
  • Volunteer



    plenty notes on anger in this link.

  • Hare Krishna.

    If I may, I would just like to express my thoughts on this... I am open to correction and feedback.

    I certainly agree that an unskilled or inappropriate way of venting anger is very detrimental to one's spiritual life, but I also think that it may be counterproductive to judge our own emotions from the point of view of our rational mind.  A strong super-ego is helpful to get us onto and keep us on a "spritual path", but it could also become a dangerous thing if it begins to dominate. What I mean is that one may think that being "good" means only allowing oneself to give expression to thoughts and feelings that are most likely to please others, and therefore have a tendency to internalize, repress or suppress anger or other negative emotions that one fears will cause one to be judged negatively. These suppressed emotions can then take root in the sub-conscious and push their way into our awareness in indirect ways (  compulsions, addictions, irrational behaviors etc. ) If we continue to judge ourselves on the basis of these behaviors we then become caught in a negative cycle that causes us to become convinced the we are the "bad" person that we were trying to avoid being by suppressing the negative emotions. So to allow ourselves some kind of healthy expression of anger, as long as it does not cause harm to another person, is really a lot more non-violent in the long-run.   We can read scripture and think we're doing everything right, but if we don't allow ourselves to be in the present moment without self-judgement we won't be able to make any kind of progess. It's sort of a pardox: when it comes to making spiritual progress we have to learn how to be truly still and accepting of where we're at in the present before we can actually begin to "move forward".

    Anyways, I'm sorry for my rant and hope I am not offending. Please let me know what you think.

  • Volunteer

    yes :)

  • thanx a lot prabhu ji ...d ego is the one of the factor that actully burst out to anger...

    but being a part of the material world sometimes it really becomes difficult to control..

    moreover generally we are hurt ourselves also some or the other place......

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