ISKCON Desire Tree's Posts (19201)

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13528255669?profile=RESIZE_584xThere comes a time, sometimes regularly, where we may feel, Oh, Krishna. I can’t do this anymore. This ‘this’ will be different for everyone. It happened to Arjuna in the Gita – he wanted to give up, not to fight, and go off to the forest to be alone. He did not want to deal with people and life’s problems. He told Krishna: I’m not fighting, I can’t do it, I can’t see the point, better if I don’t act and move to the side.

If it can happen to Arjuna, who had everything going for him, including talent, skill, health, family, and especially friendship with Krishna, it can certainly happen to all of us. The struggle for existence, as daily life is described in our teachings, can sometimes just be too much. We will feel like Arjuna and have a desire to give up and go away.

Arjuna was a good person. He did nothing wrong and still he felt despondent. Of course that was connected to him not wanting to do anything wrong; the impending war and killing was something he was having grave doubts about. And he was a warrior! In his blood was the natural desire to protect the innocent and ensure good leadership in the world. Still he was overwhelmed, doubtful, and unsure of his next steps.

Our fight may be with an illness, a slow recovery, mistakes, a sudden death, a mountain of bills or debts, a challenging work environment, tension in relationships, a loss, a failure, a breaking of the law. Or it maybe we see how broken the world is and feel helpless to help. The list is endless.

How to respond to such feelings of inadequacy? How to work through them, gathering our resolve, and moving forward? We need to be able to do this otherwise such feelings will wear away at our energy and we will slowly grind to a halt.

By the end of the Gita, Arjuna has found his understanding, found his sense of self in relationship to the context of his life. Here are three of Krishna’s teachings in the Gita that helped him recover and re-energize:

We have to do something:
We are a soul with a body. One one level, spiritually, we have nothing to do with this world. The soul remains untouched. One another level, while in the body, we are connected to the world and must move within it. We are forced to act, even if all we do is breathe and eat. And every move has an impact on our future – both action and inaction. Be careful Arjuna, Krishna says. Running from difficulty may seem like a good move, but will solve nothing.

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13528254854?profile=RESIZE_584xSometimes I hear devotees say that they have been chanting Hare Krishna for thirty or forty years or more, and are still waiting to feel the taste for it, or the ecstasy from chanting, or from doing devotional service. I even heard where some devotee workshops were saying that it is not uncommon that devotees do not feel this bliss even after years of chanting, and that sometimes people leave the movement because they don’t feel the higher taste. They did not get what they expected. But the cure for that is clearly explained.

So, let’s look at exactly how we can feel the bliss of our chanting Hare Krishna and in engaging in the devotional service of Lord Krishna. This is clearly described in the Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila Chapter 6, in the descriptions of the glories of Sri Advaita Acharya. Therein it first explains how Sri Advaita Acharya is the expansion of Maha-Vishnu, the creator of the cosmic manifestation. So, it would seem that He is one of the centers or sources of all the bliss that could ever be available. But that is not exactly how it works. In Adi-Lila 6, verses 4-13, it explains the potency of Lord Advaita Acharya:

“Lord Advaita Acharya is the incarnation of Maha-Vishnu, whose main function is to create the cosmic world through the actions of maya.

“Because He is nondifferent from Hari, the Supreme Lord, He is called Advaita, and because He propagates the cult of devotion, He is called Acharya. He is the Lord and the incarnation of the Lord’s devotee. Therefore I take shelter of Him.

“Sri Advaita Acharya is indeed directly the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. His glory is beyond the conception of ordinary living beings.

“Maha-Vishnu performs all the functions for the creation of the universes. Sri Advaita Acharya is His direct incarnation.

“That purusha [form of the Supreme] creates and maintains with His external energy. He creates innumerable universes in His pastimes.

“By His will He manifests Himself in unlimited forms, in which He enters each and every universe.

“Sri Advaita Acharya is a plenary part of that purusha and so is not different from Him. Indeed, Sri Advaita Acharya is not separate but is another form of that purusha.

“He [Advaita Acharya] helps in the pastimes of the purusha, with whose material energy and by whose will He creates innumerable universes.

“Being a reservoir of all auspicious attributes, Sri Advaita Acarya is all-auspicious for the world. His characteristics, activities and name are always auspicious.

“Maha-Vishnu creates the entire material world with millions of His parts, energies and incarnations.”

