sri krishna (10)



From Back to Godhead

Krishna is always engaged in sport, and when we try to imitate Him, we lose. 

When the 2017 Super Bowl game, the summit of American professional football, was held in Houston, a devotee convinced me and a few others to try to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books at a huge pregame event downtown. Venturing into the passionate, teeming crowd, we sold a few books, but not so many. This experience reinforced what was already obvious: mundane sport certainly has a powerfu

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By Sacinandana Swami

Our greatest problem is that we have turned away from Krishna. This one action has turned into our existential dilemma. We are lost servants. But strangely we think, at least unconsciously, that it is Krishna who has abandoned us. Only when we become eager to meet Krishna again, and serve Him with body, mind and heart – as eager as a drowning man is eager to breathe again – can we attain our spiritual success. Real love, however, will only flow when we move out of the cente

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There are various kinds of yoga; such as karma-yoga, based on purifying our activities; Jnana-yoga, based on acquiring spiritual knowledge and insight; Raja-yoga, the mystical yoga system; and Bhakti-yoga, attaining union with God through love and devotion. From these yoga systems, additional systems have also developed. But these four basic forms of yoga are all discussed in the primary and essential Vedic text of the Bhagavad-gita. But out of all of them, Lord Krishna specifically directs u

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Our greatest problem is that we have turned away from Krishna. This one action has turned into our existential dilemma. We are lost servants. But strangely we think, at least unconsciously, that it is Krishna who has abandoned us. Only when we become eager to meet Krishna again, and serve Him with body, mind and heart – as eager as a drowning man is eager to breathe again – can we attain our spiritual success. Real love, however, will only flow when we move out of the center and put Krishna the

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Inspiring Life of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Mahāprabhu is also known as Great Lord. He has been Indian saint  of 16th century. He has been founder of Achintya Bheda Abheda. There are devotees who is regarded as incarnation of Krishna. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has a style of praying Krishna with song, which is ecstatic in nature. The dance offer significant effect over Bengal’s Vaishnavism. He has been major proponent of Vedantic philosophy of the Achintya Bheda Abheda. Mahaprabhu had started Gaudiya Vaishnavism. This is also known as Brahma-M

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Radhashtami - Birth Anniversary of Radha

Radhashtami has been regarded as the holiday for Hindu. It remembers the Radhika’s birth anniversary. She has been regarded as the Goddess Mahalakshmi in certain scriptures of India. She has been regarded as the hladini shakti of Sri Krishna. She has been respected as a shakti by the scriptures of Vaishnav community. On a particular day, she had risen from lotus flower in the form of lover-consort of Sri Krishna.


There is a celebration by the Krishna devotees. She is celebrated significantly at h

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ISKCON talks about Sri Krishna in the form of monotheistic deity, which is supreme. The theology has been developed for drawing parallels with our Christ. Prabhupad had established the organization. ISKCON had turned out to be the public voice in Hinduism along with the leader in countercultural movements around late 1960s.
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Janmashtami 2020 by Tulsi Gabbard

Video: Click here

Aloha and Namaste,

2020 is certainly a year that will not soon be forgotten. For most, if not all, of us, it has brought about many unexpected changes. Changes to our daily routines, our work, and even our relationships.

Whenever we’re put into difficult situations, it gives us the opportunity to take shelter in the loving protection of the Supreme Lord, our Supreme Friend. It propels us to reflect upon and draw upon the lessons we’ve learned from the past and also to consider

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The glorious advent of Lord Krishna or Janmastami is celebrated with charming grandeur and magnificent pomp worldwide by millions of exuberant Vaishnavas. Due to the outbreak of a global pandemic, the entire devotee community has been urged to celebrate Janmastami at home.

Since the pandemic, the ISKCON GBC Strategic Planning Team has been providing useful resources online. For this Janmastami they have compiled a celebrate-at-home Janmastami portfolio, which consists of resources to make devo

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In Bhagavad-gītā Lord Kṛṣṇa describes four kinds of pious men (su-kṛtinaḥ) begin to render devotional service unto Him – the distressed (ārto), the desirer of wealth (arthārthī), the inquisitive,( jijñāsuḥ), and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute (jñānī)’

catur-vidhā bhajante māṁ janāḥ su-kṛtino ’rjuna
ārto jijñāsur arthārthī jñānī ca bharatarṣabha (BG 7.16)

Dhruva Mahārāja was arthārthī Bhakta- desirous of wealth. He wanted a kingdom bigger than his grandfather Lord Brahmā. W

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