Search Results (541)


By Stephen Knapp

The original form of Lord Krishna is described briefly in the Laghu-Bhagatamrita (Chapter 5, verses 332-342) as the root of all forms of the Lord, which are endowed with good qualities. “The Lord appeared in the mortal world by His internal potency, yoga-maya. He came in His eternal form, which is just suitable for His pastimes. These pastimes were wonderful for everyone, even for those proud of their own opulence, including the Lord Himself as the Lord of Vaikuntha [Narayana].

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Preparing an offering of love


Aditya Varna d d

“Someone once asked me what characteristic of Yamuna I found the most extraordinary or unique. I unhesitatingly replied that she was the most non-envious person I had ever met in this life”1

Dear Yamuna devi,

Please accept my humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Once in India Srila Prabhupada said to you “Yamuna you will become as famous as the river Yamuna.” In the mood of a p

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Narottama Dasa Thakura


By Sri Nandanandana

Narottama Dasa Thakura was a lifelong brahmacari. He visited all the holy places and the was the best of pure devotees. On the banks of the Padmavati river, in the town of Gopalpura lived King Krsnanda Datta. His older brother was Purusottama Datta. The wealth and fame of these two brothers was beyond compare. King Krsnananda’s son was Sri Santosa Datta. In the month of Magha, onthe day of sukla-pancami, Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura took his birth. Seeing many auspicious omens

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Hide your Guru By Madhavananda Das


In Hari-bhakti-vilasa, verse 2.147, Srila Sanatan Goswami quotes Sammohana-tantra:

gopayed devatam istam gopayed gurum atmanah
gopayec ca nijam mantram gopayen nija-malikam

One should hide one’s ista-deva, one should hide one’s guru, one should hide one’s mantra, and one should hide one’s japa-mala.

Wise persons keep their valuables in a confidential place. Similarly, an intelligent sadhaka does not advertise his or her guru, nor do they broadcast themselves as disciples of their guru. Consider

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Intellectual Simplicity By Kesava Krsna Dasa


It can sometimes be tough being an intellectual in Iskcon. The tendency to keep one foot in the empirical camp and the other in the devotional arena can cause incompatibilities of faith, especially when continuing to grapple with “oddities” like elephant sized mangoes, airborne mountains, talking hyenas and bodily exuded cosmic bubbles.

Almost everything is interesting for an intellectual. How things work, or don’t. Statistics and comparisons, complex and more complicated, beyond comprehension

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Identity of Lord Chaitanya


Identity of Lord Chaitanya
By A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Excerpted from Back to Godhead Magazine 1960 Vol. 3 Part 16

Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is no other than the combined form of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. He is the life of those devotees who strictly follow the footprints of Sri Srila Rupa Goswami.

Srila Rupa Goswami and Srila Sanatan Goswami both are principal followers of Sri Swarup Damodar Goswami who acted as the most confidential servitor and constant companion of Lord Sri Krishna Chaita

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Appearance of an acharya in this world is by no means an ordinary thing. Such acharyas are some of the most confidential servants of the supreme personality of Godhead. They come for accomplishing certain missions. As oppose to worldly missions by many others based on personal likes and dislikes, missions carried out by acharyas are directly under the instructions and direction of God. Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur was one such acharya who appeared on this planet in 18th century.  His contribution t

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1. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s instructions in Sikastakam, “param vijayate Sri-Krishna -Sankirtanam” is the only motto of the Gaudiya math.
2. The Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna is the only enjoyer. Everyone and everything else is the object of his enjoyment.
3. Anyone who does not serve Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is ignorant and a killer himself.
4. To learn to tolerate is one of the most important responsibilities of those living in the math.
5. Rupanuga devotees offe

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Chanting, Humility, and Service


Chanting, Humility, and Service . . . On the flight from Newark to Denver two days ago, there was a younger lady serving in the cabin, and I noticed that she was treating people very nicely. I heard one of the crew call her by name—Stephanie—and as I was leaving the flight, she was standing near the door with another crew member and I felt I should express my appreciation to her. “Thank you very much, Stephanie,” I said, “you have a very nice service mood.” And the other crew member, a somewha

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Srila Prabhupada: The Unique Acharya

The unique position of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada in the Gaudiya Vaishnava sampradaya is supported as follows:As the Acharya of his movement -
"I wish that each and every center shall keep the Acharya in the center and keep their separate identity."
- 1967 letter

His unique position as the foremost spiritual authority for the golden age -
"My books will be the law books for the next ten thousand years."
- Srila Prabhupada statement in Los Angeles, 1976.