So, herein, we can begin to understand that Sri Advaita Acharya and Maha-Vishnu are completely spiritual. Being so, They are in constant contact with the supreme bliss that comes from the spiritual abode, and They must also be one of the sources of such ecstasy. Right? But let us read on to further understand Sri Advaita Acharya’s power, in texts 18-27:

“The Lord infuses the material ingredients with His own creative potency. Then, by the power of the Lord, creation takes place.

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13528254869?profile=RESIZE_584xOver the years modern science has speculated and researched to find out the number of species on earth, the method that main stream science has adopted is experimental which is commonly known as “seeing is believing”, but without going much in detail regarding the imperfectness of this method, which is based on imperfect senses of the human being and imperfectness of the instruments developed by the human beings by these imperfect senses, it is extremely difficult to understand or gauge the vast variety of species that inhibit this tiny planet earth in the entire universe.

For those who have faith and logical thinking can ponder on the information given in the ancient Vedic Writings like the Srimad Bhagavatam about the construction and constitution of this material universe of which our earth is but a tiny speck. In connection to this, the Vedas give us a exact statistics of the number of inhabitants in this entire universe. As per the Vedic Writings among the living entities there are many species; which can be seen in our ordinary experience. Vedic literature gives a detailed statistics on the number of species of different living entities that are present in the universe, which is as follows

jalaja nava lakshani sthavara laksha-vimsati krimayo rudra-sankhyakah, pakshinam dasa-lakshanam, girimsa lakhani pasau manushyah catur-lakshani

” There are 900,000 species of aquatic animals, 2,000,000 species of immovable beings like the trees and vegetation, 1,100,000 species of reptiles and insects, 1,000,000 species of birds , 3,000,000 species of four legged beasts and 400, 000 species of human beings.”

From the statistics seen above it is evident that the human species are less in number as compared to others. Moreover human body is endowed with advanced intelligence than the other species of life. Humans are termed as rational beings, since our body has the intelligence and capability of distinguishing right from wrong, acquiring knowledge and using our brain to accomplish many tasks.

Further the Vedic Scriptures inform us that even within the 400, 000 species of human beings many are uncivilized , like the aborigines, they are similar to animals , in the sense that they are intelligent enough to cater to the basic necessities of eating , sleeping, mating and defending. Human body is unique in many ways , but the most precious gift that human body has is the advanced intelligence. This intelligence has been bestowed upon human beings for a higher purpose. Vedic texts inform that this intelligence should be used to enquire about the Supreme Person ” atatho Brahman jijnasa” which means Now enquire about the Absolute Truth.

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13528248674?profile=RESIZE_584xIn January the two most sacred dhams in the world were the venues for ISKCON’s #1 and #2 book distribution teams. Vrindavan was #1 with 131,338 book points, and Mayapur was #2 with 120,443 book points.

A big reason these teams rack up such huge scores is the huge numbers of people who visit these holy places and buy Srila Prabhupada’s books. Also, both these temples field fired-up traveling sankirtana parties (like Mayapur’s ten big bus parties).

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13528249075?profile=RESIZE_584xWhen hungry a child not only cries but tries to put anything and everything in his tiny little mouth. Once fed, he becomes quiet and either peacefully plays or simply sleeps. Our hungry heart also always creates tantrum like a child. A mother is aware of her child’s wants but we are unaware about our heart’s needs. Being constantly starved our heart soon makes our life miserable. And we anxiously search for the elixir to calm the angry heart. But none of our attempts completely succeeds. Our solutions are mostly old fashioned. We try to stuff it up with lots of money, loads of worldly things and tonnes of pride and prestige. The carnal pleasure in this world is celebrated and so many go for it thinking it to be the mother of all happiness. These attempts instead of satisfying the heart makes it more agitated. It’s like drinking salty sea water upon being thirsty. Not just the taste is disgusting but it increases our thirst.

Satisfaction and material opulence is not synonymous. Duryodhana is the best case study. He had succeeded in driving out Pandavas, though cunningly, out of the kingdom. And Pandavas lived frugally in the jungle in huts made of wood and mud but they were peaceful and non- complaining. But Duryodhana in spite of having all the comforts and luxury in his palace was in abject misery and in constant anxiety. Why? Because his heart was filled with envy, hatred and arrogance. Whilst the Pandavas were happy as love and piety dominated their heart. Love satisfies our heart and not lust. Satisfaction calms our heart and not material hankering.

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13528247091?profile=RESIZE_584xRecently, India Today held its 2025 Conclave at the Taj Palace in New Delhi, where key leaders explored the Age of Acceleration in which we are living. One of the key topics explored was “Playing God: the Right to Live Forever.” A panel made up of Dr. Sajeeve Nair, Henrique Jorge, and ISKCON’s Gauranga Das discussed the risks and implications of AI clones, digital immortality, and biohacks to extend human lifespans.

