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Sannyasa The Final Vow

Here is the new documentary about the significance of taking Sannyas Vow in Vaishnava Tradition explained by the prominent spiritual leaders of ISKCON. The documentary focuses on the inner journey of HH Krishna Kshetra Swami when he decides to take Sannyasa Initiation which will be his final vow. Made by Gour Govinda das and Suravarya das with the guidance of HH Sacinandana Swami and HH Krishna Kshetra Swami.

The movie is dedicated to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada the Founder-acarya of ISKCON.

Copyrights reserved. 2015

Your aspiring servant, and servant of HH Krishna Kshetra Swami,
Bhaktin inci

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By ISKCON Communications


The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also known as the Hare Krishna movement, belongs to the Gaudiya-Vaishnava sampradaya, or denomination, a monotheistic tradition within Hindu culture. Today ISKCON has over 400 temples, dozens of rural communities and eco-sustainable projects, and nearly 100 vegetarian restaurants world-wide. ISKCON’s Hare Krishna Food for Life program has grown to become the world’s largest vegetarian food relief project, feeding millions of free meals daily in India and other countries around the globe. ISKCON was founded in 1966 by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, a highly respected Vaishnava scholar and monk, who at the age of 70 journeyed from India to New York City to bring the bhakti tradition, or Krishna Consciousness, to the west. In the 11 years before his passing in 1977, Srila Prabhupada translated, with elaborate commentaries, 60 volumes of Vaishnava literature; established more than 100 temples on six continents; and initiated 5,000 disciples. Today his writings are studied in universities around the globe and are translated into nearly 100 languages.

ISKCON Communications: Statement of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness on Caste-Based Discrimination

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), a worldwide movement representing the Gaudiya Vaishnava sampradaya# within the broad Hindu family of faiths, unequivocally opposes a birth-based caste system, and strongly condemns the use of such a system to discriminate against any person or group, or to preclude their participation in any aspect of religious or secular life.

ISKCON’s Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, was an outspoken critic of the erroneous belief that one’s birth in a particular “caste” determined one’s occupation or station in life. Prabhupada boldly offered a more forward-thinking reading of references to varna# in Vedic#, or Hindu scriptures, arguing that such passages describe a system of natural social stratification intended to help people find the opportunities best suited to them, not to prevent them from making religious or secular progress. Prabhupada stressed that a person’s qualities and activities, not a person’s birth, determined one’s varna#. He strongly condemned discrimination based on a birth-based caste system as a harmful and unauthorized misinterpretation of Vedic scriptures and tradition.

In speaking out against caste, Srila Prabhupada followed a venerable tradition, within the Vaishnava fold, of opposing caste-based discrimination. Prabhupada’s own guru, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura, challenged prominent Hindus of that day who claimed that the scriptures supported such caste-based discrimination. Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati argued against this spurious view in public debates (for which his life was later threatened). He also demonstrated his practical opposition to such discrimination by offering the ceremonial sacred thread and the opportunity to become a Brahmin priest to anyone, regardless of caste. Prior to Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati and Prabhupada, other Vaishnava teachers and saints had similarly opposed a birth-based caste system. These include, for instance, the poets Kabir and Mirbai, and such renowned scholars as Sripada Ramunuja and Sripada Madhvacharya.

Perhaps most significantly for members of ISKCON and the Gauidya Vasihnava sampradaya, Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1533) himself demonstrated his opposition to caste: among his inner circle of confidential, trusted associates and followers are counted Haridasa Thakura, Rupa Goswami, and Sanatana Goswami—all considered untouchables, by birth or circumstance, according to the prevailing caste system of their day.

Following the example set by his predecessors, Srila Prabhupada was unfaltering in his belief that no one should be denied opportunity on the basis of birth or caste. At the same time, Prabhupada was also critical of some efforts to eradicate caste-based discrimination through political slogans and shallow calls for equality, or by attempting to expunge the Hindu tradition of any mention of varna. He rejected such efforts, well intentioned as they might be, as superficial remedies that failed to address the underlying disparity of educational opportunities that lay at the heart of the issue.

