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One may ask why Indra was so angry? There are 1000s of Indra yajnas all over the world. No one in the Svarga has ever seen him so angry. Though he has 1000 eyes he was blinded and could not see Krsna. The intoxication that blinded him was not wine or honey, but false ego.

The moment you are proud, you lose your vision.

Humility grants perception of reality.

In the words of the Bhagavatam, “the earth appears spinning due to one’s spinning his eyes around” – that happens due to pride. Pride comes

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Srila Prabhupada about political leaders


Bhagavad-gita As It Is
BG Chapters 1 – 6
If a man gets some ministership in the government by worshiping a political leader, he considers that he has achieved a great boon.
BG 4.12, Purport:

The boons of the demigods are material and temporary. Both the material worlds and their inhabitants, including the demigods and their worshipers, are bubbles in the cosmic ocean. In this world, however, human society is mad after temporary things such as the material opulence of possessing land, family and

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Annamrita Foundation Honored with Prestigious Maharashtra Ratna Award | ISKCON News

Afternoon Voice, a renowned media organization, conferred the esteemed Maharashtra Ratna Award upon Annamrita Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing nutritious meals to underprivileged children. The felicitation ceremony took place in the presence of distinguished guests, including Dipak Kesarkar, Education Minister of Maharashtra, Bollywood actress Sonali Kulkarni, Dr. Vai

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In a recent press release, ISKCON of Houston, Texas, announced their first annual Festival of Bliss, the Sri Jagannath Ratha Yatra, to be held on Saturday, November 9th, at 10:30 AM at the American Legion Park.

The festival procession will begin at noon from the American Legion Park and “promises a vibrant cultural experience with live music, dance performances, and traditional Indian cuisine.”

The announcement continued, “The Ratha Yatra is not just a parade; it is a journey of the heart, a cel

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Giriraj Swami Health Update

12986148262?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Giriraj Swami Care Team  

Giriraj Swami has been diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia, a progressive neurological condition that affects his cognitive functions, including decision-making, emotional regulation, and social behavior. This diagnosis significantly impairs his ability to control his actions and feelings, leading to behaviors that are inconsistent with his character and values.

Although the diagnosis was only recently confirmed, Giriraj Swami has been affected by the condition fo

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Thank you Oh Srimati Radharani, Oh Divine Mother for giving this fallen and sinful soul entrance into Your personal abode, Sri Vrindavan. I know that I am fully unqualified to step onto this holy land of Yours but Your mercy is unfathomable, unimaginable and incalculable.

A day before our departure from Goa, I had developed some throat infection and was feeling slightly feverish. I was not sure if I could make it. All the more, we didn't get a direct flight to Delhi. We were supposed to hop ove
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The passing of Gandharvika devi in Miami

By Nartaka Gopala dasi

Srimati Gandharvika devi (Sonia Lerner) passed away Saturday September 21, 2024 in Miami Florida from complications of the liver. She was 80 years old and had joined the International Society for Krsna Consciousness in 1988 in Miami Beach, Florida. She was born in Cochabamba, Bolivia, South America, and also lived several years in Brazil. Her mother was from Guatemala and she was mostly raised by her Jewish stepfather. She had two children, her son Juan and daughter Cynthi

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Rare photo of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada along with the Chief Mahant of Sri Veni Madhav Temple


Prayagraj Yatra

The King of Tirthas

Places to visit in and around Prayagraj:

1. Sri Veni Madhav Temple

2. Triveni Sangam – Magnificent Confluence of Ganges, Yamuna and invisible Sarasvati Rivers

3. Lord Caitanya’s Footprints at Sri Dashashwamedha Brahmeshwar Mahadev Temple

4. Sri Nag Vasuki Temple

5. Bharadvaja Muni’s Ashram

6. Akshaya Vat of Lord Ramacandra near Patalapuri Temple at Pra

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September 29th Update

Several power poles and power lines (including phone lines which connects many residents to the Internet) are still down in parts of Alachua. Some devotees saw their power restored yesterday but are still facing damage caused by falling trees and branches. While power has not been restored to the temple and its residents, devotees are safe and beginning cleanup.

Manorama Das, ISKCON Youth Minister, did report that a tree that fell on the covered bus port (shelter) that prot

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9/30/24 Health Update

Today, HG Mahatma Das is continuing with his healing and resting as much as possible. Despite experiencing a lot of bodily discomfort, he remains in good spirits and stable condition, making the best of a difficult recovery process. He is constantly thinking of Krishna and sharing blissful realizations.

Your prayers are needed for his ongoing recovery. Please continue with your kirtans, prayers, chanting very good rounds, and pujas. This is helping him greatly.

