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Recently, the fourth annual Camp Unity, held on the outskirts of Borehamwood at Well End Scout Activity Centre, had another successful gathering. The popular event allows area children and their families to experience other cultures, foster friendships, strengthen community bonds, and serves as a springboard for celebrating diversity. Hosted by a team of multi-faith leaders, this year saw the largest registration of campers, with 48 children participating from various religious and cultural bac

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"One whose happiness is within, who is active within, who rejoices within, and is illumined within, is actually the perfect mystic. He is liberated in the Supreme, and ultimately he attains the Supreme."

Such a well-put message by God, Himself, translated by our guru, Prabhupada. It was this sloka (verse) that our Tuesday evening Zoom class, plus our Pelee Island retreat group dwelt on for reflection and penetration. The statement is clear, "real happiness is within." It does not come from exte

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From Back to Godhead

Though conceived of in various ways, ultimately the Absolute Truth is the Supreme Person who shares intimate loving exchanges with the best of His devotees.

Here we present an excerpt from the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust edition of Srila Jiva Goswami’s Sri Tattva-sandarbha. Jiva Goswami was one of the famed Six Goswamis, leading contemporary followers of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Sri Tattva-sandarbha is the first of six sandarbhas (treatises) explaining the philosophy of Gaudiya Va

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Does anyone aspire to become a sannyasi? Simply having this ambition in the first place is not the desire of a truly renounced person. On the other hand, all those who relish genuine taste in Krishna consciousness, will know what proper renunciation is. For this reason, both men and women can live as sannyasis without having that title.

To emphasise renunciation before taste indicates a lack of understanding on the path of Bhakti. Devotees often preach about the importance of following the four

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Why is devotee care important in our society?

We have the most complete philosophy, and Srila Prabhupada has given us the wonderful process of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Part of that process is taking care of the devotees. Actually, Krishna says that He has nothing else to do but to take care of His devotees. And since His devotees are always thinking about Him, He is also always thinking about His devotees. So actually, devotee care is one of the primary angas or aspects of Krishna consciousnes

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

The Chant Now initiative is a part of ISKCON Online, under the leadership of Pancharatna Das. ISKCON Online aims to thoughtfully package Krishna consciousness on all the new media platforms, including websites, apps, online e-learning, social networks, and more.

Chant Now, based out of Mayapur, India, is a team of about six devotees, including a Spanish department. Their primary purpose is to reach out to people who are not devotees of Krishna and encourage th

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Peace in Pelee by Bhaktimarga Swami


This precious place, Pelee Island, is promoted to tourists as 'the southernmost inhabited place and best kept secret' in the country. Its population is just under 250 people, but expands in the summer to about 1500. Its distance for walking is 22 kilometres on a quiet perimeter road. The tranquility is what i like, and the lack of commercialism. I know, because in '96 I walked it. No motorcycle engines have I ever heard here.

The trip here, by ferry, is 1.5 hours, and is very therapeutic. We me

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Free Online Certificate Course
Jīvātmā - The Subtlest Entity in the Whole Cosmos

Commencing from Sept. 9th, 2023
Language- English
Days- Daily
Time- 6:30 am to 8:00 am IST
Sessions- 14

To Register, please follow the below link:

Course description:
This course deals about the Nature of the Soul based on the teachings of Śrī Jāmātṛ-Muni on soul. Jāmātṛ muni was quite before to the Śrī-Rāmānujācārya and He was a Śrī-Vaiṣṇava. He had explained the qualities of Jīvā

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By Thomas Haribol

In advance of the Appearance Day of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), the 53rd edition of the Sri Vyasa-puja book is now available online.

The first volume of this kind was published in 1969, with homages from seventeen ISKCON temples. This latest version includes tributes from 155 temples, ISKCON leaders, and organizations, spanning nearly 450 pages.

The Introduction notes, “It

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In a harmonious blend of spirituality, culture, and community, the 47th Annual LA Ratha Yatra Festival illuminated the heart of Los Angeles with vibrant colors, soul-stirring kirtans, and a deep sense of unity. Hosted by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), this cherished event showcased the collective devotion of thousands of participants, bridging distances and backgrounds for a celebration unlike any other.