In his comments, Gauranga Das addresses the ethical and religious implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital cloning. He emphasizes that while machines can assist in accomplishing tasks, they should not dominate human autonomy, warning, “We need the assistance of machines, but the values and morality should always remain human.” ​

Gauranga Das reflected on timeless principles from the Bhagavad-gita, underscoring the need for ethical considerations and spiritual awareness as AI continues to evolve, urging a balanced approach that respects both technological progress and human values.

To listen to the entire panel discussion, click herePhoto courtesy of India Today.


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13528247680?profile=RESIZE_584xVaishnavi receives Savitri award from Jayapataka Swami at Mayapur ceremony.

The Mayapur Community Sevaks (MCS), in collaboration with the Co-Directors Body, organized the first-ever Savitri Awards on the eve of International Women’s Day to honor the invaluable contributions of second and third-generation Vaishnavis within ISKCON Mayapur. Inspired by Savitri, a revered figure known for her unwavering devotion and selfless service, the awards recognized the humility and steadfastness of Vaishnavis who have dedicated themselves to devotional service.

Srila Prabhupada consistently highlighted the essential role of Vaishnavis in spreading and sustaining Krishna consciousness. The Savitri Awards serve as a tribute to this vision, ensuring that the dedication and service of Vaishnavis are acknowledged and celebrated.

The event was graced by several female disciples of Srila Prabhupada, including Atitaguna Devi Dasi and Yashomati Devi Dasi, who shared cherished memories of Srila Prabhupada and their journey to Mayapur. Their stories underscored their ongoing commitment to fulfilling the mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in His birthplace.

The success of the Savitri Awards was made possible through the collective efforts of the MCS, the Co-Directors Body, and several key individuals. Jayapataka Swami’s wisdom and support, along with the steadfast backing of Braj Vilas Das, played a crucial role. MCS Chairman Nanda Krsna Das and Co-Director Subekshana Das were also instrumental in conceptualizing and organizing the event.

“For decades, Vaishnavis have played a vital role in temple and community life—engaging in deity worship, education, prasadam distribution, administration, community welfare, and outreach—often without formal acknowledgment. Recognizing this silent yet crucial service, the MCS and the Co-Directors Body conceived the Savitri Awards to celebrate and honor these contributions,” said MCS Chairman Nanda Krsna Das.

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13528246262?profile=RESIZE_584xSome of the greatest monks of the last two millennia, like Sankaracharya, Ramanuja, Madhava, and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, visited the location where the Kurma/tortoise avatar has been honoured near Srikakulam.  Our group was told to prepare for a 3 AM pickup by the bus.  I hate to say it, but no one in this country tends to be on time.

When we reached the Kurma Mandir, the gates for the 4:30 AM opening was also not a reality.  We were eager – eager to see something rare – the snan, or bathing, done daily of the stone image of Kurma with the use of mantra, milk, sandalwood paste, water, and herbs.  The pandit, or priest, was most favourable to us.  He told us of pastimes and pointed to the door that leads to a tunnel destined for Varnasi, hundreds of kilometres away.  There is a warning at the door, “Danger, wildlife and snakes reside here.”

Our team was fascinated by the operation of the snan.

Within the courtyard resides a fenced-in section for actual turtles of the region.  We caught them piled up on each other.  It is a breed I’ve never seen before.  By the side is a lake where pilgrims, bathe themselves all for the purpose of purification.

In the evening, we prepared ourselves for the last of our shows for a series of “Hare Krishna Utsava.”  My amigo from Gainesville, Florida, Kalakantha, was there.  He gave a class.  Excellently executed.  Then the drama.  Vamana was a hit.


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13528237452?profile=RESIZE_584xISKCON’s official websites and social media channels have transformed the organization’s global outreach, creating unprecedented opportunities for spiritual connection in the digital age. With tens of millions of views across platforms, ISKCON has successfully leveraged digital technologies to spread Krishna consciousness, foster community engagement, and provide spiritual resources to devotees worldwide. This digital ecosystem has become particularly vital in connecting geographically dispersed communities, engaging younger generations, and adapting ancient Vedic teachings to contemporary communication channels.

