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Sriman Grahila Prabhu leaves his body

We beg to inform all the devotees that Sriman Grahila Prabhu,
disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, husband of Guru Seva
dasi and father of Smt. Nitai dasi, has left his body at 07.47 AM, 11 March, 2010 under
very auspicious circumstances in Sri Mayapur Dhama.

After a restless night symptomized with rapid breathing Grahila
prabhu left on this auspicious day of Papamocani Ekadasi surrounded by
a room full of well-wishers, chanting loudly the holy names of the Lord
and praying for his spiritual
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In a recent discussion about Japa this question came was in relation to the wandering mind and if we should think of anything...and what should that be. What do you think about during Japa? Please share your experiences with us.One suggestion by HH Sacinandana Swami was to meditate on the meaning of the mantra "Oh Lord, Oh energy of the Lord, please engage me in your devotional service" - his point was that if the mind is going to think of something it's better to think about the meanin
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Unrestricted sense enjoyment is the cause of material engagement , but those who are Krishna conscious are reluctant to engage in material sense gratification.And those who are not Krishna conscious should follow rules and regulation of the revealed scriptures. The propensities for sense enjoyment have to be stoped , otherwise they will be stumbling blocks on the path of self realization. Inspite of regulated sense enjoyment, there is every chance of falling down, therefore any attactment for re
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Mirabai and The Sannyasin

Mirabai was a princess of Rajasthan. She was a woman of immense beauty and virtue.

In the course of time Mirabai was married to a prince. In his family everyone was a worshipper of the Mother-Power. Mirabai was the only worshipper of Sri Krishna. Because of this, a sad dispute arose every day.

There came a time when, utterly dejected and frustrated, Mirabai left her husband's palace and went to Brindaban to live. It happened that a Bengali sannyasin, who was also a great worshipper of Sri Krishna,

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Why do we shout in anger?

A saint asked his disciples, Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?'

Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm,

we shout for that.'

'But, why to shout when the other person is just next to you?' asked the saint.
'Isn't it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice? Why do you shout
at a person when you're angry?'

Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the saint.

Finally he explained, 'When two people are angry at each other, their

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"We change our name at initiation, but if we don't change the consciousness, then what is the use?Our point is that the consciousness has to be purified. It says in the first Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam 'janata agha viplavah', that in every shloka and every verse of the Srimad Bhagavatam, it has the potency to create a revolution in our sinful consciousnessSimilarly we should be detached from our materialistic point of view and become attached to cultivating and developing this type of spirit
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Quote from Padam Purana

"If all types of worship, worship of Lord Krishna is best, and better
than the worship of Lord Krishna is the worship of His devotee, the

(Lord Siva - Padma Purana)

Your Servant In Service Of Srila Prabhupada and Gurudev,
Sachin Kumar Gupta
Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.& be Happy

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Srila Prabhupad's quote

"The materialist thinks that persons engaged in Krsna consciousness
are crazy fellows wasting time by chanting Hare Krsna, but actually he
does not know that he himself is in the darkest region of craziness
because of accepting his body as permanent."

(His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada - srimad-
Bhagavatam 3.30.3, purport)

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Change The Temper Of The Mind

Namacharya Sri Haridas Thakur & Sri Maya Devi

Hare Krsna!!!

my dear devotees, I hope your week has been blessed with lots of nice realisations, service and peaceful chanting of the precious names of the Lord. I was thinking today how we are always trying hard to engage our minds in chanting and concentrating on the sound vibration of the holy names, actually we shouldn't think too much about the mind but just chant and hear, because by doing this our mind will be trained to concentrate and won't b

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Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian Youth's Rite of Passage?

His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him
alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove
the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it. He
cannot cry out for help to anyone.


Once he survives the night, he is a MAN.

He cannot tell the other boys of this experience, because each lad must
come into manhood on his own.