Statement by Lochana das Thakura

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Up Coming Fasting Days

SUNDAY 15th Sept is actually Ekadasi but we don't fast on that day because the presence of dashami during the Brahma muhurta pollutes the Ekadasi, according to Sanatana Goswami. The GCAL agrees with this.
Monday 16th Sept is Dvadasi and so fasting for both the Parsva Parivartana Ekadasi and the most auspicious appearance day of Lord Vamanadeva is observed. The fasting for Lord Vamanadeva can be for just a half day and the feast must be strictly Ekadasi prasada only. See Ref 1. below. Monday is
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Nothing But Service

Hare Krsna

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada

Vrndavana, October 21, 1972

A devotee of Krsna has no desire for material
gains; he only wants to serve God.

The Krsna consciousness message is Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam [Bhag.1.3.28]. There is no other Bhagavan. Bhagavan means full of six opulences. So Krsna is completely, cent percent full of all opulences. Even Narayana, He is ninety-six percent. And Lord Siva is eig

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By Patience And Practice

Hare Krsna

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada



by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Vrndavana October 20, 1972

All the great conclusions of devotional service will be automatically revealed
to the practitioner if he follows the rules and regulations given by his spiritual master.
Pradyumna (reading): "A living entity is offered a particular type of body as a result of his action in the present body. These activities are taken into account by superio
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From Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir!
Date: March 8th, 2012, Sri Gaura Purnima
Verse: Caitanya-caritamrta Adi 1.4
Speaker: HH Sivarama Swami

anarpita-carim cirat karunayavatirnah kalau samarpayitum unnatojjvala-rasam sva-bhakti-sriyam harih purata-sundara-dyuti-kadamba-sandipitah sada hrdaya-kandare sphuratu vah saci-nandanah

TRANSLATION: May the Supreme Lord who is known as the son of Srimati Saci-devi be transcendentally situated in the innermost chambers of your heart. Resplendent with the

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Navadwip Mandal Parikrama- Day 3 10th March 2011

 Today is the 3rd day of the Navadvip Mandala Parikrama. Our first group to be visited today was the International party in Naimisharanya. When we were about to go out from the Lotus Building through the exit of Caitanya exhibition Hall,we heard the beautiful greeting kirtan for Their Lordship Sri Panca Tattva'Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu doya kore moreeee....' was going on in the temple hall. Guru Maharaja told us to wheel him down towards the temple

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Navadwip Mandal Parikrama- Day 3 10th March 2011

Today is the 3rd day of the Navadvip Mandala Parikrama. Our first group to be visited today was the International party in Naimisharanya. When we were about to go out from the Lotus Building through the exit of Caitanya exhibition Hall,we heard the beautiful greeting kirtan for Their Lordship Sri Panca Tattva'Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu doya kore moreeee....' was going on in the temple hall. Guru Maharaja told us to wheel him down towards the temple

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----- Nothing Belongs to Us - 5/6 -----





Nothing Belongs to Us - 5/6


(Compiled from notes on lectures of H. H. Mahavishnu Goswami)



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Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Mathajis,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This mail is in continuation of the transcription series "Nothing Belongs to Us" - based on the Bhagavatam class given by our beloved spiritual master HDG Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj in Kaula Lumpur, Malaysi

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Narottama Dasa Thakura (Part - 1)

Narottama Dasa Thakura

Narottama Dasa Thakura was a lifelong brahmacari. He visited all the holy places and the was the best of pure devotees. On the banks of the Padmavati river, in the town of Gopalpura lived King Krsnanda Datta. His older brother was Purusottama Datta. The wealth and fame of these two brothers was beyond compare. King Krsnananda's son was Sri Santosa Datta. In the month of Magha, onthe day of sukla-pancami, Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura took his birth. Seeing many auspicious omen

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Third Verse concenrning Raganuga Sadhan

Third main sloka Rupa Goswamis describing Raganuga Sadhan BhaktiThe external sadhanasravanot kirtanadini vaidha bhaktyuditani tuyanyangani ca tanyatra vijneyani manisibhih (BRS 1.2.296)The wise should know that shravan, kirtan or any of the other sixty-four limbs of Vaidhi bhaki are useful in the proper discharge of Raganaunga bhakti.Sri Jiva Goswami comments on this verse stating:Vaidhbhaktuyadi tan sva sva joygyaniti jneyamThe intelligent will select only those limbs of Vaidhi bhakti which are
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Who is qualified for Raganuga Bhakti
and for hearing Radha Krishna's pastimes?



Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura writes in Prema Pradipa Tenth Ray:

ei rupa sabhaa ami taha vyakti karile anadhikarir pakse visesa amangala haite pare / ucchisthita satya-samuha ucchapadasta na haile labhya hay na / yemata samasta vijnanasa stre kramasah ucchajnaner udaya haya, tadrupa bhakti-sastrer u ucchadhikara-krame gudha-tattve prapti haiya thake /

"If I explain this topic (Radha Krishna's Pastimes) in the assembl

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