Hare Krishna Earth!

I've read a lot of rumours about Ashwathama's presence in India, but they all seem fake. All publicity gimmicks.

I would like to know whether Ashwathama , Hanuman and Lord Parasurama are still present physically on Earth today? If yes, why don't they interact with people like us?

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    well they do exist and for the most part these cheeranjivis are all meditating. The example of Tulsidas and Hanumanji is probably the best one and my favorite. Only when you develop such strong love for Krishna (or Rama, etc.) then you may be blessed to see Hanumanji, the top most servitor of the Lord. But he cannot be seen unless he wishes too.

    If you are interested in Ashwathama's presence : http://karsevakindia.blogspot.com/2011/07/is-ashwathama-alive.html

    seems interesting, maybe true... if Krishna exists as does Hanumanji, and the mahabharat is not a fairy tale, chances are Ashwathama is out there along with many other cheeranjivis.

    Countributed by Sandip Chakraborty In the Indian epic Mahābhārata, Ashwatthama (Sanskrit: अश्वत्थामा, Aśvatthāmā) or Ashwatthaman (Sanskr...
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