Why it Takes So Long to Achieve Our Goal?

Hare Krsna Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances..

All Glories to HDG Swami Srila Prabhupada.


When one finally opens his spiritual eyes and takes to the path of Krsna Consciousness, is it true that Maya tightens her grip on the escaping devotee? and if so - why is it?

Because just as we desired to come here to enjoy with very little ease to this material platform of life, why then is it so difficult to go back home back to Godhead, Goloka Vrindavan? as we have to wait until the point of death when our body suffers and our mind is gets disturbed with millions of thoughts.




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    Hare Krishna Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
    Even ant considers his life very long, in Kali Yuga their life span also is reduced even though 8-12 days they consider as 60-80 of our years. 

    Mosquito lives nearly 8-9 hours and for that periods he grows, gets married, has children, get diseased and die...

    In this way Demigods see us living for 1-2 months and dying. Similarly Lord Brahma sees lower Demigods dying within few years or so.

    In this way we are soul and our age is eternal. But at this time we put into this conditioning that we are this body which will live nearly 100 years. So accordingly consciousness should be there in order to use time properly.

    So tolerance and faith that i am not this body and this life is very short. Just 20-25 years back i was a baby but those years passed away like a second in this way will pass other 20-25 years.

    So it is not so long time.

    And in the reality Demigods are seeing from up down Devotees who are engaged in Harinaam and crying:

    "Oh Govinda!!! Within 2 months this people are chanting the Holy Names and going back to Goloka Vrindavan! How fortunate they are! We have to live here for 10 000 years but they are achieving success only within 1-2 months".

    Because of that they are standing in line to take birth in the Devotee families and do Harinaam.

    Your servant,  

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