abouth criticizing

Can anyone tell me why we can not criticizing ourselves?

And why we criticize others who are not in the process?

Is criticizing on the same level as offending?

Is being in doubt is criticizing?

How a person can be in doubt ,without anyone saying to him that he is criticizing?

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  • Critisizing ones self is good in a way. Its analyzing and self improvement. If critisizing is based on improving yourself its good. It must come from love though. Beating yourself up is not good. Usually when we critisize others its a point of ego, where we must drive our opinions into others. And critisizing another does not help, it immediately puts them on defense. If however we change that critisizm into a suggestion, they will be more receptive to it. Doubt t t is always a part of spirituality, even when you are in knowing, you may not doubt the lord but can still easily doubt yourself. Doubting yourself in this case, since we are one is really just a bad side effect of duality. Duality of course being necessary for experience. If someone is physically harming another it is of course your duty to step in. If someone is leading another down a bad path, the leader will tend to be full of ego and will, your words will not change him. Making suggestions to his followers is usually better. Suggestions, not critisizm. You can never "save" another person spiritually atleast, it always comes from within.  Ut through suggestions and modeling you can open their own inner guru to guide them. In everything there is purpose, even in that which you may percieve is evil.

    Bless you all and love from the Lord.

  • Volunteer

    Can anyone tell me why we can not criticizing ourselves?

    If we criticize ourselves for being envious to others; for being not able to chant attentive rounds; for disliking and hurting others then we can criticize ourselves. It will uplift us spiritually. 

    And why we criticize others who are not in the process?

      In the process of what, Prabhu? 

    Is criticizing on the same level as offending?

    If criticism hurts other person then it is an offense. But for example, very nice friends can criticize each other out of love that is not offensive. For example, my father tells me that i am naughty, i never listen to others then i am not offended because i know he is saying it out of love. So that i change.

    Is being in doubt is criticizing?

      If to say personally, i feel offended when my true friend does not trust me. Has doubts on my sincerity. Surely i will feel offended. So is Krishna. Because He is a Person. 

    How a person can be in doubt ,without anyone saying to him that he is criticizing?

    Please, clarify this question!

    Your servant, 

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