Hare Krishna!
Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

in BG-3.19 - "Therefore, without being attached to the fruits of activities, one should act as a matter of duty, for by working without attachment one attains the Supreme"

My question is,

As we are Krsna Conscious, we constantly want to go to Krsna Dhama and our motto is to stay with the Lord Krsna. This is also a Fruitful activity.

What is the explanation behind this?

Hari Bol!

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  • Volunteer

    also it is like we should not chant for being ourselves happy but chant to make Krishna happy.

    If we do that happiness automatically comes.

    So Krishna knows how to achieve happiness. So knowing that tactic Krishna is teaching us because He wants us to be happy. As like mother always loves her child to be happy, doesn't she?!

    So is Krishna.

    If suppose we work in our job place for 7 hours a day so if we are attached to the salary then always we will think of that salary not the job we are doing. 

    And because that salary will come only after one month for full month we are unhappy because what we want is far yet. So better to concentrate mind on the present activity and get happiness from that.

    'oh I am driving a car I am doing it for You my Lord Krishna!' 

    or if I am a doctor 'I am curing this person because I want to please You my Lord!'...in this way we become happy every moment. 

    And fruit will come automatically.

    The same is with Spiritual desires. Lord Chaitanya says 'I do not want to go to Goloka Vrindavan, if You wish let me take birth again and again but no matter what let Me to chant Your Holy Names and serve You, please You!'

    Your servant, 

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