Please Accept My Humble Obeisance.All Glories To Srila PrabhupadaAll Glories To Srila Guru Maharaj, Srimati Guru Matarani & Sriman GaurangachandraHare KrishnaI understand the gopis have the highest bhava and prema towards Sri Krishna. But does this mean that Krishna in Mathura and in Dvarka is unimportant?Please forgive me if I have created offense in asking this question.Your servant,Bhakta David

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    Hare Krishna David Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    When Hamunan was carrying huge stones to the ocean there was a tiny insect who also was carrying some dust in order to help to build a bridge over the ocean. That insect was wetting his body in the water and go to the sand roll his body on that sand and come to the working field and put that sand on the bridge and again repeating it. Seeing this Hanuman told him not to hinder him.

    But Lord Rama told to Hamunan that this insect is doing the same type of devotional service as like you Hanuman. Yours and his service are both equal in My eyes.

    In this way Lord did not say that one Devotee's service is bigger or lesser. He sees the intention.

    Gopis do their best in order to please Krishna, queens in Dwaraka also do their best in order to please Krishna. All of them are doing their best to please Krishna. And for Krishna all of them are dear.

    Even a single dust in Vrindavan is a living being and he is very dear Krishna. What to speak of others.

    Your servant,

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