Can we criticizing Sai Baba

First lets see is he vaisnava?

I can say that he was many times visiting Vrindhavan, singing many times Krishna bhajans...and inspired others to do that.

Can anyone tell me why he isnt vaisnava ?

Can we criticize person who was glorified Lord Krishna every single day. No matter of anything else which we disagree with him?

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  • Volunteer

    If one person is deluding simple people from the true path one should take actions and stop him. As for example, Bhaktivinod Thakur showed an example. 

    He stopped a yogi who was claiming himself as god and cheating hundreds of simple people, raping girls as a result it will lead to bad population...and other illicit things. 

    So if a true Vaishnav do not pay attention to that and stop him then it is a violence.

    Please understand this Dean Prabhu!

    I heard that there was real saint some Baba but after that many were fake.

    Once Srila Prabhupada told: "Real, true worshipers of Sai Baba will go to him, there is no doubt. And he went to hell so all who follow him also will go to hell."

    So if one is a saint one should accept a Guru in one of 4 authorized Sampradayas. And should not allow his followers to call him as god. Should be a goswami who can control his senses.

    Even i can go to Vrindavan and try to say people to chant and dance. But that does not show that i am true Vaishnav.


    Your servant in serving to Srila Prabhupada, 

  • Volunteer

    just to be clear, which Sai Baba are we talking about? the one of Shirdi, or that fake fellow with millions of followers who add "Sai" to various bhajans?

    • Why critisize anyone? Why not take what you can laern if anything and discard the rest. Critisizng makes it your problem, not theirs. :)

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