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Congregational Award Ceremony!

Congregational Award Ceremony!

With great happiness we would like to share this with you. We had a very sweet program in the Samadhi Auditorium in Sridham Mayapur, where the devotees who have been serving the congregation in ISKCON were recognized for their selfless services offered.

The program started with some nice music and videos about the congregational ministry which stressed about the importance of having the different programs the congregation ministry developed. We also had His Holiness

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2514900694?profile=original  There are two main defects in this activity, whether they’re done regularly or even occasionally. The first is that this media always includes intoxication, graphic sex life, violence, and gambling. Therefore watching it means to break the regulative principles. What reason do we have that we would go out of our way to observe and watch these activities of Kali-yuga when already it’s difficult enough to stay away from it, when even walking down the street, going into a shop or going out on har

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President Pranab Mukherjee inaugrated the Vedic Cultural Centre of ISKCON on 24th February, 2013 which is considered to be the largest temple in the city spreads across two lakh square feet.

Mukherjee said ,"Swami Prabhupada galvanized the whole world in short spam of time and established over 600 temples across the world. Everyday it provides food to 10 million children daily in India". 

ISKCON has grown in a short span of time as a movement of high velocity, he said, adding "the movement pro

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How many of us would not be tempted when someone offers us a Mercedes Benz car as a gift? We will be floored by the honour. However there is a small catch. The car contains a bomb which can explode any time. How many of us will be delighted to be the proud owner of such a car now? We would think that no sane men will ever think to own such a car. But is it so? We daily ride in a vehicle which has the same destination as that of the car with a bomb. And the vehicle is our ‘body’. Death can come a

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In Memory of Sripad Aindra Prabhu

(The following is an interview with Sripad Aindra dasa done last year for the forthcoming book Kirtan Meditations The Mood and Technique of Bhakti Kirtan compiled by Dhanurdhara Swami and Akincana Krishna dasa. Due to the unexpected loss of this great soul I decided to release his interview quite before the editing has been finished. I hope it gives some pleasure and solace to the congregation of the devotees feeling the loss of this great soul.)



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MaharajMahavishnu Maharaj left his body at 3.25 pm afternoon on 25th January 2010 at the age of 91.

Maharaj was born in the outskirts of Mumbai in 1920 on the auspicious day of Dattatreya Purnima in the month of Marga Sirsha. He appeared in a family of Vaishnavas since 8 generations. Aged 84, he is the most elderly sannyasi in ISCKON today.


Highly educated, with M.A degrees in both English and Sanskrit, Maharaj is effectively multilingual in Marathi, Hindi, Gujerati (his native tongue), Urdu, Sans

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Question: What if we take care of our family members who are devotees? This is also spiritual activity.

BVPS: Yes, it could be, but not necessarily. Let’s say you are coming home and your kid is chanting Hare Krsna. So when you start telling him about your day, how did it go, what happened, what kind of problems you had, challenges, etc, so your kid just go on chanting? Because he is a devotee and that what the devotees do, they chant. So you are saying that if the kid reciprocates in this way, y
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Mine was a typical Arranged marriage... My parents found a well educated and well settled match for me, and for them the reason that I want to marry a devotee was not "practical enough" to say no to this marriage. After marriage I discovered that my husband loves eating non-veg food, drinks alcohol quite frequently, smokes occasionally and is agnostic spiritually. These were certainly not the qualities I had ever imagined my life partner would have. I felt quite helpless and didn't know what to

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Comments: 19

Her Grace Yamuna devi dasi, premier disciple of Srila Prabhupada, known for her deeply spiritual qualities and connection with His Divine Grace, for her glorious offering of the Govindam prayers that we hear and chant daily, for her love of pure kirtan, for her ecstatic award winning cook books which were infused with spiritual anecdotes, for greatly inspiring and encouraging the younger generation of ISKCON devotees in their Krishna Consciousness. On Saphala Ekadasi day this year was her first

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How to Distribute Many Books

How to Distribute Many Books

Prabhupada Quotes
I always remember Prabhupada's words "think big". If I want to distribute many books, first I count how many books I want to distribute, how many points I want to win. For example, I make my plan to distribute 100 books a day. Then I take with me 100 books. The more you take, the more you distribute. Remember, books of Krishna do not like to lie in your bag, and psychologically you do not like your bag is heavy. Therefore you try to distribute them as soon as possibl

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Service begins by the tongue

Walking through Golden Gate Park one day, they heard a scratching coming from a garbage can. Prabhupada went over and looked in, then pulled back in repulsion. A big city rat had somehow become trapped in the garbage can and was scratching, trying to get out. Prabhupada shook his head and said, "He is doomed." He walked on. Prabhupada commented that later the garbagemen would come, see the rat, and kill him. Prabhupada was always after the philosophical and Krsna cons

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An ode to Kali Yuga on the special occasion of the “New Year” 2013

Hey Kali, be happy,

A number changes,

In a calendar,

Seconds tick away,

In a clock,

People drink,

Loose control.

