Somewhere on the net I have come across an article that says that Agamas are a part of Vedic literatures and there are three types of Agama :
1. Vaishnava 2. Shiva & 3. Shakta/Tantra.
The third Agama i.e Tantra Agama dwells upon esoteric science expounded by Lord Shiva to Shakti i.e Parvati ji. The tantriks/Aghoris follow this Agama and perform many activities, to gain esoteric powers, that any normal person would consider as abominable. This includes eating raw flesh of a dead human being, drinking human blood from human skull, meditating on a dead human body etc. Videos are on You tube and everything looks extremely ghastly.
My query is, whether our Vedic scriptures have written about such things for a certain class of people ?
Please comment on the basis of scriptures.
Thank you for sharing the part of article, Prabhuji...
Hinduism is vast like an ocean. Vaishnavas, Shaivas and Shaktas have their own Agama and they consider them on the par with Vedas. For example, we Vaishnavas consider Panchratra tantra on par with the Vedas and Shaivas and Shaktas consider own Agama on par with Vedas. Each class of people have their own method of attaining Moksha.
I have read that many new tantras within each three group has arisen in kali-yuga and this has led to lot of Adharma in the name of Sanatan dharma. For example Vam-marga, kuda-panthi marga etc are spreading lies by fabricating false scriptures and legitimating illicit sex, intoxication etc. Many new English educated false Gurus are diverting young educated people from the path of righteousness.
As the kali-yuga passes, more adharma will spread like fire...