ISKCON Desire Tree's Posts (18404)

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Lecture on Be Engaged In Krishna Consciousness Performing Your Prescribed Duties by HH Prahladananada Swami on 14 May 1994
(Srimad Bhagavatam - Canto 07 Chapter 10 Text 23)

(Prahladananda Swami was born in 1949, in Buffallo, New York. He studied at the University of Buffalo, where he received a full scholarship. In January 1969 he joined ISKCON and received both initiations that year from Srila Prabhupada. He helped open temples and distributed Srila Prabhpada's books and preached in universities.)

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Terrorism Why and What to do

Lecture on Terrorism Why and What to do by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami on 30 April 2013 at Salem

(His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami appeared in this world in 1957 in England. He joined the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in London in 1975 and was initiated in that year with the name Ilapati dasa by ISKCON's founder-acarya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.)

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The Weakness of Material Life

Lecture on The Weakness of Material Life by HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami on 19 March 2013 at Singapore
(Srimad Bhagavatam - Canto 01 Chapter 02 Text 10)

(Bhakti Caitanya Swami initially served in the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust and also distributed Srila Prabhupada’s books from 1973 until 1980.Then Bhakti Caitanya Swami moved to South Africa, where, from 1980 to 1982, he served as temple president in the rural community of Cato Ridge.)

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Sunday Love Feast Lecture on Worlds leaders are dogs hogs Camels and Asses by HG Sankarsana Das Adhikari Prabhu on 20 Nov 2011 at Pune

(In the year 2000, in recognition for his full dedication to Srila Prabhupada’s mission, ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission (GBC) gave him their blessings to initiate disciples.)

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Gita Inspired Parenting

Seminar on Gita Inspired Parenting by Urmila Mataji

(Her Grace Urmila Devi Dasi was born in 1955 in New York City. She joined ISKCON in 1973 in Chicago. She received first initiation in 1973 and second initiation in 1975 from His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.)

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The Law of Satiation

Lecture on The Law of Satiation by HH Janananda Goswami at ISKCON Melbourne on 12 May 2013
(Srimad Bhagavatam - Canto 01 Chapter 18 Text 14)

(His Holiness Janananda Goswami was initiated by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada in 1972. He held various positions in ISKCON and served Srila Prabhupada in various countries notably the United Kingdom, Africa, Malaysia, Europe, Philippines and New Zealand.)

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Secrets of Lasting Love

Lecture on Secrets of Lasting Love by HG Caru Prabhu

(Caru Das was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1970. He has been President, variously, of the Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Berkeley (USA) temples.)

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ISKCON Youth Euro Bus Tour - 2013

Hare Krsna Benelux devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am writing you as a representative of ISKCON Youth Ministry Europe and requesting your kind attention.

This year will be the 1st ISKCON Youth European Bus Tour: July 18th - August 19th, 2013. We will visit 12 European countries the ISKCON centers/festivals/events in those countries.

We are kindly requesting you to print the attached poster and post it at your temple or preaching center as well as on your website, if space and resources are willing. We are also requesting you to spread the word to those families or youth who may be interested.

We are seeing over the years in ISKCON that we are able to make new devotees, but sometimes having a hard time keeping our own children as devotees. This tour is one effort to focus on motivating, encouraging, and inspiring our youth and younger members to commit their whole live's to Srila Prabhpada's mission.

This is a tour for any young devotee or aspiring devotee 18 - 29 years old. The aims of the tour include: fun, preaching, devotion and travel. We will have daily kirtans, harinams and festivals, camping and adventure activities.

Please do not let your yatra miss out on this opportunity!

Here is the promotional video

All costs related to the tour go directly to the tour expenses. The organizers and mentors involved are all volunteers and also pay for their own trip just the same as the participants.

Thank you so much for your time and service to Lord Chaitanya's mission.

Hare Krsna!
Your servants,
Euro Bus Tour team 2013
Kumari Kunti - Secretary Radhadesh, Belgium


Facebook: EuroBusTour


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Lecture on The Difference Between Speculation and Reality by HH Giriraj Swami at Houston on 09 May 2013

(In the year following Srila Prabhupada’s departure in 1977, Giriraj was awarded the renounced order of life and appointed president of ISKCON’s board of trustees in India. In 1982 he was appointed to ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission, and he went on to oversee the Society’s activities in Bombay, Mauritius, South Africa, Spain, Portugal, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan.)

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Liberty Equality Fraternity

Lecture on Liberty Equality Fraternity by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami on 05 August 2006
(Srimad Bhagavatam - Canto 06 Chapter 03 Text 16)

(From 1977 to 1979 His Holiness was based in India, mostly traveling in West Bengal preaching Krishna consciousness and distributing Srila Prabhupada's books. He then spent the following ten years helping to pioneer ISKCON's preaching in Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, and Malaysia.)

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Srimad Bhagavatam Class

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam Canto - 04 Chapter - 39 Text - 19 by HH Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami at ISKCON Mayapur on 12 May 2013

(His Holiness Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami comes from a Jewish American background. He had spent some time in Israel before taking shelter of Srila Prabhupada.)