ISKCON’s Official Websites: Digital Hubs for Global Community The Global Gateway

The official ISKCON website ( serves as the movement’s digital headquarters, providing a comprehensive entry point for those interested in Krishna consciousness. The site features regularly updated news about ISKCON’s worldwide activities, showcasing the organization’s dynamic presence across continents. Recent headlines on the platform highlight diverse community initiatives, from the Bhakti Center’s Diwali Festival in New York City, which attracted over 1,000 attendees, to the “Hunger Free Zone” prasadam distribution program in Baltimore that has served thousands of people.

The website effectively communicates ISKCON’s core values through its content structure, highlighting both spiritual teachings and practical community service initiatives. By featuring stories such as “Building the Future of ISKCON with Care” and community rebuilding efforts at Saranagati Village, the platform demonstrates how the organization balances spiritual focus with social responsibility. This approach helps newcomers understand the multifaceted nature of ISKCON as both a spiritual movement and a community-oriented organization.

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The Self at War by Yogesvara Das

13528235465?profile=RESIZE_584xThe hero of India’s epic Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna, is at a crossroad. He is intelligent, well-intending, and overwhelmed by a dilemma we all might recognize: the apparent incompatibility of worldly responsibilities and other-worldly aspirations. Arjuna is a warrior who feels the call to a more peaceful, non-invasive life. On the verge of a mammoth war he refuses to fight, even though the enemy is an aggressor who must be brought down. Like Arjuna, once we acknowledge the call to a more enlightened life we may also find mundane duties distasteful. Is it possible to attend to such obligations without compromising our higher self? Is it possible to live in the material world without becoming overwhelmed by it? The Gita responds by analyzing our dilemma through the eyes of a soldier preparing to do battle.

Chapter Four begins with Arjuna doubting Krishna’s claim that he taught yoga to the Sun God millions of years before. It is a common ploy: when we don’t want to do something we rationalize it away. One of Arjuna’s many excuses for not fighting is to doubt Krishna’s authority. (Doubts, samsayam, as referred to in this verse are not healthy skepticism, which is commendable, but the toxic variety that impede worthy action.) If Krishna is inventing a personal history, then his instructions are suspect and Arjuna can feel justified withdrawing from battle. Patiently, Krishna explains that “Many births you and I have taken, I remember them all but you do not.” He does not dwell on Arjuna’s challenge but brings the discussion back to the real issue, namely Arjuna’s unwillingness to confront the difficult task ahead.

A simple summary of Krishna’s advice would be: Do good without coveting the results of what you do, and you will avoid the noxious effects of selfish behavior. That is, if you fight because it is your duty and not for egoistic ends, then your actions take place under a mantle of karmic immunity. The drawback to such simplistic summaries is that they gloss over the psychic complexities of Arjuna’s dilemma. Look beneath the Gita’s surface narrative, and we discover much deeper insights into the human condition. Implicit in this verse, for instance, is a reminder that pain and painful duties are inevitable. A discerning yogi does not allow pain or discomfort to interfere with executing righteous work. As described by the Yoga Sutras (2.1): “Accepting pain as help for purification constitutes yoga in practice.”

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13528235053?profile=RESIZE_584xLast month, Bhaktivedanta National School (BVNS) in Swarupganj marked its first anniversary with an inspiring celebration. The event was held at the Natmandir, a newly constructed monument dedicated to Radhapriti Devi Dasi and Sankarsan Das, both disciples of Srila Prabhupada.

This Annual Day Celebration of the new branch of BVNS reflected the school’s commitment to academic excellence infused with spiritual values. BVNS stands as an example of holistic education, blending the CBSE curriculum with the timeless wisdom of Sanatana Dharma, ensuring an affordable, value-based learning experience for Swarupganj and its neighboring communities.

The anniversary celebrations commenced with kirtan, as students, faculty, and devotees joined in the welcoming of Srila Prabhupada, which was followed by a series of student performances at noon. A total of thirty-one students participated, beginning with a sacred invocation and recitation of Bhagavad-gita verses, which was followed by rhymes from the youngest children, Krishna’s enchanting childhood pastimes, and enthralling renditions of Putana Vadh, Makhanchor Lila, Bakasur Vadh, and Kaliya Nag Daman.

Special guests and dignitaries who honored the event with their presence included Subheksana Das, Co-Director of ISKCON Mayapur; Harilila Das, Divisional Head of Mayapur Hospital and Member of ISKCON Mayapur Development Services; and Anuttama Gopi Devi Dasi, Principal of BVNS Mayapur, along with other distinguished members of the ISKCON community.

