BG 15.16 Very Important Question

Hare Krishna ,

Many devotees told me because we had cheated KRISHNA ,

that is why we were put in this material world,in which soul keeps on changing

body ..

When soul reaches vaikunth or spritual planet it gets its " Sat-chit-ananda " body

        Krishna in BG 15.16 Says

    " There are two kind of living beings fallible and infallible .

      In material world every living entity is fallible ..

      And in Spiritual world every living entity is infallible "

 My Question is


  A).  How can living being fall ( CHEAT ) if we were in spiritual world earlier.

  B).  In spiritual world soul get divine body ( Sat-chit-ananda ) , then Mayavaadi says we will
        become God .


  Please explain !! I knew answer for B. but i have forgot that answer ..

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  • Volunteer


    A) Every soul in the spiritual world has the tendency to serve K , there is no cheating propensity. But when a soul gets a desire to serve by creating something for the Lord, He comes to this material world and becomes brahma to satisfy that desire, If at the end of brahma's life, if he remains unattached, he will go back to Godhead, but if he gets attached to his creation, he will get lower forms of body.

    So every soul coming to the material world first gets a body of brahma.

    B) Because the mayavadis say that they want to become God, that is why Prabhupada and all other acharyas condemn their teachings. They say "even Krishna when He descended had a material body and was subjected to maya, and all of us are narayana, only thing is when we get out of this material entanglement, we become God.".

    So they ultimately want to become God themselves. which is not true as spirit soul is eternally servant and part and parcel of Supreme Lord.


    • Volunteer

      Hare Krishna dear Devotees! please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

      i heard that 500 years before Vasudev Datta prayed to Lord Gouranga:

      -Please, my Lord, i will suffer for all of these souls but please, take them to Your abode. i can not see their sufferings...

      Then Lord  Gouranga told:

      -This universe is like a mustard seed and there are billions of such like mustard seeds as if in the big bag.

       But that time Lord Gouranga fulfilled His desire liberating all living entities and fulfilling this universe again with other living beings from impersonal brahmajyoti. (in this way we are from impersonal brahmajyoti)


       Mayavadis want to be come god - it means they want to emerge in the body of God. Which is the same Brahmajyoti. But as we see from the above story that living entities who stay in brahmajyoti won't be there eternally. When time comes they have to come to this world. 

      Because the soul's nature is to be dynamic not passive. In brahmajyoti one may be only in bliss but no rasa, no emotions...which is opposite to the nature of the soul.

      Your servant, 

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