For his part, Prabhupada sought to attack caste-based discrimination at its root. He worked tirelessly to share the keys to spiritual upliftment and self-realization with all. Not only did he offer such opportunities to those downtrodden by caste-based discrimination within India, but he also extended those opportunities – arguably for the first time in history on such a massive scale – to men and women not born into Indian families (also considered “untouchables” by defenders of a birth-based caste system). In doing so, Prabhupada practically demonstrated that anyone, whatever their caste or status, could achieve the highest spiritual and secular success promised in the scriptures, without bar or restriction.

ISKCON devotees strive to follow in Prabhupada’s footsteps and to build upon the work he began. ISKCON continues to initiate and foster opportunities designed to give all people the tools needed to access a dynamic and rewarding spiritual life. ISKCON’s educational and religious activities are open to all, irrespective of caste, creed, race, gender, or background. Some ISKCON projects, particularly grass-roots food distribution and educational work, also specifically reach out to those routinely neglected because of their socio-economic status. In promoting Sanatan Dharma through the proper understanding of the Vedic sacred texts, ISKCON devotees strive to replace the divisive and restrictive misapplication of caste based on birth with a renewed appreciation that every soul in every status of life should be afforded respect and dignity, and be given every opportunity to cooperatively serve God and his creation.


The following excerpt, from an interview that Srila Prabhupada gave to the Bhavan’s Journal in 1976, offers a striking look into his view of a birth-based caste system and caste-based discrimination. It demonstrates his critique of both those who would uphold such a system, and those who would attempt to solve the problem by eradicating the notion of varna (social division) altogether.

This excerpt has been edited for space and clarity.

Question: Will the fundamental values of the Hindu religion be in any way affected by the eradication of the caste system, toward which a concerted effort is now being made at all levels?

Srila Prabhupada: The Vedic system of religion we have been describing—the varnashrama system created by Krishna—is not to be confused with the present-day caste system—determination of social divisions by birth. But as to eradication of all social divisions, it cannot be done… But the difficulty is that this so-called caste system has come in, on account of the false notion that in order to be a Brahmin, one must be the son of a Brahmin. That is the caste system. But Krishna does not say that. He says “according to quality and work.” He never says “according to birth.” So this so-called caste system in India is a false notion of catur-varnyam, the system of four social divisions. The real system of catur-varnyam means guna-karma-vibhagasah, determination of the four social divisions according to quality and work. One must be qualified.

So people who want to become Brahmins must be educated to acquire these qualities. It is not enough simply to abolish the caste system, which is contaminated by the false conception of qualification by birthright. Certainly, this wrong caste system should be abolished. Also, educational centers should be opened for teaching all people how to become genuine Brahmins and Kshatriyas.

According to their qualities and work, people naturally belong to different social groupings. So you cannot avoid it, but because you have created a false caste system, that should be abolished, and the actual system recommended by Krishna—that should be adopted.

Q: You’re saying the natural system is to classify a person and train him for a particular duty, according to his particular inner qualities and his particular propensity to act.

Prabhupada: Yes. That classification is wanted. That must be there.

Selected Quotes from the Works of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Guest: “Being a Brahmin by birth, does it mean anything?”

Prabhupada: “No, they [disciples coming from non-Brahmin families] are not born of Brahmin father. Now they are Brahmins.”

Guest: “But you were saying about Brahmins, so I…”

Prabhupada: “Brahmins means qualified Brahmins. When you say engineer, that means qualified engineer, not born engineer. An engineer is not born. “Because his father is an engineer, he is an engineer.” What is this? You become an engineer. Guna-karma-vibhagasah. Catur-varnyam maya srstam (Bhagavad Gita 4.13). There must be qualification and work; otherwise what kind of Brahmin?”

(Srila Prabhupada, conversation with guests; September 1972)

“It is the quality, not the birth. They have made it now like that. That has caused the downfall of Hindu culture in India, when it came to the caste system. It is not [supposed to be] the caste system by birth. In Bhagavad Gita it is said, ‘By quality…’”

(Srila Prabhupada, conversation with banker; September 1973)

“So shastra says if these qualities are anyatrapi drsyeta, if these qualities are found somewhere else…. Suppose a [so-called] Shudra or a Chandala [Harijana], if these qualities are found there, then he should be accepted by those qualities, not by birth…. So, this is shastric injunction. Then later on this caste “Brahminism,” “Shudraism” made the whole thing, the whole Hindu culture, Vedic culture, spoiled.”

