
Aged Vaishnavi Mother Beaten by her own Son?

Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

There is one aged Vaishnavi Mother. Her son beats her. She depends on him financially because she never did job outside. So what she can do now so that she could practice Krishna Consciousness nicely?

She is the resident of India. 

Do You know any Vanaprastha ashrams here around in India?

Or can You give some other suggestions for her, please?

We thought of some cow seva if she does in some goshalas...but still we do not know in which and how.

Thank You so much!

Your servant, bhaktin maral

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                  • Volunteer

                    if possible yes association with nice Devotees is the best solution You can give to your wife.

                    If nice Devotee woman or girl will become a nice friend of her then she will gain good qualities. 

                    Anyways i did not concoct the idea of saying her to leave the house but took it from the incidents which happened in the past.

                    What will happen with kids? Without father?

                    Divorce is bad for kids and that is not an option.

                    But if You tell her to leave home in this way she will understand that she has to be humble and submissive to You. Not all others submissive for her.

                    Your servant,  

                  • hare krsna


                    good reply mataji. 

  • JAI JAGANNATH...Pranam..Can I know which part of India she is from?

    • Volunteer

      Dear Mataji, she is from Mumbai and stays also there. 

      Your servant, 

  • Hare Krishna,

    Please suggest mataji if I can help her financially. If she has an address I can send her money order every month.


    • Volunteer

      Thank You Pratap Prabhu, for Your kindness!

      Just for this intention You will be very dear to Krishna. 

      Some few Devotees told about some Vaishnavi Ashrams in Tirupati and in Kashmir so will try to contact them and know if she can stay there. 

      Or else we will come back for Your help.

      Thank You again!

      Your servant, 

      • Pl contact ISKCON Udhampur. If possible, she can get place there. They have ashram for vaishnavis as well.

  • Now there are several laws protecting senior citizens from domestic violence , now progeny will provide financial support to his Parents, consult an advocate for more detail. and there are lots of Ashramas in India in every Holy town and cities of India, Where one can lead his/her life in Spirituality.

    Hare Krishna


    • Volunteer

      yes Aditya Prabhu, 

      if some government protection is there then we will inquire about it. But i know another 90 years old lady again beaten by her own son. They do not feed her, and out of hunger she comes to my friend's home begging for Prasadam. They feed her hidden or else son and his wife if they become to know again beat her. 

      So what it means to have unwanted population. And the result of uneducated motherhood.

      So much education is needed. ...

      Your servant, 

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