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Srila Prabhupada Pastimes

Lecture on Srila Prabhupada Pastimes by HH Bhakti Charu Swami at ISKCON Alachua on 12 May 2013

(Bhakti Charu Swami is from a Bengali family and spent most of his early childhood in urban Kolkata. He met with Srila Prabhupada at the end of 1976 after a long and intense search for a spiritual teacher.)

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Excerpt from a class by H.H Mahavishnu Goswami in Minneapolis, USA

durlabh maanava janam satsange -
The way to utilise human birth is shown and that is satsange - good association.

Good association is always God association. In "good" and "God", there is only one "o" difference. If you take out "o" from good, it is God. If you add "o" to God, then it is good. So good and God are very near.

And the determination should be there not to terminate these things. Terminate means to stop. De-terminate means, "no termination." Be determined and Krishna will help.

It is very easy to say, but difficult to follow. You have all come from different countries to USA. I don't know how many years you had to wait and how many difficulties you have gone through, but eventually you are here.

Myself, when I was grahastha, I was meditating daily for 11 years, when I get up in the morning, I will say, "I have to go to London". And people were laughing at me. They said, "He doesn't have money to go to Bombay and he wants to stay in London." (laughter) But the thought process was there and I was just meditating, "I wish to go to London", and people were joking. And eventually it so happened that the desire was fulfilled by the grace of Lord. So we know by ourselves how much we have to meditate on these things. In this way, please be blissful and determined that "I want to perfect myself in this Krishna consciousness in this life itself", then you will get a glance of Krishna immediately.

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30 devotees from European countries, as well as from the US and Australia participated at the conference

20 years ago the first Communications Conference was held in Europe. The anniversary of that first meeting has just been celebrated in Budapest, Hungary, early in May 2013. Mahaprabhu Dasa is the Director of ISKCON Communications Europe (ICE), and has been attending the conferences since the 1990s. He chose Hungary for this year’s conference considering it an exemplary country for the meeting, especially because of their communications’ successes over the years.

The 30 devotees who attended heard how the goals, objectives, and principles of ISKCON’s internal and external communications affect devotees’ everyday lives, and how communications’ devotees cultivate relationships with academics and leaders of various religious groups, and provide information for media outlets. A Communications Starter Kit was also showcased at the conference as a source of information for media and other interested parties.
Each country's representative gave a report about their recent achievements as well as their plans to enhance their communications with internal and external audiences

Shooting for the Rhino
Because of the unpredictable political situation in Hungary ISKCON’s local communications team has spearheaded campaigns helping protect devotee’s religious freedoms in the country. The turbulent history of the Hungarian Society for Krishna Consciousness was presented by Krishna-lila Dasi, a leading figure in the campaigns. She described how important co-operation, training, teamwork, resourcefulness, and open relationships with religious leaders, politicians, and scholars are. She said, “We should be always alert because anything can happen. Democratic norms are not self-executive, it is up to us to keep them alive, or to make them real. However, we should not be afraid, crisis is not always bad, it can also be a 'blessing in disguise' and lead to great developments.”
Conference participants paid a visit to Bhaktivedanta College Hungary as part of the discussion ISKCON and Academia

Kirtan yoga
Jahnavi from the UK described a blossoming project in London aimed at introducing new people to the benefits of kirtan. Although normally taking place at yoga schools, they are also oranising kirtan “street parties” that have been well received. At the first party nearly 150 people attended. “They absolutely loved it,” Jahnavi said. “Usually people in the kirtan scene have to work very hard for 10 years or more to make a name for themselves. Yet after doing this for only 2 years our program has become very successful. We’ve had some very positive comments, such as ‘kirtan is in your blood’ which inspires us to make nice presentations.”
Jahnavi Harrison leading kirtan

ISKCONs 50th anniversary
2016 is the 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s founding ISKCON in New York City. The anniversary is an opportunity to publicize Prabhupada’s achievements and mission, and ISKCON’s activities and future plans. Ideas of ways to celebrate this important anniversary included: making documentary films and publishing books about the 50 years of ISKCON, organizing 50 different major events throughout the world.
Anuttama Dasa, ISKCON Communications Minister, suggested a motto for the anniversary: “The Hare Krishna Movement – celebrating 50 years of fostering peace through service, community, and spiritual knowledge”.

Sightseeing and interfaith dialogue
As a part of the conference attendees spent a day sightseeing and meeting with scholars in Hungary’s capital Budapest. The first program was held in the Synagogue, where a distinguished rabbi elaborated on the similarities between different religions and said: “I tell you one secret – there is only one God, and there is only one humankind.”
Visit to Budapest Synogue by ISKCON Communications Europe

Then the conference participants had a lively discussion with Professor Uitz, a young lady expert from Central European University, a specialist on Religious Freedom in Hungary.

In the afternoon, the devotees paid a visit to a Mosque, which offered a opportunity for a meaningful interfaith dialogue with Muslim believers.

The next day devotees visited New Vraja Dhama or Eco Valley. Kamala priya dasi from Sweden visited the farm for the first time. “It was amazing to see how well-organized this community is. And it is really self-sustainable, just like they said.” she concluded.
Touring the New Vraja Dhama eco farm with project director Radha-Krishna Das

“I’m happy how the meetings went – we had such good discussions.” Mahaprabhu Dasa concluded. “Anyone interested in the subject is very welcome to come to the Communications Course in Villa Vrindavana (Florence, Italy), July 8–11.”

