
it is very difficut for me to chant hare krishna maha mantra ,as it takes me 10-12 min for one round n hardly i do 4-5rounds a day.sometimes i think i m not chanting the right way.cud any one tell me the right way to chant.hare krishna.

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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Indira n Rangwar Mataji, Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

     In the beginning for me also was difficult to chant quickly. You do better than me if 10-12 minutes, i used to spend 15.

    Just by practicing Your tongue will use to chant correctly. And also here in Audio section or anywhere find Srila Prabhupada's japa recordings, listen and sometimes try with Him. And soon You will learn.

     There is nothing impossible just we should have desire.

    Good luck!

    Your servant,

  • Hare Krishna

    Practice make one perfect.

    Abhyasena tu Kaunteya

    Please go to link below:

    While Chanting with correct pronunsations try to study the Bhagavad Gita on line or with a book and simultaniously visualize His activities. After that move to Srimad Bhagavatas.

    The fact that there is a desperation in achieving greater numbers and to do it right is a testimony of your sincerity.

    Chant between 4-6 am.



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