Ramanipati Das, Vice Chairman of BVNS and Management Representative of the International School, who highlighted the school’s noble mission, said, “Bhaktivedanta National School extends its wings in Godruma Dvipa, the island of kirtan. With the heartfelt aim of supporting the Godruma dhamvasis, BVNS offers free education, books, and prasadam to all children studying here.”

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13528234070?profile=RESIZE_584xMembers of the Bhagavata Dharma Nusantara group present President Widodo with a copy of the Gita.

Every Sunday, the 7th President of Indonesia holds an open house to give the public an opportunity to visit his home in Solo. Recently, devotees from ISKCON Indonesia participated in this event and presented him with a copy of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

Joko Widodo, commonly known as Jokowi, has been the 7th President of Indonesia since 2014. He previously served as the Mayor of Surakarta from 2005 to 2012 and then as the Governor of Jakarta from 2012 to 2014. His warmth and connection with the citizens make him a popular and effective leader.

According to Dhritama Das, “President Jokowi is also known for his open-mindedness and for embracing and appreciating many faiths.” In addition to the Bhagavad-gita, he also received another book by Srila Prabhupada. These books were presented by members of the Bhagavata Dharma Nusantara group from ISKCON Indonesia.

Previously, in a light-hearted moment, when asked which superhero he would like to be and what powers he would want to possess, Joko Widodo replied, “Krishna.” He explained that Krishna is recognized as a powerful figure in Indonesia, especially in Java, and mentioned that Krishna wields the weapon Chakra, which grants him immense strength. “But he is also wise,” he added.


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PEOPLE GIVING by Bhaktimarga Swami

13528231878?profile=RESIZE_584xOn a daily basis, I am receiving in the neighbourhood of a dozen garlands – a way of welcome, an etiquette to honour a sadhu (a monk).  You can’t beat the fragrances of the flowers in India.  It’s quite a treat.  One receives these strings of lovelies when entering a home, an institution, a temple, often two or three at a time.  It adds up.  Also, when one sits down to give a class.

It was two classes today.  The morning one involved pastimes (my personal ones) with our guru, Prabhupada.  The second one was at the convention hall next to Sunrise Hotel.  After Bharai Ramesh sang in praise of Balaji and Ram, I was asked to speak about the power of chanting.  I guess you could say it was part two, since I projected the message the night before.

It appears that people are intrigued to hear from a white swami.  It’s something different.  The audience was quiet.  They were listening.
I have also been receiving pens.  The good Lord Krishna knows I like to write.  Yes, every day I put my pen to paper for the daily blog for The Walking Monk, in addition to the poetry for a new book.  Even during Bharati’s singing, I got my pen out for a poem.  I meant no disrespect to him.  I get this passion that pushes to an obsessiveness.

Our leading man for the drama, Parama Karuna, got hit by sickness.  He needs rest.  The prasadam has been improved – no hot stuff.  The troupe is happy.  The weather is hot and humid.  I’m finding it tough to venture into walking.  Two minutes in and you are sweating to pieces. 



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13527767864?profile=RESIZE_584xIntelligent Design in a Modern Vedic Context

By Leif Asmark Jensen

(Lalitanatha dasa)

 Consciousness is our most immediate experience. Yet, when it comes to studying consciousness beyond one’s own conscious experience, we can only study circumstantial evidence. One such category is studies of the symptoms of a conscious action on events or physical objects. This is known as the argument from design.

An argument from design refers to the inference that a feature cannot be explained as solely the result of physical processes or attributed to chance, but is due to conscious activity. Such inferences are commonplace. For instance, archeologists study flints to see if everything can be explained as the result of natural geological processes, or if certain features, such as a series of parallel strikes, must be the result of conscious activity. If archeologists conclude the latter, they can be said to have inferred ”design” or ”intelligent design”.

Design arguments applied to nature and the universe are old stuff within philosophy, theology and science, tracing back into the pre-Christian Western world, as well as being found in other contexts, such as India’s tradition of Vedic philosophy. Appeals to design have generally been used to substantiate the existence of a Deity, adding a controversial feature to design arguments.