(Srila Prabhupada, room conversation; November 1974)

“This has killed the Indian, I mean Vedic culture when they began to claim superiority simply by birth without any qualification. That killed the whole civilization…. How you can simply say that because I’m born in such and such family, therefore I have also the same thing. Because my father was high-court judge, therefore I am high-court judge. Is that very good logic?”

(Srila Prabhupada, morning walk conversation; December 1973)

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Astounding Feat for ISKCON in Malaysia


Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple of Devotion and Understanding (TODU) in Penang
SEBERANG JAYA – With the soothing blue lights radiating over the recently opened Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple of Devotion and Understanding in Penang, it felt like being in a land where the dreams comes true. And it was indeed a dream come true for Srila Prabhupada’s desire to see a temple like that in Vrindavan built in Malaysia.  “I want a temple like this” he remarked when he was in Malaysia from 3rd to 7th May in 1971. And in Malaysia, we now have two new temples opened within just a difference of a couple of days. One in Penang and another in Ipoh. Absolutely gorgeous deities were installed in both temples. In Penang, the presiding deities have been named by HH Jayapataka Swami with a very apt and lovable name that is used by most devotees here to call their children – Kana, a pet name of Krishna, hence the name Krishna Kanaiya. Sri Sri Radha Krishna Kanaiya together with the older Sri Sri Gauranga Rai deities looked absolutely magnificent and just their presence in the spectacular and artistic temple made it look like being in Vrindavan. Deena Bandhu Prabhu a Vrindavan Dham resident described this temple as the “Pearl in ISKCON” taking after Penang which is know as the “Pearl of the Orient”.
Sri Sri Radha Krishna Kanaiya in TODU, Penang
Sri Sri Nitai Gauranga Rai in TODU, Penang
In Ipoh, a smaller temple was inaugurated and Sri Sri Parama Karuna Nitai Gauranga deities were installed. We have been very lucky to have the marble Gauranga and Nitai deities in places that Srila Prabhupada visited in Malaysia i.e. Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Teluk Intan and Penang. Indeed the seeds planted by Srila Prabhupada has sprouted and with our travelling deities Sri Sri Jagannnatha, Baladev and Subhadra Devi going on ratha yatra to the nooks and corners in Malaysia over 20 times in a year, it is just a matter of time before we inundate Malaysia with love of Godhead. 
Sri Sri Parama Karuna Nitai Gauranga in Ipoh
Sri Sri Doyal Nitai Gaura Hari in Teluk Intan
Sri Sri Nitai Sunder Gaura Hari in Kuala Lumpur
Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhatra travelling deities in Malaysia
Interestingly, the opening of these temples coincides with  ISKCON’S 50th anniversary. These offerings of love from the Malaysian yatra to mark the significance of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada’s maiden visit to USA in 1965,  is made even sweeter with the launch of the philately stamps during the opening of the TODU temple. 

The kumbhabhisekham ceremony for the Temple of Devotion and Understanding attracted over 10,000 people. Kumbhabhishekham is a Hindu temple ritual that is believed to homogenize, synergize and unite the mystic powers of the deities. Kumbha means the Head and denotes the Shikhara or Crown of the Temple (usually in the Gopuram) and Abhisekham is ritual bathing.

On the appointed day and at an auspicious time, the kumbha is bathed with the charged and sanctified holy waters in the sacrificial pot and, by a mystic process, these pranic powers trickle down a silver wire and enter the deity installed inside the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. The deities, which was until then only a granite sculptured stone image, is believed to transform into a vibrant and vivid living representation of Their Lordships with innate beatitude, grace and grandeur, conferring divine blessings on all devotees.

Some devotees claimed to have seen Garuda hovering over the temple during this auspicious moment. But even more significant than this was seeing HH Jayapataka Swami being hoisted over 100 feet in a cherry picker crane to bless the kumbhabhisekham ritual. 

