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Concept of Knowledge

2514912174?profile=originalLecture on Concept of Knowledge by Dravida Prabhu on 26 Dec 2010 at San Diego

(Dravida Prabhu is a vaishnava scholar, musician and poet. He has edited Back to Godhead magazine and other books published by the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust for over 25 years.)

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Preparing For Final Test

2514911968?profile=originalLecture on Preparing For Final Test by Radhanath Swami on 19 May 1993 at India

(Radhanath Swami has a special interest in the holy places in India and leads thousands of devotees on pilgrimage each year. Radhanath Swami is a trustee of Bhaktivedanta College, Belgium, by providing his spiritual support and encouragement.)

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2514911930?profile=originalLecture on Inner discipline for social engineering by Sivarama Swami on 06 Feb 2013

(Sivarama Swami was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1949. In 1956, during the failed Hungarian revolution, he emigrated with his family to Canada. Sivarama Swami first came in contact with the books of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1970, becoming an initiated disciple of Prabhupada in 1973.)

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Perfection of Grihastha Ashram

2514912035?profile=originalLecture on Perfection of Grihastha Ashram by Kratu Prabhu on 27 May 2006 at Morosco-Croatia

(During high schooling years, he became president of the students union and went on to receive a bachelor degree in engineering from the M.S. University, Baroda.)

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Hinduism and Krishna Consciousness

2514911965?profile=originalLecture on Hinduism and Krishna Consciousness by Caitanya Charan Prabhu

(Caitanya Charan Prabhu is a monk and spiritual teacher in the time honored tradition of bhakti yoga. He has done his Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering from the Govt College of Engg, Pune.)

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Letter to: Mahatma Gandhi by Srila Prabhupad

Dear Friend Mahatmajee,Please accept my respectful Namaskar. I am your unknown friend but I had to write to you at times and again although you never cared to reply them. I sent you my papers "Back to Godhead" but your secretaries told me that you have very little time to read the letters and much less for reading the magazines. I asked for an interview with you but your busy secretaries never cared to reply this. Anyway as I am your very old friend although unknown to you I am again writing to
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Scientific Evidence Of Cow Urine

Scientific Evidence:

In ayurveda it is said:

gavyam pavitram ca rasayanam ca pathyam ca hrdyam balam buddhi syata
aayuh pradam rakt vikar hari tridosh hridrog vishapaham syata

Meaning: Cow urine panchgavya is great elixir, proper diet, pleasing to heart, giver of mental and physical strength, enhances longevity. It balances bile, mucous and airs. Remover of heart diseases and effect of poison.

For thousands of years, people in India have used cow urine and cow dung for different purposes in

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How to Conquer Lust

2514911459?profile=originalLecture on How to Conquer Lust by Bir Krishna Goswami at New Goloka

(From the beginning, Bir Krishna Goswami distinguished himself by his oratorical skills, his spiritual dedication, and his devotion to studying the writings of his spiritual master, through which he acquired a deep knowledge of the process of Krishna consciousness. )

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Be Smart!

Be Smart! Look before You Leap!In life always we set a goal and choose to walk on a path that will help us achieve the goal. Anyone wants to become a Doctor does not join a Computer Course thinking that he will become a doctor at the end of the course. So, destination depends on the path we choose to travel.

Every one wants to become happy in life. It’s a unanimous desire of all living entities not just human beings. But did we ever check out whether the path we are traversing will make us happy.
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Psychologically Created Ilusions

2514911512?profile=originalLecture on Psychologically Created Ilusions by Caitanya Charan Prabhu on 04 Jan 2010

(Caitanya Charan Prabhu is a editor of Back to Godhead, which is the official international magazine of the Hare Krishna movement. )

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Modern Civilization is failing

2514911466?profile=originalLecture on Modern Civilization is failing by Giriraj Swami on 19 Jan 2006 at Dallas

(Giriraj Swami has also taught at the Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education and continues to lecture and to give presentations at japa retreats and workshops around the world.)