The boy is naturally terri

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Why Onion and Garlic are considered ‘ Taamsik’?Abstaining one from eating onion and garlic by devotees has always been a topic of debate. Every vegetable has an effect on our body and accordingly our body reacts to it you can see its reflection in ones nature and style of living.It is believed that before one prays to god we should not only bathe externally but we should be clean internally too, onion and garlic emit repugnant smell after one eats them from the body, which is unacceptable. Secon
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Shri Radhikastakam

Shri Radhikastakam
Eight Prayers Glorifying Sri Radhika

by Shrila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami


Text 1

vraja-vara-vrsabhanoh punya-girvana-valli
snapayatu nija-dasye radhika mam kada nu

When will Sri Radhika, who is a splendid ruby in the crown of all nectarean doe-eyed girls, a swan swimming in the lake of love for jubilant Lord Krsna, and a celestial vine sprouted from Vraja's exalted King Vrsabhanu, bathe me in Her service?

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One & Only Shelter!

"Pure devotional service is unconditional and favorable to the Lord's desire. Since it is Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu's desire that His devotees preach cooperatively the glories of the holy names of Krishna, pure devotees unhesitatingly perform this activity at all times under all circumstances.

The thought that an individual will "in his own way" spread Krishna consciousness outside of the sankirtana movement authorized by the previous acaryas is inconceivable for a pure devotee of the Lord.

There i
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Appearance of Garlic and onion

One aurvedic doctor had told me that this description is there in Aurveda:

When Lord Vishnu in His Mohini form was distributing nectar to demigods two
demons named Rahu and ketu sat down along with the line of Demigods. By
mistake Lord served them nectar into their mouths. Immediately the lord was
informed by Sun and Moon that those two were demons.

As soon as Lord came to know this information He cut off the heads of both
demons. By that time necatar had not pass through their throat. It was still
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Vaisnava Calendar Reminder
Location: Los Angeles [United States of America]
Reminder for Wednesday, 10 Mar 2010

Fasting for Papamocani Ekadasi

Sanskrit Word of the Week: laulyam‏
From: Your friends at (



-ardent longing or greed.

In other words, one should learn how to cry for the Lord. One should learn this small technique, and one should be very eager
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vaishnavs behaviours

A Devotees only duty is to chant and remember the holy nam,e, fame , past times of lord and according to personal capacity to distributr the masage for others welfare with out motive of material gain BHAG 1.6.26BAKTISIDHANTH SARASWATI THAKUR has derided solitary chanting as akind of cheating performed to attain name and famebhag. states that if a brahman neglects those who are in want of krishna consciouses, that brahmanas spiririual knowledge will diminish , just as water kept in cracked pot le
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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 3.33.14

jaṭilān kuṭilālakān
ātmānaḿ cogra-tapasā
bibhratī cīriṇaḿ kṛśam

abhīkṣṇa — again and again; avagāha — by bathing; kapiśān — gray; jaṭilān — matted; kuṭila — curled; alakān — hair; ātmānam — her body; ca — and; ugra-tapasā — by severe austerities; bibhratī — became; cīriṇam — clothed in rags; kṛśam — thin.

She began to bathe three times daily, and thus her curling black hair gradually became gray. Due to austerity, her
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Date: March 8th, 2010
Class: Special class on Appearance Anniversary of Srila Srivasa Thakura
and Disappearance Anniversary of His Holiness Sridhar Swami
Speaker: HH Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata Swami

Today marks the most auspicious anniversary appearance of Srila Srivasa
Pandit or also known as Srila Srivasa Thakura and it also coincides with the
anniversary disappearance of one of our Commanders in Srila Prabhupada's
army - Srila Prabhupada
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make the mind humble

Make the MIND Humble!

"Our mind is always trying to project itself as the centre of the universe. Sometimes we find that people who start rendering devotional service love to talk about themselves, 'how dear they are to their guru, how important they are to the world, what great devotees they are and how successful their preaching is.' Maybe their egos need to be glorified, but it is very painful to hear a person always talk about himself.

On the other hand, how blissful it is when a person always

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Here is a nice story from the life and teachings of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur:
Once some devotees were sent to establish a preaching center in Bengal. They worked day and night, equipping it as a beautiful temple. When Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati arrived to install the Deities, he was very pleased and asked about one brahmacari who had worked hard on the preparations. The disciples told him, "Master, he became entangled with a lady. We rebuked him so much for his behavior that he
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