Hare Krishna for all devotees.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

sometimes we are actually hankering after pure devotional service to Lord Krishna but due to our desires in our heart we become a pessimistic person because we think we cannot do it, so the question is can we render an unalloyed or pure devotional service to Lord Sri Krishna although we are in the midst of material desires?

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  • Hare prabhu

    Hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare haree hare rama hare rama rama rama hare haree
  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna,


    Yes, we can render pure devotional service even while being materially entangled with desires and lust. To the extent we are rendering pure devotional service, to that extent our service is accepted and it does not have any reaction, unlike normal activity which will always have a reaction, positive or negative. In fact this is the way in which to increase our love for Krsna. We should not wait to get to the platform of pure devotee to render devotional service. Suppose we are doing a particular service for say 5 min., (maybe chanting with full attention and concentration), then for 5 min., we are pure devotee and in the mode of pure goodness.

    Like this, gradually, the duration of pure devotional service increases, and the desire to serve increases, the love for Krsna increases, we are thinking more and more in which manner we can serve... that is the path to becoming a pure devotee. Krsna is pleased with whatever pure devotional service we render and He grants us more service as a reward. That is what a pure devotee wants, to serve the lord in whichever capacity the lord pleases.

    I hope I have been able to answer your question.


    Your servant,


    • Thank you for your useful advice mataji, it answers my question that usually confused my mind.

      Hare Krishna

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