Just prior to the kumbhabhishekam ritual the ashtabandanam is performed to the deities inside the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. Ashta means 8 in Sanskrit and Bandhanam means tying or fixing.Ashtabandhanam is the process of affixing an idol to its pedestal (peetham) with a clay-like paste made of 8 specific herbs mixed with wood lac, limestone powder, resin, red ochre, beeswax and butter. The paste is formed into long rolls about 2 cm thick and applied directly around the base of the idol, so that the cemented joints become watertight. This process is believed to keep the idol rejuvenated for a period of 12 years. When the Bandhanam is performed with gold (Swarnabandhanam), the rejuvenating power of the deity is believed to last for a period of 100 years.

The ‘Ashtabandhanam‘ paste is pliable like rubber. Through repeated interactions with abhishekha dravyams – materials used to bathe the idol during daily worship like water, milk, buttermilk, sandal paste and oils – and atmospheric oxidants, the paste loses its flexibility, becomes rigid and gets riddled with a lot of fissures. Through these fissures, the abhisheka dravyams percolate and attack the Yantraembedded under the peetham, obliterating the Bijaksharamantras — mantras of sacred syllables (bija) — that are inscribed on the Yantra, and this is believed to contribute to the lowering of the pranicspiritual power of the deity with the passage of time.

This amazing RM7 million temple, which took six years to build, features 16 chatris (ornate pavilions) (similar to that in the ISKCON Krishna Balaram temple in Vrindavan as desired by Srila Prabhupada) with three main Puri style shikara domes and two octagon glass skylight pyramidal domes.

The inside of the temple is also fitted with acoustic wall panels and wall systems to provide acoustical treatment and beautiful aesthetics to its surroundings. Not forgetting the most beautiful and intricately carved Balinese teak altars not just for Srila Prabhupada and the presiding deities but also for all fourteen the smaller altars in the temple which houses the various incarnations of Krishna. The words he spoke in Malaysia to Bhakta Neo in 1971 just before he took his flight echoes in our minds, “Whatever you do, do it nicely”. Yes, we have done it with all we have got and we hope he is pleased with our humble efforts.


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From the speech by: Shri. Kaptan Singh Solanki, Governor of Haryana&Punjab and the Administrator of the Union Territory of Chandigarh on the occasion of the Stone-Laying Ceremony of the Sri Krishna Arjuna Temple.

Honorable Sril Gopal Krishna Goswami; Trustee of this famous Institution, the Zonal Secretary of this Society Honorable Swami Mahaman Das ji, Srimati Nilam Pradip Kasni -Secretary to the Governor who is present amongst you all despite it being Raksha Bandhan, the Local MLA-Subhash Sudha ji, Honorable Ram Prakash ji- the former Member of Parliament, the President of this Society Sakshi Gopal ji Maharaj and all the devotees of Lord Krishna- brothers and sisters of the Hare Krishna Society who have assembled here. Its being repeatedly mentioned that the Honorable Governor is short of time, but there is no question of being short of time for such a beautiful program.

Today is the festival of Raksha Bandhan; normally on the day of a Family program, people don’t like leaving their homes. But today we have assembled here; that’s because our family is not small, it’s a big family- which we call Krishna’s family and all those are fortunate who repose faith in Krishna’s family. And, out of reverence and as the etiquette of this family, they follow Lord Krishna’s message.


Today is a historical day in the development of Kurukshetra, the Glory of Kurukshetra, especially for the ISKCON Society. I want to state that today, the establishment of the Krishna Arjuna temple, which is a wonder of India- We are laying the Foundation Stone for its establishment today, in Kurukshetra. I am very glad that, the Kurukshetra Development Board has been established in Kurukshetra where the Battle of Mahabharata was fought and the total area- coverage of that battle has been mentioned as 48 Kos; so that its Glory may be sustained and its message could be broadcast to the whole world. And the Kurukshetra Development Board has been executing various strategies to sustain the Glory and spirituality of Kurukshetra, which is a message of benefit to the whole world. One such Plan includes the ISKCON Society through whom this Krishna Arjuna temple is being established today.

The Kurukshetra Development Board has provided 6 acres of land to the ISKCON Society to establish this temple for its activities. The Governor is the Chairman of the Kurukshetra Development Board and as the Chairman, I am overwhelmed, ecstatic and pleased to see such an activity commence.

The Kurukshetra Development Board doesn’t want to stop with this-ISKCON will receive our complete cooperation to establish this task. You will receive the complete cooperation from the People’s Representative here. The people of Kurukshetra will provide support. The Haryana Government will support this and if there is any difficulty or shortcoming- the doors of the Chairman of the Kurukshetra Development Board (the Governor himself) are open for you. Do  approach us, you will receive all kinds of support.

