himself as Your Son then He will fulfill Your desire.

        Maybe Durga Mata performed many austerities and chanted very nicely so that Mother Lakshmi became her Daughter. ;-)

        Your servant,   

        • Volunteer

          Hare Krsna dear Bhaktin Maral mataji, now i understood the concept! Thankyou very much! May Krsna bestow His luv and causless mercy upon u! And I wish u as well all the devotees who replied to my question a very happy new year! Take care

          Ys Priya :)

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Bhaktin Maral mataji and Namapriya mataji. Accept my humble obeisances. AGTSP!

    Bhaktin Maral mataji since my childhood I'm hearing that Godess Lakshmi is the daughter of Ma Durga. Even the same thing I heard from my parents and grandparents. And also if u surf on net u'll find the same thing here is a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshmi It says that "In Durga Puja in Bengal, Lakshmi is considered to be a daughter of Durga along with her sister Saraswati and her brothers Ganesha and Karthikeya"

    And NamaPriya mataji thankyou for u response, please if u can eloborate it.

    Your humble servent


  • Priya mataji,

    From my limited knowledge of reading scriptures, this is what I found.

    Durga mata is the maha maya or the external potency of the lord.She assists the lord with creation.

    Radharani is the hladini shakti or the internal pleasure potency of the lord.She is simply there to provide pleasure to lord.

    All Lakshmis have emanated from Radharani and derive their beauty etc from her.I say all Lakshmis as there is one in each universe accompanying the Garbodakshyai Vishnu.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Priya Sutradhar Mataji, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    If so then bread and note book also the same. why not we eat note book then?

    The both consist of earth, water, fire, air, ether. Then why for lunch we prefer to eat bread?

    The Krishna Conscious philosophy is achintya beda a beda tattva simultaneously oneness and difference.

    Even though Durga Mata the material expansion of Srimati Radharani but they are one and different.

    Lakshi Mata also is expansion of Srimati Radharani but again They are different. They serve to Krishna in different moods.

    In this way if we worship Durga Mata then we will go to Kailash and live with Her. But if worship to Srimati Hara who is Srimati Radharani then we will go to Vrindavan.

    If we worship to Lakshmi Mata then we will go to Vaikuntha.

    Could You please write where did You read that Lakshmi Mata is the daughter of Durga Mata?

    Your servant, 

    • Hari Bol Mataji!

      All glories to Sri Guru & Gauranga!

      Mataji, in the first volume of KRSNA The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Chapter 53: Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini, page 237,


      "Rukmi.. offered her prayers to the deity by saying, "My dear goddess Durga,

      I offer my respectful obeisances unto you as well as to your children." The

      Goddess Durga has four famous children: two daughters--the goddess of fortune,

      Lakshmi, and the goddess of learning, Sarasvati--and two famous sons, Lord

      Ganesha and Lord Karttikeya. They are all considered to be demigods and

      goddesses. Since the goddess Durga is always worshiped along with her famous

      children, Rukmi.. specifically offered her respectful obeisances to the deity

      in that way; however, her prayers were different. Ordinary people pray to the

      goddess Durga for material wealth, fame, profit, strength and so on; Rukmi..,

      however, desired to have Krsna for her husband and therefore prayed to the

      deity to be pleased upon her and bless her.



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