Building temple and astrology

Hare Krishna,

All glories to Srila Prabhpada.

I was born on 22nd March 1979, 2am, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. I have a dream to build few temples for Lord Krishna and Lord Narsimha Dev. Also I have a dream to make roads in Ahobilam perfect such that devotees can visit without any pain.

Based on my dob is it possible that I can undertake those activities before my life will be over, or I have to born again to fulfill those dreams.

Need help from KC astrologers.

Hari Bola.


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    Hare Krishna Pratap Prabhuji, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Your dreams are glorious. 

    For Krishna no matter what big or small thing we do. He sees our intentions. As like for Him was equal both Hanuman and that tiny spider. 

    At this time look to Your position, if You have abilities to do what You dream about than You do that. But if it too difficult that while doing You have leave Your chanting and all then better not to go for it. 

    Because of that the most important thing is to build that Temple in our heart and be in the association of Devotees. 

    Also we should take shelter of a bona fide Guru and inquire from him how best we can serve. 

    In order to please someone first we have to ask and know what that person wants from us, isn't it?

    Then we have to do what he wants. As like it is not pleasing when to bring a cup of milk when i requested you to bring just water to quench my thirst. 


    Yes, better You associate with Devotees and take shelter of Guru.

    Your servant, 

    • Very good answer mataji.

      Hari Bola.

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