People dance,

Loose control.

Whatever you do,

MUST loose control !

Hey Kali, be happy !

Loose control, is what you want !

Everyone says,

Happy New Year !

Everyone knows,

There is nothing new,

Everyone knows,

There is no happy thing,


Everyone says,

Happy New Year !

Keep the illusion going folks !

Keep the show going, as they say !

Hey Ka

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The International Kirtan Festival Mumbai

The International Kirtan Festival Mumbai

Friday 15th February

Bhajan Sandya & Adhivaas: 3pm - 8pm

(Dinner Prasad at 8pm)

Saturday 16th February

Kirtan: 8am - 10pm

Opening Ceremony Speech By HH Radhanath Swami at 8am

(Breakfast: 7:00am, Lunch: 1pm, Dinner: 7pm)

Sunday 17th February

Kirtan: 8am - 10pm

(Breakfast: 7:00am, Lunch: 1pm, Dinner: 7pm)

Bhaktivedanta Mission School
Shastri Nagar
Off Link Road
Near Laxmi Industrial Estate
Andheri (W)
400 056
The following sanyassi’s and senior devotees will be pa

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Scientists’ astonishment

Nature’s ecological balance is so perfect that the scientists get bewildered. Scientists often envision the idea of manufacturing symbiotic factories i.e. the factories which will support each other. For e.g. if there are two factories then the waste product of factory ‘A’ becomes the raw material for factory ‘B’ and the waste product of factory ‘B’ becomes the raw material for factory ‘A’. If this is achieved then it will revolutionize the world. The factory would generate almost 100% profit as

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Hare Krishna Quotes

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Today is 01 Jan 2013, an important vaishnava tithi of Disappearance Day of HDG Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasavti Thakura,  spiritual master of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, founder of ISKCON. On this holy day, as a service to the vaishnava community, we are happy to announce the release of our latest website - www.harekrishnaquotes.com

This website has more than 2500 important vaishnava quotes categorised and tagged

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Samadhi for Yamuna Devi will Built in VrindavanaAfter a groundswell of support from ISKCON devotees and leaders, a Samadhi (mausoleum) is being constructed in the sacred land of Vrindavana, India for Srila Prabhupada’s famous early disciple Yamuna Devi. Yamuna is well-known for singing the Govindam song played at ISKCON temples around the world every morning, for writing the award-winning cookbook Lord Krishna’s Cuisine, and for being an ISKCON pioneer in the UK. She passed away on December 20th, 2011 at the age of 69 due to heart complicati

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2514891949?profile=originalDear Vaishnavas, Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
All glories to Guru parampara,

Inauguration of New Vedic Cultural Centre (ISKCON-NVCC) & installation of Sri Sri Radha Vrindavanchandra, Sri Sri Jagannath Baladeva Subhadra, Sri Sri Gaur Nitai and Sri Balaji would be performed on the gracious occasion of SRI NITYANANDA TRAYODASHI, ie 23rd & 24th February 2013.

We heartily invite all of you to come and participate in this wonderful festival. To avail Accommoda

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2514891946?profile=originalDear Vaishnavas, Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
All glories to Guru parampara,

Inauguration of New Vedic Cultural Centre (ISKCON-NVCC) & installation of Sri Sri Radha Vrindavanchandra, Sri Sri Jagannath Baladeva Subhadra, Sri Sri Gaur Nitai and Sri Balaji would be performed on the gracious occasion of SRI NITYANANDA TRAYODASHI, ie 23rd & 24th February 2013.

We heartily invite all of you to come and participate in this wonderful festival. To avail Accommoda

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I Am Your Neighbour and Want to Share Something Beautiful

Prabhuada with his Books
I am professional classical and opera singer with many degrees and diplomas, and with many concerts worldwide from my childhood, 6 years of age. But when I became a devotee for 15 years I was learning to sing only for Krishna, the Lord, and nearly did not open my mouth. I thought that to sing for Krishna you must learn to sing so beautifully that Krishna would like to listen. Devotees were telling me that only devotion matters, not the vo

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