Hare Krisna.All glories to Radha-Krisna. Please accept my humble obesciance.My pronam to all probhujis and matajis. Please forgive my mistakes.


             The birds bring up their babies by only touching them. The fishes make their children grow by only observing them. And the tortoises bring their babies up onli by 'meditation'. They lay their eggs on the bank of any river or sea and then entering into that river or sea, they think about their eggs and babies. In this way their babies are brought up.


              We, according to our desire, are placed in this planet earth. The eaternal residence of our absolute father (sri krisna jagatang tato, jaganmata cho radhika) Lord sri Krisna and absolute mother Radharani is Golok-Brindabon, which is far away from our planet. Then how can we contact with our father and mother? How can we send any messeges or receive the same? Is their any powerful communication system?


               Yes, there is. As the above stated tortises bring their babies up by only thinking from a distance, thus only by strong meditation we would be able to contact with Goloka. Also when we chant, that powerful sound wave make us enable to communicate directly with our father Lord sri Krisna.


                So, if we chant continuously, then in spite of the huge physical distance from Goloka, we would practically live our life in the family of lord sri Krisna and lastly we would be able to go back to Goloka-Brindabon.

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  • Volunteer

    Goloka Vrindavan is not far at all. Simply go out and perform Harinam/Sankirtana and create Goloka Vrindavan in your own village or city.

    Vijayate SriKrishna Sankirtanam!!

    Ps. It is not clear what you mean by chant continuously, Japa continuaously, Kirtana, Harinam or Bhajana.

    Please forgive me if I offended you. Please correct me if I am wrong. Also chant what? I am assuming you mean chanting Maha Mantra or Krishna's Names.


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