Chanting & krishna

Hare Krishna To All Devotees _/\_Please Accept My Humble Obeisances...l have heard & read at many places in bonafide literatures that krishna's name, form & pastimes are not different from Krishna... There is no difference... (if am wrong please correct me)So my question is- why I am not able to chant attentively... ?Whereas, if I hear kirtan or Srimad Bhagwatam in audio... I feel, I am more attentive and can hear it for long...if krsna's name is similar to Him then I must relish transcendental pleasure... is it not? But still I feel its really difficult to chant attentively and hear sound vibrations...I know problem is with me... because I have seen devotees relishing transcendental nectar while chanting.... So, kindly help me to improve my chanting and forgive me if I committed any offence....Your servant,Dolly.

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  • do u sing for lord krishna?

    • Hare Krishna Prabhuji
      yes I do sing during Sandhya arti.
  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Mataji,


    Its absolutely OK to inquire about chanting mataji. It is not an offence at all. Pls do not apologise.

    You may need to do the following, some of them you may be doing already:

    1) Get up at 4.00 am to chant.

    2) Try to finish your rounds before 8.00 am.

    3) You may need to associate with devotees more, atleast once a week.

    4) You may need to read yourself - everyday as a vow, either Bhagavad Gita, or Srimad Bhagavatam for atleast half an hour.

    5) If you have devotee friends, you may think of getting together with some matajis and chant together, where you are saying the mahamantra for the whole round together. This will help your concentration, tell you whether you are moving the beads too fast, or too slow.

    6) Listen to Srila Prabhupada's chanting while you chant.

    7) If you have access to net, then do google on the life of Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakura, with special emphasis on his daily routine. I find that very inspiring. You may also google about the 6 goswamis and Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura. You may visit the site

    In one of HG Gauranga Prabhu's lecture, I heard that the two hours of chanting depends on what you do the rest of 22 hours. It is a good idea to simplify your life, there shoudl not be too many commitments - esp. social, because that is an impediment to chanting.


    Your servant,

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    • Hare krsna Rashmi Mataji,
      Thank you for your guidance. I will try and follow above listed points and give my best...
      Thank you :)
      Hare Krishna.
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