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Jiva Gosvami (1513-1598) is the youngest of the six Gosvamis of Vrindavana[i] who are honoured as genuine representatives of the teachings and faith of Caitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534). All of them, except Jiva Gosvami, were personally inspired, instructed or commissioned by Caitanya. (Kapoor, 1984, 54). It seems that Jiva did not have the privilege to associate with and learn from Caitanya; in 1535, at the time he joined Vrindavana’s group, Caitanya had already left the world. At t

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Shyamananda Prabhu Appearance


By Ramai Swami

Feeling very sad (dukhi) over losing several children before his birth, his parents named him Dukhi Krishna Dasa. Upon taking diksha from Hrdaya Chaitanya he became known as Krishna Dasa. In Vrindavana, he joined Narottama Dasa Thakura and Shrinivasa Acharya to study the Goswami granthas under Shri Jiva Goswami.

“While living in Vrindavana, Krishna Dasa regularly swept the streets before dawn. He performed this humble service so that the Vaishnavas would not hurt their feet while

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Jiva Gosvami (1513-1598) is the youngest of the six Gosvamis of Vrindavana[i] who are honoured as genuine representatives of the teachings and faith of Caitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534). All of them, except Jiva Gosvami, were personally inspired, instructed or commissioned by Caitanya. (Kapoor, 1984, 54). It seems that Jiva did not have the privilege to associate with and learn from Caitanya; in 1535, at the time he joine

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Pioneer of the Hare Krishna Movement!


Today is the merciful appearance of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktivinod Takur. He was born 178 years ago in India to spread the mission of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He is called the 7th Goswami because he re-established Mahaprabhu’s movement in Mayapur in an authentic manner strictly adhering to the principles of suddha bhakti as enunciated by the Six Goswamis.

His core principle was twofold (1) nama ruchi (2) jiva doya. In fact, this is the core value of all our sampradaya acharyas. There

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Seminar: Sri Tattva Sandarbha – The Life of Jiva Goswami – Romapada Swami.
HH Romapada Swami Maharaja is a disciple of ISKCON Founder Acarya His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He was first introduced to this movement of Krsna consciousness when he was a college student more than 37 years ago. He has accepted renounced order of life- sannyasa, and preaches the message of true devotion by traveling all over the United States of America, Canada, the Caribbean, India, and many ot

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Srila Jiva Gosvami


Sri Sanatana, Sri Rupa and Sri Vallabha were three brothers, all employed in the service of the Badsa Hussain Shah. Amongst the three, there was only one descendent, Sri Jiva. Having been rewarded richly by the Badsa for their sevices, their household life was very opulent. There was nothing lacking in whatever was necessary for the upbringing of the only son. The house was illuminated by the effulgence of the child's golden complexion; his eyes were like the expanded petals

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online study on the SIx Sandharbhas ( in depth study of Srimad Bhagvatham by Srila JIva Goswami Prabhupada ) by HG Caruchandra prabhuji. This course is being offered in January, 2016. This course is comprised of 6 modules and duration for each module is 6 months .

BTG Six Sandarbhas Online Course - Brochure -  Download

 Tattva Sandarbha Brochure - Download

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Truth in a Nutshell by Satyaraja Dasa


Four special verses in the Bhagavad-gita and four in the Srimad-Bhagavatam lay out the fundamental teachings of Krishna consciousness.

My mom always keeps peanuts around the house. Crack the shells open, and you find two peanuts inside. So much goodness in one little package: beneficial nutrients, plant proteins, fats, fiber, and plenty of vitamins, minerals, and bioactives. As I looked at the broken shells in front of me one day, my mind was drawn to four special verses of the Srimad-Bhagava

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Hare Krsna

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada


“Yet when the same jiva misused his innate free choice and thus becomes engrossed in material activities, the merciful Sri Krishna is stricken by compassion and concerned about the bad fortune of the jiva. Lamenting, the Lord shadows the movement of the jiva, planning means to save him.  Sri Krishna knows that His nectarean and immortal lilas are achintya-lila, inconceivable and wonderful pastimes, from within the mater
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Meaning Of The Sixteen Names PT.14


rodanair gokule davanalam asayati hyasau
visosayati tenokto ramo bhakta-sukhavahah

When the residents of Gokula were crying due to fear of the forest fire, Krsna immediately swallowed it and gave His devotees great joy. In this way, He is known as Rama.

Jiva Goswami


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Meaning Of The Sixteen Names PT.8


hyasphutam rayati priti-bharena hari-cestam
gayatiti mata dhirair hara rasa-vicaksanaih

Filled with ecstatic love, Radha sometimes sings the glories of Hari’s exploits quietly, and sometimes She sings them aloud. Those who are expert in the secrets of divine sentiments call Her Hara.
Jiva Goswami

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Meaning Of The Sixteen Names PT.7


hrtavan gokule tisthann-aristam pusta-pungavam
sri haris tam rasad uccai rayatiti hara mata

While in Gokula, Sri Hari (Krsna) killed the demon known as Aristasura. During that time, Radha cried out to Him with great feeling and by doing so, She stole His mind. She is thus known as Hara.
Jiva Goswami

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Meaning Of The Sixteen Names PT.5


krtvaranye sarah-srestham kantayanumatas-taya
akrsya sarva-tirthani taj-jnanat krsna iryate

In order to please Sri Radha, Krsna manifested the most wonderful lake (Syama-kunda) in Vrndavana. He then called all the holy rivers to fill it. He is thus known as Krsna.
Jiva Goswami

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The Gaudiya Vaisnava, generally, following the footsteps of Sri CaitanyaMahaprabhu, they aspire to become one of the assistants of the gopis. Thereare others also who like to be the assistants of the cowherd boys. So ourGosvamis, Rupa Gosvami, sri rupa sanatana bhatta raghunatha, they were allthe assistants of the gopis. Gopi-bhava-rasamrtabdhi-lahari-kallola-magnaumuhur vande rupa-sanatanau raghu-yugau sri-jiva-gopalakau. These sixGosvamis, rupa sanatana bhatta raghunatha sri jiva gopala bhatta
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Sri Syamananda Prabhu

"Simply by accepting that the associates of Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are eternally perfect one may attain the service of Krishna in Vrindavana."—Narottam Das Thakura.

Shri Shyamananda, Shrinvasa and Shri Narottama Dasa Thakura are all eternal associates of Shri Gaurasundara. For the purpose of preaching the holy message of Sri Caitanya all over the earth they appeared within this world.

Shri Shyamananda Prabhu was born in Utkala, in a place called Dharenda Bhadura Pura. His father's name was Shri
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