A thought.

A claver person solves a problem but a wise person avoids it ..........Albert Einstein.please share your view how this is correct or wrong .it appears very confusing.your servant

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     Hare Krsna Prabhuji. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    Wise is one whose intelligence is used in understanding transcendental subject matter and to great extent influenced by mode of goodness. And a clever is one whose intelligence is influenced by mode of passion and ignorance. Just like a thief is also sometimes called clever for his expertise in stealing. To do sinful activities like robbery, organized crime, intentional killing also needs intelligence , so therefore they are clever but their intelligence is directed by modes of passion and ignorance.So yes nivritti marg is the path of wise and pravitti is the path of the clever ( again clever here means to survive one's existence one's need some kind of intelligence, like an ass also carries load to get grass) in that sense.

    /*one irresponsible person who avoids all problems may be considered wise as he somehow managed to keep himself aloof from the problem.eg.our politicians.*/

    Now quoting your point , The first thing is a wise man is not irresponsible. Irresponsibility is the quality of the person under the mode of passion and ignorance. It is not a transcendental quality. A wise man means who has transcendental quality. A wise man leaves lower responsibility to take higher responsibility. Just like Srila Prabhupada leave his family to take care of a greater family. He didn't just sit down idle in Vrindavana. A wise man doesn't create problems at the first place , but in the case of politicians they first create problems then run away from it, so they can't be called wise. A wise is one who don't create problem altogether because of his ability to foreseen the consquence. Another thing is it is a mundane vision to see that politians are not suffering from the problems they creates. They may avoid few cour trials, few jail punishment but that doesn't mean they are not suffering from mental anxiety, physical illness, sleepless nights, relationship problems, old age, diseases, death etc.

    "A person suffering from skin disease may cover it from public by clothes but he can't cover it from himself". Similarly it may seem externally irresponsible people are managing very nicely by running away from problem, but in fact it is not. Karma leaves no one.

    your aspiring servant

    Hari Bol

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    Hare Krishna Prabhuji. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    The story below nicely give the answer to your question, though it is a mayavadi version. Actually the moral is Here Alexander represents the clever man who thought of that conquering the whole world and acquiring wealt and possession of all the world will solve the problem of unhapiness and bring joy and peace. But when He saw the naked Sadhu he realized that to be happy and be situated in peace one's need not take so much of burden.The saint was happy by avoiding so much problem of conquering world.

    The story of Alexander the great and the Naked Sadhu of India

    When Alexander- the Great, visited India after conquering all the other countries in the world that were known to him, he wanted to see the strange Indians of whom he had been hearing so much. He was just led to a monk or priest on the bank of the Indus river. The monk lay there on the sands, bare-footed, naked, wearing no clothes and not knowing where from his tomorrow's food was to come, just lying there and basking in the sun.

    Alexander, the Great, with his crown shining, dazzling with the brilliant diamonds and gems that he had got from Persia, stood beside him in all his glory. Beside him was the monk with no clothes on -what a contrast, what a contrast! The riches of the whole world represented by the body of Alexander on one side, and all the outward poverty represented by the saint on the other side! But you have simply to look at their faces to be convinced of the poverty or riches of their true souls.

    Look at the beaming countenance of the saint, the happy, joyful face of the saint. Alexander, the Great was struck by his appearance. He fell in love with him, and just asked the saint to come with him to Greece. The saint laughed, and his answer was: "The world is in Me." The world cannot contain Me. The universe is in Me. I cannot be confined in the Universe. Greece and Rome are in Me. The suns and stars rise and set in Me."

    Alexander, the Great, not being used to this kind of language, was surprised. He said," I will give you riches. I will just flood you with worldly pleasures. All sort of things that people desire, all sorts of things which captivate and charm people will be in wild profusion at your service. Please accompany me to Greece."

    The saint laughed, laughed at his reply and said, "There is not a diamond, there is not a sun or star which shines, but to Me is due its luster. To Me is, due the glory of all the heavenly bodies. To Me is due all the attractive nature, all the charms of the things desired. It would be beneath my dignity, it would be degrading on my part, first, to lend the glory and charm to these objects, and then go about seeking them, to go begging at the door of worldly riches, to go begging at the door of flesh and animal desires to receive pleasure, happiness. It is below my dignity. I can never stoop to that level. No I can never go begging at theirs.

    This astonished Alexander, the Great. He just drew his sword and was going to strike off the head of that saint. And again the saint laughed a hearty laugh and said, "0 Alexander! never in your life did you speak such a falsehood, such an abominable lie. Kill Me, kill Me!

    Where is the sword that can kill Me? Where is the weapon that can wound Me? Where is the calamity that can mar my cheerfulness? Where is the sorrow that can tamper with my Happiness? Everlasting, the same yesterday, today and for ever, pure and holy of holies, the Master of the Universe, that I am.

    Even in your hands I am the power that makes them move, 0 Alexander! If this body dies, there I remain, the power that makes your hand move. I am the power that makes your muscles move." The sword fell down from the hands of Alexander. He totally surrendered at the feet of the Master.

    Your aspiring servant

    Hari Bol

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