
  • Volunteer

    Prabhu, You can fast today and beg forgiveness. Fasting is very much needed. Lord loves when we fast for His pleasure. 

    You could eat something Ekadashi but not corn flakes. Or else some ground nuts but not grains. It is not so good. But You can fast today and have same result. 

    Fasting on Ekadashi purifies our heart, washes away millions of sinful reactions, makes us determinate, makes mind calmer, increases our devotion to God. What to speak of some other material by products...

    Because of that for Ekadashi i get ready one day before.

    So what i do?

    I eat foods which give enough energy for breakfast. Foods like figs, other dry fruits, paneer, 

    For lunch also i eat foods which give enough energy. 

    Then take light dinner around 4-5 and after some time drink enough water. Dinner should not be too late and too heavy. There should be space for drinking much water. 

    So in this way fasting nirjal becomes easier. 

    And of course we have to pray. 

    Better to fall unconscious rather than eating grains on that day. As it happened with Bhima.

    Your servant, 

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