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Transcription : Ranga Radhika Dasi

Editing : Ramananda Raya Dasa


Audio-Reference :

Om namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Om namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Om namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Srimad Bhagavatam. Third Canto, Chapter twenty five: The Glories of Devotional Service. Text fifteen.

Cetah khalv asyabandhaya                

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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Javata


Once, Srimati Radhika was in mana and did not meet Krsna for several days. The sakhis tried various means to convince Her to give up Her mana, but on this occasion Her mana was fixed and therefore difficult to subdue. Krsna's separation from Radha filled Him with great distress. Subala sakha therefore began to hatch a plan to help Him meet with Radha. Subala exactly resembles Srimati Radhika in age, beauty, speech and so forth and is skilled in
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Comments: 9

Primary factor is Sankirtana

2514811768?profile=originalOutdoor kirtana must be done, even at the cost of suspending all editorial work. That is your first and foremost business. Temple worship is not so important. If need be, the whole temple can be locked, but the outdoor kirtana cannot be stopped.
Letter to: Rayarama-Columbus, Ohio-17 May, 1969-05-17

We are not much concerned about the temple because temple worship is not primary factor in this age. Primary factor is Sankirtana. But sometimes we want a center where people may gather and see, so a te

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  1. Do the one thing that you aren’t doing now, but if you did do it well and regularly, would have the greatest impact in your life.
  2. The 80/20 rule. 80% of the most important things to do in life are on the top 20% of your prioritized list. Therefore, put “First things First.”
  3. Life has “speed bumps”—slow down, deal with the inevitable problems, and go on
  4. Who said life was suppose to be “fair”?
  5. Ask yourself: “Is this going to be important to me one year from now?
  6. Remember, in 80 years from now, practica
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Sri Krishna and Lord Jagannath

Orissa Review June - 2009
Before dealing with the Puja system of the great
Jagannath Temple of Puri, we must look into
the real definition of the terms Vaishnava
and Vaishnavism. According to Indian
epics, there are three deities, known
as Trishakti, Trideva or Trio. They
are Brahma, the creator, Vishnu,
the maintainer and Shiva the
destroyer. These three attributes
are indispensable in all matters;
even now in science and in the
simple construction of a building.
Everything we think, feel, and hear is
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Comments: 4


There is infinite hope in the grace of God & in the Association of Sincere Devotees, we can become strengthened & empowered by that hope - South India Yatra, 2010.
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Krsna Rescues His Teacher’s Son


1. Understanding that His parents were becoming aware of His transcendental opulences, the Supreme Personality of Godhead thought that this should not be allowed to happen. Thus He expanded His Yogamaya, which bewilders His devotees.

2. Lord Krsna, the greatest of the Satvatas, approached His parents with His elder brother. Humbly bowing His head and gratifying them by respectfully addressing them as
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Comments: 7

GOVINDA's Restaurant Opening Invite

Hare Krishna dear all:
Please accept our humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

It is with great pleasure, we would like to welcome you to the much
awaited GOVINDA's Restaurant which will be opening at Funabori (Edogawa-ku,
Tokyo) on 24-January-2011 (Monday) at 10:00 AM.

This is the first phase & an important milestone of the New Temple
Project and also a precursor to the New Temple Opening.

GOVINDA's Restaurant will serve sumptuous & authentic North & South
Indian cuisine with inter
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We Are Not Professional Musicians - 6

"With regard to your question about Bengali style kirtana and
mrdanga playing, one or two styles is best. To introduce more styles is not
good. It will become an encumbrance. If we introduce so much emphasis on
style of kirtana, then simply imitation will go on.

Devotional emotion is the main thing. If we give stress to
instrument and style then attention will be diverted to the style. That will
be spiritual loss."

[letter to Satsvarupa Goswami, 30 June 1976]
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We Are Not Professional Musicians - 5

"I understand also, there was a Kirtana performance given by Sri
Purna. You have rightly remarked whether they are devotees. You are right.
These people are professional singers.

Krishna Kirtana is not for earning a livelihood. Krishna Kirtana is
not meant for entertaining the public for demonstration of arts. It is
dynamic service to the Lord.

