can any one pls tell me 'in detail' about all three purush avataras of krishna and from whom kshirodakshayi vishnu appeared i.e from karnodakshayi or from garbhodakshayi ?
i know about paalanhar/kshirodakshayi vishnu but dont know much about other two.
hare krishna !!
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"Runming scarred of & frum Mya's delusional time wasting potancys" Shaktimana dasah )
No offence intended !
Please refer my answer -
Please read Srimad Bhagavatam as well as Chaitanya Charitamrta to clear your questions regarding the Purusha avatars. They give a detailed account of it .
As you know Vishnu incarnations in material world are all plenary expansions of the Adi-Purusha , Krsna .
Plenary expansions are Krsna Himself but Krsna expands into many many expansions in order to carry out the affairs of the Universe . The Adi-Purusha , Krsna stays in Goloka Vrindavana along with His associates relishing loving pastimes with them.
Please have a look at the table in the link .
As the same Lord sits on altar and in the heart of everyone,
the same causal water is in Karana and Garbhodaka ocean.
SB 11.24.10 — I Myself appeared within that egg, which was floating on the causal water, and from My navel arose the universal lotus, the birthplace of self-born Brahmā
please clear this. hare krishna.
As you already know, God is only one, but its seems He is many. Only those who are advanced in spiritual life really knows that.
For better understanding lets say like this:
In the beginning when Lord lie in the causal ocean Karbodaka , He is known as Karbodakashayi, then the same Lord starts to create many universes. In every of these individual material universes He then creates like egg or womb of total material energy-(mahatattva) . Because of that womb -Garbha- the same Lord is known as Garbodakashayi. When Lord lays on Ocean of Milk in every of thiese individual universe, He is known as Kshirodakashayi ( kshira-milk) ,who then enters into the heart of everyone as paramatma.