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Many news about prehistoric founds and their possible meaning reached the world in the last decades. One of them, found in South Germany, puts scientist around the world in amazement. The centerpiece is the “lion man”, an idol that is made from the tusk of a mammoth in the form of a human body with a lion head. Amazingly it is dated back 32,000 years from now.

This discovery brought a lot of attention in the archaeological circles in Europe. In Excavations around 1930-35 at the Lonetal area near Ulm, German scientist already found an immense cave system with lots of prehistoric artifacts in it.

First, only representations of birds, horses, turtles and even single lions where found but not a morphological combination of men and animal. Naturally the “lion man” was quite outstanding and unique. It became also clear during the later examinations that the “lion-men” was used for ritual purposes, unlike the other items which seemed to have accompanied the dead and so on.

The Idol was found exactly at the place in the cave where day and night meet, about 20 meters away from the entrance and buried 1,20 meter deep under the ground. Many parts of the figure were broken and where found a little away in this area. Therefore it took some time to finish the work of completing and reconstructing the figure and to see it as a whole.

From the viewpoint of Vedic culture of ancient India, Lord Vishnu appeared in a divine human form with a lion face to protect his devotee and to stop religiousness. A description of a standing idol form of this lord is found in the agama silpa shastra and is called “kevala narasimha”. In India still many ancient temples exist, where deities of Sri Narasimha Bhagavan are worshiped, often at special locations like on high mountain peaks or in caves.

Many ancient, highly developed cultures had some kind of idols or pictures of lions with a human face or torso. A purely ritualistic Relic, like for example the Sphinx of gizeh or the Egyptian goddess of war sekhmetm, with a lion head, or Mithra, the Sun god of Persia, with a lion face, the Assyrian Gate Guardians of Babylon or the Etruscan lion with wings at the entrance of the Temple mountain at Troy are well known examples for this.

An now this amazing discovery in Lonetal in a deep cave which is directed to north east towards the little river lone. Extraordinary is also the exact position of the found of the lion-man. It immediately reminded me of the ancient story from the Puranas, known to all devotees of LordVishnu, where Hiranyakashipu, the great demon, achieved nearly immortality by the blessings of Brahma. This demon asked for the boon that he could not be killed by a beast or man, nor in the sky or on earth, not inside or outside a house, not in the day or in the night, not with weapons or by hand and so on. Lord Vishnu then appeared out of a column to kill this demon. But to fulfill the boon Brahma gave, he appeared at dusk and killed him on the doorsteps of his palace with his sharp nails.

It is off course difficult or maybe impossible to finally judge if this idol was a part of a global Vedic civilization but nonetheless our visit of the exhibition, where one can see the figure in a cave like hall, and our later trip to the original place of discovery where very breathtaking and mystical and made us meditate deeply about our predecessors and ancient times long ago where god was present directly on earth, or later in his idol form in many temples all around the world.

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Official GBC Position information

There is a GBC policy paper describing the dynamics of the relationships between ISKCON's diksha gurus, temple presidents, and the local and international GBC. It is an interesting and important document for ISKCON devotees to read.

For Hindi, Telegu, and Tamil Translations:
contact Bhanu Swami /

For Italian Translations: 
contact Madhusevita prabhu /

For Spanish Translations: 
contact Guruprasad Swami /

For Indonesian Translations: 
contact Kavicandra Swami /

For Russian Translations: 
contact Bhakti Vijnana Swami /

For German Translations: 
contact Dinasharana devi dasi /

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Womens of the Society

Lecture on Womens of the Society by HG Sesa Prabhu on 03 January 2013

(Sesa Dasa joined ISKCON in 1973 inspired by the political activism of the In God We Trust Party for Purified Leaders, organized by members of ISKCON.He was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1974 while he was traveling as a member of the initial Bhaktivedanta Book Trust library party.)

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Srimad Bhagavatam Class

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam Canto - 05 Chapter - 19 Text - 06 by HH Gopal Krishna Goswami

(In 1981 Gopal Krishna Goswami took sannyasa initiation and began to extend his travels to spread Krishna consciousness more widely in parts of the USA, Canada and eventually in parts of Africa. )

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Bad Qualities of Kaliyuga

Lecture on Bad Qualities of kaliyuga by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami on 02 June 2009
(Srimad Bhagavatam - Canto 01)

(His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami appeared in this world in 1957 in England. He joined the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in London in 1975 and was initiated in that year with the name Ilapati dasa by ISKCON's founder-acarya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.)

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Seminar on Grhamedhis

Lecture on Grhamedhis by HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami

(Originally from New Zealand, Bhakti Caitanya Swami joined the Hare Krishna movement in London, early in 1973. Almost a year before, as a philosophy student at Auckland University, he had first seen his future spiritual master walking across the campus with his followers. Srila Prabhupada initiated Bhakti Caitanya Swami later in 1973, giving him the name Raghubir Dasa. )

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