
  • Hare Krishna! Dandavat Pranam!

    Adiyen's humble opinion that the question need to be understood from Prabhu's (one who raised it) perspective.

    Adiyen's opinion: Prabhu may be trying to ask 'is it possible to maintain brahmacharya after having kid(s), in the pursuit of krishna consciousness' ?

    Sarvam Krishnaarpanam!

  • Sex is only meant for procreation within marriage. The purpose of such union is to beget KC children and not personal sense gratification. If a KC couple indulge in sex to beget KC children which they will raise to become first class vaishnavas it is as good as worshiping the deity.

    However, unless both partners can happily commit to maintain this standard,it can be controversial and can lead to other issues like cheating. If both partners cannot maintain this standard then it should be regulated and kept to the minimum. Srila Prabhupada explains in Perfect Question Perfect Answers that vedic civilization is to reduce sex to almost nil.

    By experiencing higher taste of Krishna Consciousness, sexual pleasure would seem insignificant.

    By the way, Lord Chaitanya is a special incarnation and although we should try to be completely free from sex desire, the lord is more pleased by devotional service than perfect vows of celibacy.
    • E-Counselor

      Hare Krsna Kyu Prabhuji,


      WHat you have described is grihasta ashram, as against grihamedhi. Brahmacharya in grihasta life means getting an unpaid maid to do all the housework and take care of parents. THat is what I am questioning - what is the purpose of marriage? 


      Your servant,

      Radha Rasamayi DD

      • Bhramachari does  not necessarily mean naishtik bhramchari, one who is totally free from sex. 

        "A devotee should observe the vow of celibacy. Celibacy does not necessitate that one be absolutely free from sex life; satisfaction with one’s wife is permitted also under the vow of celibacy. The best policy is to avoid sex life altogether. That is preferable. Otherwise, a devotee can get married under religious principles and live peacefully with a wife."
        Srila Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam, 3.27.7, purport
        You can listen about Ghrihasta Bhramachari here by HH Radha Govind Swami:
        Ofcourse, if wants to be a naishtik bhramachari like Bhima then there is no point in getting married.
  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    What is your purpose in becoming a grihasta? Someone to take care of household chores, thats all? 

    Why would you want to remain brahmachari and be a grihasta? What is the purpose of marraige then? 


    YOur servant,

    Radha Rasamayi DD

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