
About a dream

Hare Krishna,dear devotees!

Last night, I had a wonderful dream of Srila Prabhupada performing kirtana with his devotees on the roof of our house. I saw myself prostrating before him. He chanted 'Hare Krishna' and kept his feet on my back. It was the most blissful moment. I woke up and pondered over this dream. The words of a saint rang in my mind. He told me that such mystical dreams often herald the time of approaching a spiritual master and get oneself initiated. I'm still not a disciple but ever since I came in touch with   Krishna consciousness, I had been looking forward to get myself initiated. Should I undergo the process of initiation in ISKCON ?

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  • Volunteer

    i now one real story of one serious Devotee now who accepted Sannyasa. Who is disciple of HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj.

    Before coming to Krishna Consciousness he saw on His dream Srila Prabhupada giving him Bhagavad Gita and requesting him to read it. After that he found Devotees and read Bhagavad Gita. And from that time he accepted strict celibate life, preached to so many Devotees in Russia, distributed thousands of Books and now is a Sannyasa.

    In this way dreams are not useless things sometimes. Krishna can instruct us even on dreams. 

    But decision is only from our side, we have our own free will.

    Free will of to be depended on Maya or on Krishna.

    Your servant, 

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