Chanting after eating non veg

Hare krishna to all prabhujis and matajis.

Dandwat Pranaam

I am a non vegeterian. Can I chant on beads after eating non veg? because I am 14 years old and I cannot disturb my parents if I chant in bramha muhurt.We have a very small house so I cnnot disturb my sleeping parents. Only time I chant is afternoon. So can I chant after lunch and after eating non veg??

Hare krsna

Dandwat pranaam

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    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    Yes.Please chant when you can. It is important to chant, doesnt matter when and after what. Keep chanting and see things becoming favourable.


    Your servant,

    Radha Rasamayi DD

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