An impotant aspect of Spiritual Progress

Hare Krishna,


How is storage of sperm and semen in body related to spiritual progress ? What is the exact scientific and spiritual relationship between the two ?

Sperm gives physical strength and intellegence which are helpful for progress.

Is there any higher level  spirtual understanding realated to this Coz women also advance spiritually but they have ovum not sperm.

Please forgive my offence if i hurt anyone by being so frank in this topic.


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    Hare Krishna Rahul Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    It is creative energy. It can create a child also can create other things as like new ideas, other creative things. Body in order to create few grams of sperm spends 1-2 liters of blood. 

    One becomes strong when one has strong intelligence. Intelligence means life according to shastras which means i live as i have to live not as i live as i want to live. 

    Intelligence becomes weak means we can not control our senses. And as a result do sinful things. And sinful things cover our intelligence. It becomes contaminated. No clear mind and intelligence. When senses are not controlled man becomes like a hog. He is ready to do any type of abominable things...

    Strength means the strength of the intelligence the purity of consciousness. Yes, purity is strength. When we commit sin purity goes away. When we over enjoy our senses heart becomes hard compassion goes away. 

    Spiritual advancement comes when one is pure. When one does austerity. And as a result austerity gives determination. As a result one will run to serve to Krishna with full determination. And Krishna says that He will give enough intelligence so that one will be able to understand Him. 

    But when we over enjoy senses we are weak, we will become lazy and loose taste for spiritual life.

    Sense gratification and spiritual life go ill together. 

    Sense gratification means when ones mind is observed with senses objects where as spirituality means to think of Krishna always. So  one or another depends on us.

    As i heard in the lecture in women also the same thing. 

    Your servant, 

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