Hare Krishna

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga. Srila Prabhupada.ki jai.

Anyone wishing to clarifying my confusion. Please do so. You are most welcome.

B Gita 4.12

Men in this world desire success in furtive activities, and therefore they worship the demigods. Quickly, of course, men get result from furtive work in this world.


...................... However, foolish people (hrta-jnana) worship the demigods because they want immediate results. They get the results, but do not know that results so obtained are temporary and are meant for less intelligent persons. .............

Teachings From The Govardhana Lila.

In a Prabhupada’s lecture during the Govardhana Puja.

Message was that whatever we get in life is a result of our previous Karma. If our Karma was according to our prescription then can Indra withhold...NO

Q: How are the two to be understood (please reconcile them)

Hare Krishna

Mohanrupa Das

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  • Volunteer

    Demigods are representatives of Krishna.

    If we live according rules and regulations of Bhagavatam then Demigods automatically give us everything. Like air, water, rain...it is their duty. As our duty is to offer to them lots of yagyas.

    But in this age we are very poor in order to offer something to Demigods.  Only way is to worship Krishna - the root of all causes. And by His order all other Demigods will give us rain, everything which we need in His- Krishna's service.

    No need to go for other Demigods. If we just worship Krishna all Demigods will be satisfied and give everything needed again it is their duty.

    Your servant, 

    • ok thanks

      so if our living is accordingly then those activities add to our pious karma(although worship to Krishna is bhakti not pious deeds bt for the purpose of our discussion.....) and we will be happily situated without the need to worship anyone for anything specific.

      • Volunteer

        if we are performing our acts in Krishna Consciousness then we won't earn any pious nor impious results. On the other hand Hare Krishna Maha Mantra moves even pious results from our karma. 

        It might be so that in one person's destiny one should be very wealthy, as like Srila Prabhupada, but when He starts to worship Krishna then Krishna may not make that karma of wealthiness come true but help him to progress in his devotional service.

        In this way when we chant our karma now Krishna karma. Krishna will decide which part of karma to fulfill and which part is not necessary.

          Devotee's happiness does not base on material situations. He may have super nice wife or wonder-kids and very nice job but these things are not real source of his happiness.

        Only happiness Devotees derive from is the Holy Names. But Holy Names we can chant even not being so successful in material life. Anyone can chant and be in the top most pick of the happiness.

        Your servant, 

        • ok thnks

          i think i have understood.

          thanks once again

          Hari bol

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