A temple at home

Hare krishna!

kindly suggest me, that as a student,what kind of temple or small worship place, i can have at my living place,where i live alone.......so that it helps me in my bhakti.Ofcourse since im at my initial stage in KC.....so Diety worship by installing them....may not be a wise thing to do ...at this stage considering the offenses....one may make.......so kindly suggest ....what should be my puja place like?.....so that i can maintain it adequately. thank you

Hari bol!

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  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    First of all, I want to compliment you for the desire to serve Krsna.

    You may keep a simple altar, photo of Radha Krsna/ Pancha Tattva,photo of guru parampara, Srila Prabhupada in front of the main picture, preferably one level lower.

    Set up a simple prayer regime - once a day, you can pray with incence and lamp or only incense. Offer whatever you eat to them. THe idea is that whatever standard of worship you set up, you should stick to it - therefore it is avisable to have a very simple standard at home, esp when you stay alone, in student life.


    Your servant,


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