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The Wheel of Needs

2514911656?profile=originalLecture on The Wheel of Needs by Sachinanadana Swami on 24 June 2012

(Sacinandana Swami shared many of his insights in his books: "Nectarean Ocean of the Holy Name", "The Gayatri Book" and "The Way of the Great Departure".Beside teaching in Bhaktivedanta College (Radhadesh, Belgium), Maharaja's new emphasis lies on a unique preaching concept of presenting the culture of Krishna Consciousness to the people in Veda Academy.)

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Desire Vs Effort

2514911480?profile=originalLecture on Desire Vs Effort by Romapada Swami on 10 Dec 2012 at Detroit

(In his efforts to share Krishna consciousness with others, Romapada Swami draws on the benefits he himself gained from the University outreach programs he attended in the 1960s. Thus, he continues to encourage programs that fulfill students’ spiritual needs.)

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Seven Habits

2514911083?profile=originalSeminar on Seven Habits by Sridhar Swami

(In Sridhar Swami's life, Srila Prabhupada's sparked a 35 year spiritual journey that began far from its ending point in holy India. Sridhar Swami described himself as a shy person before coming to Krsna consciousness.)

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What is Sadhana

“My dear Arjuna, O winner of wealth, if you cannot fix your mind upon Me without deviation, then follow the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga. In this way develop a desire to attain Me.” (Bg. 12.9)

Good sadhana is the basis of steady advancement in Krishna consciousness. Brahmacari life is traditionally centered around sadhana: chanting mantras, studying the scriptures, and worship.

Shrila Prabhupada gave us a standard morning program of mangala-arati, tulasi-arati, Deity greeting, guru-puja, a

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ISKCON Prison Ministry

 Does the Devotees’ Personal Touch Make a Difference?

 by Bhakti-lata Dasi


            Very often, the only link an inmate has with the outside world is his correspondence with the IPM devotees. Some are fortunate enough to have supportive family or friends, but most are not. I am realizing more and more how important the relationship the inmates develop with their devotee pen pal(s) is for them.

2514910276?profile=original            (artwork by Bhakta Brian B.)

            A few weeks ago I received a

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prabhupada on grhastha life

Hare Krsna

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Following is the letter by prabhupada to one of his disciple.

Letter to: Madhukara, Bombay, 4 January, 1973, 73-01-04, St. Louis


My dear Madhukara,


I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 22, 1972, and I have noted the contents with care. For these questions arising between married husband and wife, you are requesting me to leave your wife and take the vanaprastha order of life, for these questions you

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The Power of Chastity

Hare Krsna

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada


Once, sage Vyasa went to Brahmaloka to get his doubts cleared on certain spiritual matters from Lord Brahma. While dwelling on a wide range of religious topics such as importance of austerities and various incarnations Lord Vishnu took to protect righteousness, Lord Brahma narrated a tale of a Brahmin woman who possessed divine powers on account of her chastity.
Lord Brahma said--'During ancient times there lived a Brahm
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The King’s Lesson On Charity

Hare Krsna

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

A person was advised by a holy man to gift a vegetable a day and told that he would attain great merit by doing so.
The poor man strictly followed the advice. After death, he was reborn in a royal family and grew up to become a king. He was able to recall what he had done in his past birth. So, he continued to gift a vegetable a day.
Surprisingly, after death, he was reborn as a beggar. The man was unable to comprehend t

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Hearing from our youth


One of our aims is to promote the activities of the youth in ISKCON. Thus, we are happy to share an interview we had with Caitanya Cintamani devi dasi, co-ordinator of Mayapur- Youth Entertainment Seva.

ISKCON CDM: How do you feel being a youth in ISKCON?

Caitanya Cintamani devi dasi: I feel very privileged to have been born into ISKCON and raised in a Krishna conscious atmosphere. I thank Srila Prabhupada often for the chance to have joined this movement from an “inside source” and for the fact t

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