I have read that the Gaudiya Vasinavas are in Bramha-Madhva-Gaudiya Samprodaya.Lord Sri Krishna gives the Bhagabat  knowledge to Bramha,Bramha gives IT to Narada,Narada gives IT to Vyasdev,Vyasdev gives IT to Madhvacarya  and  so on.

      But Sripad Madhvacarya was born around 1238 A.D and Srila Vyasdev was a very very ancient personality of Dwapara Yuga.So I want to know, how did they come in contact and how did Sripad Madhvacarya get the knowledge of Bhagabatam from Vyasdev ? 

           If someone say these things in details then I shall very grateful to him.


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  • Volunteer

    Madhvacarya's authority verified by Vedic scripture:

    In the GARGA SAMHITA it is written:

    vamanas ca vidih sesah sanako visnu-vakyatah 
    dharmartha-hetave caite bhavisyanti dvijah kalau

    visnusvami vamnangsa-statha madhvastu brahmanah 
    ramanujastu sesanga nimbaditya sanakasya ca

    ete kalau yuge bhavyah sampradaya-pravartakah 
    samvatsare vikramasya catvarah ksiti-pavanah

    sampradaya-vihina ye mantraste nisphalah smritah 
    tasmacca gamanang hyasti sampradaye narairapi


    Vamana, Brahma, Ananta Sesha and Sanaka Kumara will appear as brahmanas by the order of Visnu, for the preservation of eternal righteousness in kali yuga.

    Visnu Swami, Madhvacarya, Ramanuja and Nimbaditya will appear respectively as a portion of Vamana, Brahma, Ananta Sesha and Sanaka Kumara.

    These saviours will be the establishers of the four authorised and empowered spiritual channels of disciplic succession in the period calculated from the reign of King Vikrama in 54 B.C. subsequently through the present era of kali yuga.

    These four authorised and empowered spiritual channels of disciplic succession are to be fully accepted by all beings; as any word, combination of words or formulation of sounds frequencies, invoked or addressed, audible or inaudible, secret or revealed, ancient or contemporary, outside their auspices prove to have absolutely no efficacy.

    Garga Samhita, Canto 10, chapter 61, verses 23, 24, 25, 26

    sampradaya: authorised and empowered spiritual channel of disciplic succession

    vikramasya: the solar year calculated from 54 B.C., the reign of King Vikrama and subsequently through the present and onwards into the future.

    mantraste: any word, combination of words or formulation of sound frequencies, audible or inaudible, secret or revealed, ancient or contemporary used to invoke or address the Supreme Lord.

    • Volunteer

      also You find out the film about the life of Sripad Madhvacharya. These films really gave me some type of realization that the main goal or purpose of human life is TO QUIT THIS MATERIAL WORLD. It is the only problem. Our business should be how to leave this world and go back to Godhead.

      All other things are subordinate to this goal.

      Maintenance for this body will come easily, since Krishna takes care of even ants. No need to work as like an ass in order to earn much money. Even if one is rich or poor one has capacity to eat only 2 chapatis not more...

      i think You can find this 2 series of film here in IDT. 

      Your servant, 

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Prabhuji, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Srila Madvacharya went to the place where still Vyasadev resides and got knowledge from Him.

    Srila Vyasadev still resides somewhere in Himalayas. It is very difficult to reach that place, only pure souls can see Him and reach that place.

    Please correct me if i am wrong!

    Your servant, 

    • Volunteer

      Hare Krishna Mataji. Dandavat pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

      Yes you are rite. There are 7-8 chiranjivees, Vyasa is one among them and he still resides in his Badrika ashrama in Himalaya.

      your aspiring servant

      Hari bol

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