When shastra (scripture) expresses, like in today's verse from Canto 10, that God has nothing to do, the phrase that actually refers to Krishna having nothing to do in a mundane sense; and secondly, that the cosmic world runs on automatic power without any strain on the part of God. He does keep busy, however, and when claiming to be a follower (as I do), I am also inclined to keep active.
At noon, friends and family drove from New York, Toronto, and locally, to honour the one year anniversary of the passing of Sucirani. I was invited to participate with song, food, and some words.
"This is, indeed, a day of Remembrance (in Canada we honour Nov. 11 as 'Remembrance Day' for the veterans who gave their lives in at least 3 wars). Sucirani was a dedicated person in devotion, remembered by dear ones..."
Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/saturday-night-fervour