Cicero (106–43 BC) wrote:

“When you look at a picture or a statue, you recognize that it is a work of art. When you follow from afar the course of a ship, upon the sea, you do not question that its movement is guided by a skilled intelligence. When you see a sundial or a water-clock, you see that it tells the time by design and not by chance. How then can you imagine that the universe as a whole is devoid of purpose and intelligence when it embraces everything, including these artifacts themselves and their artificers?”[1]

Similar arguments were made by Socrates and Plato and other Greeks, by Augustine, Aquinas and other Christian scholastics, and by founders of modern science such as Bacon, Kepler and Newton (Newton: “This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.”[2])

The term ’intelligent design’ has also been known in the West for centuries. Even Darwin used it: “One cannot look at this Universe with all living productions and man without believing that all has been intelligently designed; yet when I look to each individual organism, I can see no evidence of this.”[3]

From Scientific American in 1847: “Where must we look for this fountain but to the great storehouse of nature — the innumerable and diversified objects there were presented to our view give evidence of infinite skill and intelligent design in their adaptation to each other and to the nature of man.”[4]

Oxford scholar F.C.S. Schiller wrote in 1897: “It will not be possible to rule out the supposition that the process of Evolution may be guided by an intelligent design.”[5]

Even Alfred Russel Wallace, the co-developer with Charles Darwin of the theory of evolution, came to believe that “a Higher Intelligence”[6] guided the process.

Design arguments in India

Another ancient and rich philosophical tradition is the Vedic tradition of India, which arguably is even older than the Western, and design arguments are commonplace. Sankaracarya (app. 800) wrote:

“In the case of such things as a lump of earth or a stone, no power of contrivance is seen, but the design of special forms out of such things as clay is seen when they are superintended by potters and the like. In the same way, Material Nature transforms itself only when connected with a superintending, external intelligence.”[7]

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13527766856?profile=RESIZE_584xA long, long time ago when I was not an ISKCON devotee I developed a growing interest in spiritual life. After many years of taking drugs and attending rock concerts I had become sick of life.

I had been manager in several companies I worked for, most of the time I had more money than I needed and I had freedom and independence. Somehow I was not satisfied. I started wondering if real happiness existed. I discovered that no matter how hard I tried I just could not break free from certain activities.

I was looking for real freedom; freedom from the unseen forces that drove me to seek out all those things people said would make me happy but in truth bound me with chains. I was confused, where do I turn now? Then one day I had the courage to admit to myself that, with all these desirable things, I was not happy. This was the first scary thing, to admit I was not happy.

Then, my life began to change. Again, I became scared because I didn’t really know where I was going. All I knew was I didn’t want to be where I was. I was haunted by a thousand fears, what should I do now, will I have money? Will I have friends? Will I be cared for? And on and on. So I started to read. First it was science, then psychology, and then self help. It didn’t fit. I was scared again, where do I go? So I tried eastern philosophy. Now, heres something. I read more and learned a lot. I learned drugs were bad, so I stopped. As a result I lost 85% of my friends, and then I got really scared; but excited.

If they were really my friends then they would support me to improve my life. So I took another step. I learned that happiness was not found in women, TV, eating dead animals or in reading numerous books. I gave it up, even though I was scared. Then I learned happiness was not found in rock and roll. This is going too far I thought, so I held on. But in the mean time my life had changed direction a dozen times and I had to admit that I was finding a wonderful sense of freedom from all the things that I thought gave me happiness. I was not doing many of these things and I was still alive. And in many ways becoming happy. But still I knew I had to go further. There was something deep inside that wasn’t being fulfilled.

I began to practice Hatha Yoga. Amazing things happened. I became strong both mentally and physically. I was more alert, I felt alive. But, deep inside a voice cried out for more. Then I met the devotees. Now I was scared. I had seen them before but did not take them serious. Now I was attracted but I turned away. Again I saw them and again I was scared, but of what. It was independence. What was so great about independence?

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13527765263?profile=RESIZE_584xThe Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir stands as a luminous spiritual beacon at the epicenter of the worldwide Krishna consciousness movement, radiating divine influence from its sacred location in West Bengal, India. This magnificent temple complex not only serves as ISKCON’s global headquarters but has evolved into a dynamic spiritual force employing modern digital outreach, comprehensive educational initiatives, and innovative community services while preserving the ancient teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

The Divine Abode: Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir

The ISKCON Mayapur temple, officially known as Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir, represents the spiritual heart of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Located in the sacred land of Mayapur in West Bengal’s Nadia district, this holy site holds profound significance as the birthplace of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the 15th-century saint who inaugurated the transformative bhakti movement focused on Lord Krishna worship.

The magnificent temple complex showcases exquisite architecture that beautifully blends traditional Indian and modern design elements. Within its sacred walls, devotees worship the central deities of Radha Madhava, Panca Tattva (Lord Chaitanya and His associates), and Lord Nrsimhadeva with profound devotion. The complex houses numerous smaller temples, shrines, and ashrams that create a comprehensive spiritual ecosystem for practitioners and visitors alike.

