Hare Krishna πŸ™

Dandwat Pranam πŸ™

I want to share my distress πŸ™πŸ™

I am in krishna conciousness since 2 years..

I got many proposals from many non devotees and devotees too but I didn't accepted and I was not interested at all...

But I came across a devotee and had seldom talk with him and Prabhujee use to always help me with the my doubts regarding krishna consciousness only.And we again remained stopped because I was not having any doubts and its for about 3-4 months...One day I went to a isckon temple..There were Jagannath Swami,Balrama Prabhu and Subhadra mata dieties and I prayed and thanked Jagannath for helping me to find the temple as I was new to that place that day and was afraid too because the location was very off sided and there were many men there no ladies,so I was scared but I only called Radharani and by mercy I reached temple.. I spent whole day there and prasadam too and was waiting for train... Suddenly I remembered Prabhujee.. I don't know why I didn't had any reason but I think that Jagannath bought Prabhujee to my mind suddenly and I messaged him and Prabhujee also talked to me and for somedays we talked and we felt that we were liking each other...But I was scared of doing so but I too fell.. Prabhujee had not informed his parents and they without informing him went to see other girl of his relative. .He always wanted tobmarry me as I was also devotee in some ways .but the girl his parents saw is not a devotee and so he is very unhappy but he says that he can't forget me through his whole life and rest he believed and left everything upon krishna to make decision.. He is such a pure devoted person and so strict in his rules in devotional service.. only that thing is what I love about him ...I also believe that krishna has brought us together and he can bring usΒ  together for life... krishna thinks best for us ...And the last thing is I don't want to make my love a selfish one..if he marries that girl also I always want him to be happy and grow upwards in Bhakti..I only prayed krishna that I just wanted to serve him and that makes me happy...Hare Krishna πŸ™


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