
  • The deities of Radha-Krsna have to be dressed and accessorized according to different seasons and festivals. In winter woolens and in summers cotton clothes are preferable while dressing up the deities. Also, deities should not be dressed very simlply. As Prabhupada stressed, we have to worship Radha-Krsna as Lakshmi- Narayan, so we must try to be as opulent as possible in dressing up the deities. Flowers can serve as wonderful accessories as well. Sandalwood paste is also versatile and can be applied to the deities , specially in summer season.
  • Volunteer


    Do You mean decorating Prabhu?

    If so then first thing we do is praying for Lord's mercy to give us ideas to decorate Him nicely.

    Ideas come from within.

    Another thing is to have desire to make our Deities cuter. And always think what we can do about Their new dresses.

    Always thinking - is very nice ideas will come automatically.

    For example, sometimes we can do manasa seva. Like bathing Radha Krishna, offering arati items, then offering nice dresses, then food. So while thinking of dresses so many nice ideas of dresses will come mind.

    Please try that one Prabhu.

    Also You can search out photos of different Deities and get idea from those photos.

    For example in You can find photos of almost all Deities of ISKCON around the world.

    Your servant,
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