What truly distinguishes this holy abode is its recognition as the global spiritual headquarters of ISKCON, attracting thousands of devoted followers from across the world who come seeking spiritual enlightenment and divine connection.

Digital Devotion: Pioneering Social Media and Technological Outreach

ISKCON Mayapur has embraced the digital age with remarkable innovation, establishing an impressive online presence that extends its spiritual influence far beyond physical boundaries. The temple’s technological infrastructure enables high-speed connectivity and free internet access to pilgrims and departments, supporting operations like live broadcasts of sacred events.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, ISKCON Mayapur demonstrated extraordinary creativity by launching a groundbreaking digital Rath Yatra that spanned six continents within 24 hours. This innovative celebration connected devotees globally through an online portal, creating an unprecedented international spiritual experience.

Educational Excellence and Community Service: Nurturing Future Generations

The Sri Mayapur International School (SMIS) stands as a shining example of ISKCON’s commitment to holistic education that balances academic excellence with spiritual development. Established in 1988, this remarkable institution has provided transformative education to children from around the world for over three decades.

SMIS offers internationally recognized academic credentials while immersing students in Krishna conscious culture and philosophy. Graduates receive certified diplomas that enable them to pursue higher education at prestigious universities worldwide while maintaining their spiritual foundation.

Beyond formal education, ISKCON Mayapur’s service ethos extends throughout the community and beyond. Their comprehensive infrastructure supports pilgrims and residents through healthcare services, food distribution programs, and community development initiatives.

Global Influence: Spreading the Sankirtan Movement Worldwide

ISKCON Mayapur serves as the spiritual epicenter from which the Sankirtan movement—the congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord—radiates globally, continuing the sacred mission established by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu over five centuries ago.

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s revolutionary philosophy emphasized that anyone can achieve spiritual perfection simply by chanting the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. This inclusive approach to spiritual practice made transcendental realization accessible to all humanity. ISKCON Mayapur faithfully preserves and propagates this empowering message, recognizing that the chanting process liberates practitioners from material existence and bestows pure love of Krishna.

The center distributes thousands of transcendental literatures, including Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, making timeless spiritual wisdom accessible to modern audiences worldwide. These sacred texts introduce countless readers to the profound philosophy of Krishna consciousness and the transformative practice of Sankirtan.

The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium: A Monumental Vision Manifesting

The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) represents ISKCON Mayapur’s most ambitious project—a breathtaking spiritual monument under construction that will stand as one of the world’s largest temples upon completion. This awe-inspiring structure features an impressive central dome designed to house extraordinary exhibits illustrating Vedic cosmology and philosophy.

This visionary project aims to create an architectural and spiritual landmark that will rival major global monuments, establishing a powerful physical representation of Krishna consciousness on the world stage. The TOVP will serve as both a place of worship and an educational center where visitors can explore the profound cosmological understanding presented in Vedic scriptures through immersive exhibits and presentations.

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13527762499?profile=RESIZE_584xRaj Mukunda Das interacting with Subhag Swami outside the booth at the ILS 2025 in Mayapur.

Think Gita, a platform based on the teachings of S.B. Keshava Swami, is revolutionizing how the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita are shared with the world through its innovative facilitator training program. The program will equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to teach the Bhagavad-gita effectively in modern contexts. The program aims to make the wisdom of the Bhagavad-gita accessible and relatable while empowering facilitators to build supportive spiritual communities.

“The idea is to empower teachers and help share the knowledge and wisdom within their communities and groups,” said Raj Mukunda Das, Think Gita CEO and Co-Founder.

The training program is a structured six-week course that combines both theoretical knowledge and practical application. It includes four pre-recorded online sessions and two live sessions, providing a balanced mix of self-paced learning and real-time interaction. Raj Mukunda Das explained that the program is not just about teaching the philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita — it’s about learning how to communicate it in a way that resonates with people today. The training focuses on essential skills such as leading group discussions, engaging with participants, promoting group activities, and understanding the needs of newcomers.

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13527748283?profile=RESIZE_584xYasodamayi presents at the weekly Boalsburg Farmers Market.

Yasodamayi Dasi’s journey has been one of devotion, sustainability, and deep-rooted service. From her early years in Krishna Consciousness to her dedication to regenerative farming and holistic living, she has woven her faith seamlessly into every aspect of her work. Through her projects, Trifolia Nature Products and Three Leaf Farmden, she strives to provide conscious, sustainable alternatives for the devotee community and beyond.

