Bhagwad gita 18.16

Hare Krishna devotees,

I am posting this quesltion not because I don't know the reply. Not because I have no books to read and find the reply myself.

But just want some devotees to get involved who are finding it tough to practice bhakti and who want to improve their bhakti  and looking for association online.

I'd love all of you to participate and write  comments.

There may be deviations from what you know and what is in the books. So I encourage you to read the book and then check your knowledge 

There is no competition here. No showing off their expertise because all information is already in books. You need to read which we don't like most of us are averse to reading books. Some of us think we know everything that is present why to read more. But we don't ! thats the truth.

When we start to study in depth about a subject we try to look it up the concerned books and find the truth.

So I would request those users or devotees to look up the concerned book and study well before they answer the question.

In this way we can you this discussions page to improve our bhakti.

Therefore one who thinks himself the only doer, not considering the five factors, is certainly not very intelligent and cannot see things as they are. ( 18.16 BG)

What could be the 5 factors that Lord is mentioning here? 

It is discussion not just posting the copy paste of the books. Pls. discuss and explain each factor and how are we becoming unintelligient when we are feeling we are the doers?


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  • HARE KRISHNA To all kind devotees,

    Who are humble want really want to learn what is the explanation of this verse. 18.16 BG

    THIS PRABHU JI explained it in a simple and super clear way and I think  it is best and easy explanation to the verse.

    I appreciate Hare Krsna TV and the prabhu ji for giving a wonderful explanation with the video it made it so clear to me.

    That is why I said I know now because saw this vid.

    HARE KRSNA TV channel is working so hard to post such important and beautiful verses with videos and spreading knowledge to the masses, all glories to Gauranga  Das prabhu ji. So much knowledge  prabhu ji has yet so humble.

    Thank you IDT and Gauranga das prabhu ji.

    Hare Krishna.

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    • Is this the explanation you have for this verse. I mean verse has purport and it the purport this much is only give.

      Can you explain more or lets wait for anyone else to explain.

    • I give you suggestion it is upto you to take or not to take. You are making a hell big issue of this as if I am someone who is wrong. 
      Yes. I feel Dhirendra shastri ji can do this. so I suggested his name. They are big organization with an agenda to establish Sanatan dharma and protect the cows. They are not vote biased.

    • Hare Krishna,

      Why don't you think Lord might have told you or gave you some hint thru me to go to Dhirandra shastri ji.?

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        • I think one must go to or write a letter to DHirandra shastri ji indicating the condition. As they are a big orginization they might really help and our work of saving the cow will be done. If we cannot go and do personally as we maybe busy in occupational duty. We must inform certain organizations they will do it.

          It is a suggestion. to take it or not to take it it is in your hands.

          we can only suggest. I never asked you to go and join. If you can join it is well and good. As one man cannot do this. You need a group. You can keep fighting with me. I think you don't like anyone's suggestions. Simple thing if anyone suggest you can take or not take why create a big deal of it?


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            • I am getting you prabhu ji.

              but still dhirendra ji can help that is my opinion only. Its upto you to take it or not take it.

              if you think he is wrong. It is also you opinion.

              I don't impose on to others whatever I think is right.
              This is forum not war zone. We present our opinions sometimes to substantiate and explain things. I think you carry forward things to far.

              I am not interested in fights.

              I wanted the reply with reasoning and explanation of the question asked.

              You left the question and talking something else which you hold on it.

              You may keep fighting. I guess it is a kind of pride that whatever you understand whatever you think is only correct and rest all are fools.


              you can watch this.

              Dheerandra Shastri ji is also doing a great effort and joining some big organization for a good cause is always adviced. If you want to protect cows. You alone cannot fight. We must join hands then only cows can be protects.

              If I suggest something it doesn't mean you keep fighting on it to me. You may simple say yes or no. Keeping on arguing shows you cannot accept anyone but yourself.

              Hare Krishna.

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            • Shastri ji is a disciple of Ramabhadracharya ji. Even iskcon is supporting him. I think all sanathani's are joining him.

              many cows are rescued and the person is having special gifts from Hanuman ji.

              I feel he is not a fake baba ji.

              • Instead of arguing you should focus on the question and its explanation more.:-) prabhu ji.

                I know the explaination. But I want people to participate.

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    • Ofcourse, nothing is easy without effort.

      Even taking birth from the womb of the mother you had to endure lot of pain not only the mother.

      You know whatever in life which is called " precious" is not easy.

      and diamonds are always pricey and not easy while the stone are easy available have no price and no value for them.

      Whatever is tough and challenging is always worth it to achieve also.

      Now bhakti means comittment, bhakti means following strictly regulative principles laid by acharyas

      bhakti means practicing daily comitted rounds.

      bhakti means to restrict oneself from all bad activities and stopping from tea, coffee , onion garlic and everything that is not favorable to Krishna bhakti.

      You pay that much price and sacrifice you will be rewarded heavily.

      yeah Goloka ticket is pricey.

      But we can't just keep thinking oh the price to Goloka is very high..I may not be able to afford it. Does it help?

      We can start striving to do something in that direction. Some day or some life time from now. We may be able to fulfill all the requirements and become eligible for Goloka.

      It is worth trying.  There is no loss in this endeavor .. ONLY GAIN.

      In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear. ( 2.40 BG)

      But instead if we keep on looking at the list and thinking oh I cannot do this.. maybe it is not for me...?? when will you complete the requirements??? Ofcourse krishna wont bother. He will say take your sweet time.

      "If someone gives up self-gratificatory pursuits and works in Kåñëa consciousness and then falls down on account of not completing his work, what loss is there on his part? And, what can one gain if one performs his material activities perfectly?" (Bhäg. 1.5.17

      Hare krishna


      Bhagavad Gita As It Is Original by Prabhupada
      Bhagavad Gita is Krishna's battlefield discussion with Arjuna. By A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. With search engine, art gallery, original Sans…
      •  At least one is sure to have a chance in the next life of being born again as a human being, either in the family of a great cultured brähmaëa or in a rich aristocratic family that will give one a further chance for elevation. That is the unique quality of work done in Kåñëa consciousness. ( 2. 40 purport)

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