We do not therefore mind so much about the artistic presentation of
Krishna Kirtana but we want to see how much a devotee is satisfying the
Supreme Will."

[SP let
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We Are Not Professional Musicians - 3

"So if you have talent for musical achievement, that is nice; but if
you nourish some idea of becoming famous by playing some music, that will be
a source of frustration — the end.

So it is better if you play your music for Krishna by having very
ecstatic kirtanas in your center in Vancouver, and in this way, as I have
introduced it, all of the devotees and also the general public as well will
be able to join together cooperatively in the glorification of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, not that we
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We Are Not Professional Musicians - 1

This quote from Srila Prabhupada & the quotes in the following
e-mails were compiled by H.H. Indradyumna Swami in his harinama sankirtana
handbook entitled "Harinama Eva Kevalam".

He called this chapter “We Are Not Professional Musicians”. It
emphasises the importance of the propper mood of devotion & service while
out on harinama, and not the concentration on the musical performance.

The book was never published though. :(

“We Are Not Professional Musicians”
Srila Prabhupada cautioned his disciples aga
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 Though the Holy Name is so full of nectar, but I am so unfortunate that I can not relish this nectar..  When I become regular in my Chanting for  a few days, Maya plays its tricks and I get some excuse for not Chanting one fine  day.. Though I know its not good to skip Chanting for any lame excuse, but its difficult to control my mind.  

   The other day I heard in a lecture that some devotees take a Counter-vow to regularize their Chanting. Which means that with the vow  of Chanting certain num

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Comments: 5
Prabhupāda: ...all politicians, let them come, study. [break] ...this is not
a movement sentimental. No. It is scientific. (indistinct) ...Christian,
anyone, because it is science. Automatic, "Two plus two equal to four." It
is four for everyone. Not that because one is Muhammadan it will be five, or
because one is Christian it will be three. No. "Two plus two equal to four."
Just like (indistinct). Similarly, this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement will be
efficient for everyone if he studies impartially.
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Comments: 2


सविनय मेरी इक विनती सुनो
कृपा करो मेरे कान्हा प्यारे
उन परस्थितियों को मैं स्वीकारूँ
जिसे मैं सुलटा न पाऊँ अपने सहारे

बल बुध्हि दे प्रयास करो सफल
जिस ओर चलना मुझे मीत न्यारे
और इतनी निर्णय शक्ति देना
कि पहचानूँ तेरी मंशा तेरे इशारे

कहाँ चलना कहाँ रुकना कहाँ झुकना
कहाँ झुकाना मुझे मार्गदर्शित रखना
मेरे जीवन नैय्या को देना दिशा
समझ के मुझे इक मीत अपना

सविनय मेरी इक विनती सुनो
कृपा करो मेरे कान्हा प्यारे
बल बुध्हि दे प्रयास करो सफल
जिस ओर चलना मुझे मीत न्यारे
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Comments: 2



 Guru leads from ignorance to wisdom, from disharmony to harmony, from hatred to love, from want to fullness, from weakness to strength, from limitation to infinitude, from diversity to unity, from darkness to Light, and from imperfection to perfection. He gives hope to the sad and forlorn, strength to the weak, health to the sick and wisdom to the ignorant.
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Comments: 5

kanha ji ke charno me

कान्हा जी हमे अपनी पायल नही तो
पायल का एक घुँघरू ही बना लो
और उसे अपने चरणकमलों से लगा लो

कान्हा जी हमे अपने कंगन नही तो
कंगन में जड़ा हुआ एक पत्थर ही बना दो
और उसे अपनी प्यारी कलाईयों में सजा लो

कान्हा जी हमे अपनी मुरली नही तो
अपनी मुरली की कोई धुन ही बना लो
और उसे अपने अधरों से इक बार तो बजा लो

कान्हा जी हमे अपना मित्र
नही तो दासो का दास ही बना लो
यूं कुछ कृपा दृष्टि हम पर बर्षा दो

कान्हा जी और कुछ नही तो अपने
चरणों की धूल ही बना लो
वो चरणधूल फिर ब्रज में उड़ा दो

सच कहूँ मेरे कान्हा जी देखना फिर
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