A Devotee’s Path Rooted in Service

Yasodamayi’s introduction to Krishna Consciousness came at a pivotal time in her life. Drawn to the philosophy and community, she found herself embracing a life centered around service. Over the years, she balanced her spiritual commitments with professional pursuits, always seeking ways to integrate the two.

“My upbringing didn’t include much exposure to sustainable living, but when I came into Krishna Consciousness, I started realizing how deeply connected our lifestyle should be to nature,” she shared.  “Bhakti Tirtha Maharaja instilled in us the need for sustainability and self-sufficiency. If we can’t grow our food, sew our clothes, or build what we need, who will we turn to?” This realization planted the seed for what would later grow into her passion for regenerative farming and conscious

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13527746671?profile=RESIZE_584xSome of the greatest monks of the last two millennia, like Sankaracharya, Ramanuja, Madhava, and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, visited the location where the Kurma/tortoise avatar has been honoured near Srikakulam.  Our group was told to prepare for a 3 AM pickup by the bus.  I hate to say it, but no one in this country tends to be on time.

When we reached the Kurma Mandir, the gates for the 4:30 AM opening was also not a reality.  We were eager – eager to see something rare – the snan, or bathing, done daily of the stone image of Kurma with the use of mantra, milk, sandalwood paste, water, and herbs.  The pandit, or priest, was most favourable to us.  He told us of pastimes and pointed to the door that leads to a tunnel destined for Varnasi, hundreds of kilometres away.  There is a warning at the door, “Danger, wildlife and snakes reside here.”

Our team was fascinated by the operation of the snan.

Within the courtyard resides a fenced-in section for actual turtles of the region.  We caught them piled up on each other.  It is a breed I’ve never seen before.  By the side is a lake where pilgrims, bathe themselves all for the purpose of purification. 
In the evening, we prepared ourselves for the last of our shows for a series of “Hare Krishna Utsava.”  My amigo from Gainesville, Florida, Kalakantha, was there.  He gave a class.  Excellently executed.  Then the drama.  Vamana was a hit.
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13523683684?profile=RESIZE_584xBhaktivedanta Manor has established itself as a powerhouse of spiritual influence in the United Kingdom, leveraging an impressive digital presence across multiple social media platforms to spread Krishna Consciousness to hundreds of thousands of followers. With over 309,000 Facebook followers and more than 7.3 million combined YouTube views, the Manor has successfully transformed from a physical sanctuary into a digital spiritual hub that reaches far beyond its 78-acre grounds in Watford. The temple’s digital outreach complements its extensive physical programs, which annually welcome thousands of visitors, including nearly 9,000 school pupils and over 1,400 college students. Under the leadership of Temple President Visakha Dasi, who recently received recognition from the UK Prime Minister’s Office, Bhaktivedanta Manor continues the legacy established since its founding donation by George Harrison in 1973, serving as the flagship temple for ISKCON UK and demonstrating how ancient Vedic wisdom can be effectively shared through modern communication channels.

Historical Foundation and Evolution

From Beatles Gift to Digital Powerhouse

Bhaktivedanta Manor’s journey began in 1973 when George Harrison of the Beatles donated the property to become ISKCON’s UK flagship temple[3]. This significant gesture provided the Hare Krishna movement with an established headquarters from which to spread across the United Kingdom. From these humble beginnings, the Manor has evolved into what is now a spiritual sanctuary spread across 78 acres, featuring not only a temple but also extensive gardens, an organic farm, a protected cow herd, a monastery, and a vibrant community of spiritual seekers[5].

The Manor serves as the headquarters from which the Hare Krishna Movement has expanded to numerous towns across the UK, becoming the epicenter of ISKCON’s British operations[3]. This expansion represents the successful implementation of Srila Prabhupada’s mission, which began when he arrived in the West in 1965, alone and penniless at the age of 70, yet determined to share ancient Vedic wisdom with the world[6].

Milestone Celebrations and Recognition

The Manor’s influence and standing within British society was particularly evident during its 40th anniversary celebration in 2013, which drew 800 guests despite snowy weather conditions. The celebration attracted not only devotees but also government ministers, Hindu community leaders, the local Mayor and Chief of Police, and even Members of Parliament, demonstrating the temple’s integration into and acceptance by mainstream British society[3].

This recognition has continued to grow, with the most recent example being the feature of Temple President Visakha Dasi in the UK Prime Minister’s International Women’s Day post in 2025. Her inclusion among selected female leaders from government, media, military, and corporate sectors highlights the Manor’s recognized influence in British society[4].

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