sutapa das (3)


Bhaktivedanta Manor is a pivotal force for disseminating Krishna-conscious culture, and knowledge and building spiritual relationships in the community. The key to its success in these areas has been the quality and exemplary character of devotees that have spearheaded the community’s development. One such personality is Sutapa Das, a local lad born in Wembley west London, in 1981.

In a packed Haveli including a wide range of devotees and well-wishers from across Europe, on 26th June Sutapa Das

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Day Five: International Shravanam Week

Dear Devotees,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. 
Day Five of International Shravanam Week has transpired. 

To glorify the reading of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada's transcendental books during the International Shravanam Week, we present to you the following for worldwide circulation. 

Please help spread the message and celebrate this festival in your zones, with six simple stepsand just 15 minutes everyone can take part. Together we c
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Life is like a game of chess – whether you’re the king, queen or pawn, at the end of the game everyone ends up in the box. Unless, of course, you get cremated. Morbid? Depressing? Dark? Though discussions on death are not usually number one on our conversation list, I was invited to the Southbank Centre a few weeks ago to speak on the topic “what happens next?” In an auditorium filled with coffins and somber lighting, I shared some thoughts on the logic of life after death. Living in a communit

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