Devotees from across the US and beyond converged at Venice B

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Nature Rebounds by Bhaktimarga Swami


About Sudbury, a major nickel mining centre in the world, it had a bad reputation for looking like a rocky, barren place where astronauts experimented before attempting to embark upon the moon landing. That was the rumour going around when I settled there in '72 for a school year. It was barren looking, but a major smoke stack was erected by INCO to ensure that harmful residual smoke was spread far and wide so that a regeneration of wilderness could return to the area. Jane Goodall said of this

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By Thomas Haribol

The North European BBT has released its annual report for 2022, highlighting the expansion of both distribution and printing, as well as informative features on devotee service, preservation projects, translation efforts, and digital initiatives.

Some highlights from the report include:
– A significant 27% increase in the number of books distributed. 1,395,513 in 2021 to 1,836,891 in 2022. That’s the highest annual number in almost 25 years.
– The top five distributing countri

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By Atma Tattva Das

In a transformational initiative to bridge spiritual healing and personal growth, the Bhakti Recovery Group (BRG) is gearing up to host an empowering convention in Alachua on September 23-24th. Rooted in the principles of Bhakti yoga and the 12-step recovery process, this event aims to provide devotees with the tools and training they need to establish and sustain their support group meetings held online and in-person worldwide. With its unique approach, the BRG addresses the

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Fox And Bear by Bhaktimarga Swami


I rose earlier than the rest of the gang. This way I get my rounds of japa in for chanting the maha mantra. I made my way to Pebble Beach in Marathon. A red fox walked parallel to me on the trail next to mine in the woods. A local man came on the trail the fox was on. The fox was not for meditation, but for food. He put his snout to the ankle of the man who then kicked the animal away.

Back at the hotel where we stayed and began loading the vehicle, out came Rene, a cyclist. He started his jour

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By Atma Tattva Das

In a world driven by specialization, some individuals break the mold, embracing multiple passions and roles to enrich their lives and communities. Damodara Katha Das, a spirited soul residing at the Gita Nagari Eco Farm, is a remarkable example of such a modern-day Renaissance man. With an intriguing journey and a tapestry of talents, he has seamlessly blended traditional spiritual practices with diverse skills, embodying a multifaceted life dedicated to service and devotion.

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

An enthusiastic preacher of Krishna Consciousness and disciple of Srila Prabhupada, Subhangi Devi Dasi, left her body on the morning of August 6, 2023, in Sri Dham Mayapur. Her final rites were held on August 8, 2023, following the arrival of her son from Germany.

A very dedicated servant of Srila Prabhupada, she used to enthusiastically preach at the entry of Srila Prabhupada’s Pushpa Samadhi by distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books despite suffering from Par

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Winnipeg Wrap Up by Bhaktimarga Swami


With the tiny bit of trekking that I did on the prairie frontier this morning, I noticed some heads turn. A monk is not a usual sight on this expansive landscape. On our return to large Winnipeg from Brandon, the space of infinity is obvious whether viewing from a car or on foot; you feel tiny but free in a certain kind of way. About the only thing that protrudes out of the horizon is a low level of trees and the occasional grain elevator.

Apart from the drive back to Winnipeg, it became a mix

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Children in Krsna Consciousness

Most of us will have children at some point in our lives. Nowadays people have a fear of having children, but when they come, very few regret it. In the Vedas is explained that happiness (even in a material sense) comes from performing our duties, not from running from them. We can see that in the Bhagavad-Gita Arjuna wanted to avoid his duty to fight, but Krsna warned him that it would just bring him frustration. Similarly, begetting and educating children is one of the main duties for someone

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Indian Independence Day by Giriraj Swami


From my book I’ll Build You a Temple: The Juhu Story:

On August 15, Indian Independence Day, some of the tenants assembled in the garden at noon, stood in silence for a minute before the small statue of Gandhi, and then proceeded with their annual celebration—garlanding the statue, hoisting the flag, singing the national anthem, and distributing sweets.

“Where is the question of independence?” Prabhupada challenged as Hari-sauri gave him his massage on the balcony adjoining his bedroom. “We are

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By Thomas Haribol

The Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) will offer an Online Cosmology Seminar from September 24-October, 9, 2023. The instructor for this informative offering will be Giridhari Dasa (Dr. Tiziano Valentinuzzi). 

Giridhari holds a Ph.D. in Astronomy from Padua University (Italy) and has studied Vedic scriptures for nearly 30 years. His extensive research on Vastu, Vedic Sciences, and Bhakti Yoga has been conducted under the spiritual guidance of Radhanath Swami. He

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