Hare Krishna,
I need guidance about how to be attentive while chanting.
My experience is while chanting i lose my attention unknowingly. And when try to be attentive, get confused whether I should pay attention to the mahamantra 'Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare" or my attention should be on Krishna, I mean the Krishna idol, or otherwise. Please enlighten me with your precious advise on my serious concern.
Hari bol.
Dandavat pranam,
Im not qualified enough to guide but hopefully we can share experiences on this subject.
Chanting loud looking at the Hare Krsna maha mantra words helps . While chanting we have to get our mind back into chanting if it goes aloof. As we are materially conditioned souls so we are most prone to offend the devotees, due to our modes of nature,This affects chanting greatly as offensive to devotees is very serious. Whenever we tend to think anything bad about the devotees, we have to think that Krsna can forgive an offense done to him, but not to the devotees. Our mind finds special satisfaction in offending and trying to justify that offense being correct , but that at the cost of our love for Krsna .
Eating offered food, and providing service to Krsna in any form, like being in the temple doing kitchen service, offering flowers etc will develop love for Krsna.
Even if we struggle hard for chanting, Krsna sees our endavour and will bless us in the times to come. Associating with non devotees too much is also like being taken away from Krsnas mercy. We should be very careful with our association.
very true prabhu ji,
i am also a neophyte and had the same problem so much so that i used to become frustrated with my lack of attention and give it up. this went on for a long time. but now what i am trying and finding helpful is that - start with a limited no. of malas , so that one doesn't get impatient - when will the requisite no. of malas will be over and try to read the mahamantra in your mind if you are fond of reading or better still hear your own voice as u chant(slightly more difficult). mind does wander but doesn't matter, bring it back when u realize it has wandered off.treat yourself as gently as u would a child who is trying to accomplish a difficult task.
hoping for my own and other neophytes progress
Madhumita Mataji, Once HG Jayapataka Swami Mahraj was asked the question, "How do I concentrate while chanting the Maha Mantra?"
He advised "1. To chant loudly: By chanting loudly we will be less distracted.
2. Say the prayer, Nama Om Vishnu padaya .....
SriKrishna Caitanya prbahu Nitya Nanda....
, before you are about to chant a round of mala. This will help your concentration."
Chanting in the presence of a senior devotee, who chants with attention will help you chant better. I have read in one of the books of Bhakti Vinod Takore that a beginner in chanting Japa must chant with senior devotees for about an hour everyday to help them in chanting Mahamantra. This is not always possible, but if you can go to a morning program, where there will be a lot of devotees, you can perform Japa with them, more successfully with focus.
Try to perform Sankirtana, where you get to chant loudest in the open streets. You will get the most focus here. Loud Bhajana in the temple is also nice.
I personally think of Jagannath when I am loudly chanting, usually Nagar Sankirtana. I am distracted very little by singing at the top of my voice.
When doing mala japa, I heard a senior devotee, a Prabhupad innitiate say that you just chant the mantra and focus on hearing of the sound of Maha mantra, and over time you will see the form of Krishna manifest. (not in the material sense, but what you can see/feel)
Hope my answer is helpful.
PS. We must also not commit Namaparada, 10 offenses against the Holy Names of Krishna. This is very important, if we want to progress nicely in Krishna Consciouness. (there is a thread for that)
Hare Krishna
Jai Shri Krishna..
Mataji Dandavat Pranam,
You question is a very good one. Krishna is none different from His name, The Holy scriptures that he imparted his Deity form or the Maha Mantra. So whether you concentrate on the Name or the Form it's all the same. What ever you do, please do try to concentrate only on him.
It takes lots of practice and it's worth it.
Hare Krishna,
You may find following link helpful in order to increase your understanding and quality of chanting.
It will also help you to clear most of questions and queries rises in once mind regarding chanting. Not only that but one will also come to know many secrets,
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna
Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama
Hare Hare
and be happy.