I hear*He said that Vishnu Naryan is The OM' Personnafyed capable of protecting anyone aganst anything vappable of doing&undoing anything He is Undying and the root of wisdom being a/the most exalent resource & shelter of for the sincerely Slated by their vearyed determinations to became educate by Experienchel understandings for a faith building exercise(s) ISKCON TIMPLES are Vishnu Dom's /houses of Vishnu. Therefore those two Nahrayhonas conspire to inspire this Uncondishional chachanting.
Like /just as ultimately God is at the center-topic of all scriptures. If you team with 2 you won't need to win nor rule the world (s) becoming all attratibe yourSelf by there grace, vatOnce you will ! Have it all?
You won't exhost it' ) ?
I find. & othercs have confirmed!
Like /just as ultimately God is at the center-topic of all scriptures. If you team with 2 you won't need to win nor rule the world (s) becoming all attratibe yourSelf by there grace, vatOnce you will ! Have it all?