
  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    Best is to chant Hare Krsna mahamantra, the authorised mantra for this age, given by Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Himself. 

    Even when we chant normally on beads and saying the mantra aloud, our mind is wandering all over the place. Then how we can say we are chanting mentally. Is our mind controlled?

    In specific circumstances, when we are forbidden to chant or there are restrictions, we should try to consciously try to chant mentally, as if we are doing it physically and complete our committed number of rounds.


    Your servant,

    Radha Rasamayi DD

    • Can i chant it without initiation or guru and without beads?

      • E-Counselor

        Yes, you have to chant without initiation initially. Only when you have got accustomed to chant 16 rounds and are consistent, can you get initiation in ISKCON.

        Ideally chant on beads. If that is not possible, chant anyways. Chant on counter, on fingers, on excel, on any other counting method that you devise, just chant. That is important.

      • Yes, you can chant without initiation, but using beads is recommended. You can use electronic counters or your fingers but beads are recommended.

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