authentic narasimha gayatri mantra

hare krishna

Please provide me authentic narasimha gayatri mantra. Also what are the benefits of reciting
narasimha gayatri mantra, can we recite narasimha gayatri mantra daily?

Please qoute, where is narasimha gayatri mantra mnetioned in the shastra?

hare krishna!!!

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  • Volunteer

    my humble obeisances Prabhu,

    every mantra will have power if that was given by person's Diksha Guru. Otherwise no matter how much one will chant one won't progress.

    So especially Gayatro Mantra is chanted only received by proper Guru in disciplic succession.

      Your servant, 

    • Volunteer

      You can chant Narasimha Kavachi Mantra which was chanted by Prahlada Maharaja. It is in 6th Canto of Bhagavatam.

      Your servant, 

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