Radhapriya D

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Two Harvests by Bhaktimarga Swami

It is very much that time of the year when harvest is on, at least in Southern Ontario. I ask people, “How does your garden grow ?” usually meaning what did you reap as far as veggies are concerned. The question can seem generic. Is life prosperous physically or spiritually ?

For the last 6 or 7 years I have been encouraging those under my bhakti influences to take to the hobby of planting and growing in whatever little dirt spot you may have. To my friends who lost by fire their trees, garde

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From Back to Godhead

Because many factors influence the way we see the world, too much faith in our own perspective can be materially and spiritually dangerous.

My husband and I were counseling a couple and making progress, but then we reached an impasse. The husband insisted that his perceptions of the couple’s interactions were reality and anything different from those perceptions was false or illusory. In other words, his wife’s view was wrong if it differed from his. My husband and I did ou

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Wonderful Prasadam by Rohininandana Dasa


From Back to Godhead

In many places in his books Srila Prabhupada describes the wonders of prasadam, food prepared with devotion and offered to Krishna. Prabhupada discusses such merits of prasadam as how it effectively immunizes one against the contamination of the material nature, how it frees one from becoming a ghost after death, and even how it is considered ecstatic nectar from the lips of Lord Krishna. In the Chaitanya-charitamrita (Madhya-lila, 4.93, purport) Srila Prabhupada writes:


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Arrows of Kama By Saurav Sarmah


Kama (Cupid) possesses five arrows, with which he inflicts all conditioned living entities. According to Sripad Prabodhananda Saraswati (in his commentary on the Gita Govinda), these arrows are: infatuation, agitation, heart-burning, extreme dryness and destruction. Let us elaborate:

During the course of one’s life, one sees many members of the opposite sex. There is a natural attraction caused by the arrangement of Maya because we identify ourselves with the body (pumsah-striya-maithuni bhava)

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12984135897?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Rasika Sekara Das 

In the peaceful village of Pajieslys, Lithuania, New Govardhan Ashram stands as a spiritual haven built on the vision of Bhakti Sharan Shanta Swami. Although he has since left the body, his teachings and dreams live on through the local community of devotees, who are now engaged in realizing one of his greatest aspirations: the construction of a new temple, a sanctuary for the worship of Giriraj Govardhan and a center for spiritual growth.

Read more: https://iskconnews.org

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By Bhavya Bhatnagar and Ramacarya Das 

This year marked a remarkable milestone for ISKCON St. Louis, which celebrated its 50th installation of Nitai-Gaura Nataraja Deities. The deities were originally installed during the last week of August 1974. Over the decades, ISKCON St. Louis has become a vibrant community, serving as a spiritual home and contributing to the St. Louis community. This event was celebrated from Aug. 31st to Sept. 1st at the temple.  

Renowned honorable guests who were associ

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Travel The Species by Bhaktimarga Swami

There was foggy condition at the beach in Burlington when Jagannath Misra and I started our morning walk. From there I was whisked away by the same Jagannath headed for a special place - the African Lion Safari, a big attraction. At the entrance I met the members of the Bhakti Academy Toronto (BAT) as we prepared for an adventure by car through regions of African animals, Australians and the Americans. Before  making that journey (a caravan of 3 cars) I mentioned to the group, “We are going to h

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From Back to Godhead

By Satyaraja Dasa

A section of the Padma Purana glorifying the Bhagavatam presents an allegorical account of bhakti’s travels.

In India’s traditional wisdom texts, bhakti, or devotion, is sometimes presented as a person. This is especially so in Gaudiya Vaishnava literature. In Kavi Karnapura’s Chaitanya-candrodaya-natakam, for example, we see bhakti personified as a character in a play. In the modern era, Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s Bhakti-tattva-viveka describes her as a

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By Dharma-setu das

Karana and I got married on the 5th of January 2002. Since then I have received a lot of valuable advice that has at various times helped me in my marriage. Three recommendations have been particularly useful and have stood the test of time. I’d like to share these with you along with some of the realisations that I have gleamed from them.

1 – “Always Forgive One Another”

Shortly after getting married my wife and I visited my grandmother. She was 82 years old at the time an
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Mahalaya Pitrupaksha Sevas 2024

12950605273?profile=RESIZE_584xMahalaya Paksha, or Pitru Paksha, is a deeply sacred time to remember and honor our ancestors. This year, it begins on September 18, 2024, and will culminate with Mahalaya Amavasya on October 3, 2024. During this period, we have the divine opportunity to offer our heartfelt gratitude and prayers for the peaceful journey of our forefathers in their onward spiritual journey.

In this fortnight of reverence, it is recommended in the Shastras that we perform Śrāddha ceremonies and offer Tarpana (obla

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