The residents of Kurukshetra, the Kurukshetra Development Board and all of us are grateful to the ISKCON Society that you have performed this task here- this temple, this Institution which will be a very great Memorial, a very great Landmark, a very big project that will make a mark for Kurukshetra in this whole world. Through this Project, Kurukshetra’s name will appear on the map of the Whole World.  You might have seen several temples, but this is one where both God and his Devotee are there. Krishna is also there and so is Arjuna. This gives us messages that if you want to become a devotee, become one like Arjuna. This is a great message.

On the Battlefield of Kurukshetra, Arjuna tells Krishna that Take my chariot in between the two armies. And the Chariot stops in between the armies and when Arjuna sees the army, illusion and attachment awaken in his mind and he says that I will not fight. He dumps his Gandiva. “I don’t want any kingdom, I don’t want any village, I don’t want any Wealth for which I have to kill relatives, Gurus and people worthy of respect.” This illusion and attachment awaken in Arjuna. The message that Sri Krishna gave him while standing up was the message to destroy injustice in society. He told him- don’t get involved in worldly affairs, give up worldly affairs. What you see is not Real, what I am telling you is Real. Thus, exactly the same kind of doubts appeared in Arjuna’s mind as they appear in the mind of a devotee, in our own minds.

And Whatever Krishna said, resolving them, is described in the Gita. From His own mouth, His own words, from His own speech whatever has been said to us; is not just for India, not just for those-5151 years back; it will be relevant today, tomorrow, always and it will be relevant for the entire human race. And it is necessary to preach this message. I am grateful to the ISKCON Society that they have spread their network across the entire world. Today ISKCON is providing the whole world the very same message for human welfare; that which Lord Krishna provided Arjuna in the form of the Gita.

We are going to this University. This Institution has established Universities, translated the Gita in 88 languages across the whole world and distributed it among 50 crore people! India is known for this great message. No government; or the United Nations despite being present at this stature across the world could achieve the task of bringing in peace in the whole world, harmony, Vaishnavism, the welfare of mankind. Today, the whole world is ablaze in Terrorism, whether it’s inside the house or outside; quarrels are so widespread that even the government has not been able to rectify this. The task of ringing in peace is being performed by this Institution- ISKCON. This message is for the welfare of the whole world. This message has been given by God Himself.

Without the mercy of God, you cannot do anything; after Designing this entire Creation, after the creation of the entire society, of all living beings, of one person, of the great Brahman; God said that if you want to enjoy peace and happiness in this creation- follow my message. The work done by ISKCON is all through the medium of the Gita and this is the task of the entire Bharatavarsha. How great will be their glory when their Center is constructed in Kurukshetra! Today the Krishna Arjuna temple is being established, to establish their preaching and reputation. The Bhumi Pujan has already been conducted. I consider myself fortunate that it happened by my own hands, with the cooperation of the Kurukshetra Development Board; we will still stand up in your support. May you March ahead, your purpose is beneficial to the whole world; my best wishes that you may gain fame and success. I would also like to thank you for giving me an opportunity to be present on this occasion. Jai Hind.


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The Secret TreasureHouse

A living being becomes emotionally morose and stricken with grief as soon as there is nothing to possess. Therefore a living being cannot be, in the real sense of the term, a renouncer. A living being renounces something for gaining something more valuable. A student sacrifices his childish proclivities to gain better education. A servant gives up his job for a better job. Similarly, a devotee renounces the material world not for nothing but for something tangible in spiritual value. 
Our exhalted acharyas such as Srila Rupa Gosvami, Srila Sanatana Gosvami and Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami and others gave up their worldly pomp and prosperity for the sake of the service of the Lord. They were big men in the worldly sense. The Gosvamis were ministers in the government service of Bengal, and Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was the son of a big zamindar of his time. But they left everything to gain something superior to what they previously possessed. 
Therefore, devotees are generally without material prosperity, but they have a very secret treasure-house in the lotus feet of the Lord.
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Lecture on Ensure that the Lords service is done even if we cant do it ourselves by HH Chaitanya Charan Prabhu

(HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhu is a celibate spiritual teacher (brahmachari) at ISKCON, Pune. He has done his Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering from the Govt College of Engg, Pune. He is a member of ISKCON's topmost intellectual body)

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Spiritual Vision

As we contemplate the state of things in the world to-day, we are very deeply impressed and oppressed with the prevailing malady of spiritual blindness. Due to the contact with material senses and illusory energy our vision becomes blurred and we are unable to see the crystal clear existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
There is a insightful pastime about Srila Sanatana Gosvami. He had a touchstone with him, and this gem was left in a pile of refuse. A needy man took it, but later on wondered why the valuable stone was kept in such a neglected place. He therefore asked him for the most valuable thing, and then he was given the holy name of the Lord. In Sanskrit, 'Akincana' means one who has nothing to give materially.
A factual devotee does not give anything material to anyone because he has already left all material assets. He can, however, deliver the supreme asset, namely the Personality of Godhead, because He is the only property of a factual devotee.
The touchstone of Sanatana Gosvami, which was thrown in the rubbish, was not the property of the Gosvami, otherwise it would not have been kept in such a place. From this specific example we can encompass that material hankerings and spiritual advancement do not go well together. Unless one is able to see everything as spiritual in relation with the Supreme Lord, one must always distinguish between spirit and matter. A spiritual master like Srila Sanatana Gosvami, although personally able to see everything as spiritual, set this example for us only because we have no such spiritual vision.
The ultimate spiritual vision is to see God through eyes of love. This will occur when we absorb ourselves in devotional service. When we chant the holy names and engage our mind and senses in glorifying Him, serving Him, these are direct experiences of the spiritual energy within the material world. The scriptures promise that if we engage in pure devotional service, the Lord will reveal Himself in our heart and give us the intelligence to see Him everywhere.
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Rajani Priya Dasi Initiation

Lecture on Rajani Priya Dasi Initiation by HH Giriraj Swami on 30 May 2015 at Gita Nagari

(Giriraj Swami was born Glenn Phillip Teton in the home of a respected Chicago lawyer. He met His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder-acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.)

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Lecture on The Easiest Endeavor in the World Pleasing the Lord by HH Romapada Swami in 21 Aug 2015 at Chicago

(Romapada Swami‘s first encounter with Krishna consciousness came in Buffalo, in the shape of a lecture at the State University of New York in 1969. The lecturer was His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The following year, Romapada Swami joined the movement in Boston and was initiated in 1971.)

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Lecture on Scriptural Statements on the power of the holy name by HH Sivarama Swami on 20 Aug 2015 at New Vraja Dham

(Sivarama Swami was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1949. His family immigrated to Canada where some years later in 1970 he first came in contact with Srila Prabhupada's teachings, via his transcendental books. He became an initiated disciple of His Divine Grace in 1973 and accepted the renounced order of life in 1979.)

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yours in Srila Prabhupada's mission,
Nitya Kishor dd
Marketing Manager
MBA in Human Resources (FGV Management University)
Ananda lilamaya vigrahaya hemabha divyacchavi sundaraya
Tasmai Maha premarasa pradaya Caitanya candraya namo namas te

"We offer our repeated obeisances to Sri Caitanya Candra, whose transcendental body is imbued with ecstatic pastimes, presenting a most enchanting picture, radiant with the brilliance of molten gold. His main pastime is to distribute the liquid mellows of loving devotion to Sri Krsna; obeisances to Him again and again."

 Sri Caitanya Candramrtam verse 11
Tridandi pada Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati
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ISKCON Leadership Sanga 2016


The GBC’s third ISKCON Leadership Sanga (ILS),  will be held from February 24-March 2, 2016 in Mayapur, India.

Other significant dates are:

Nityananda Trayodasi February 20
GBC Annual General Meeting February 22-23
February 26 – March 1 (1/2 days)
March 3- 5
Strategic Planning Network March 3 – 5
Kirtan Mela March  6 – 10
Nabadwip Parikrama March 12-18
Gaura Purnima March 23


The ILS team is very happy to announce a dynamic partnership with the TOVP fund-raising team. As an expression of gratitude to ISKCON leaders around the world who have supported their efforts, the TOVP team has funded the cost of accommodations for all registered ILS participants. During the ILS they will also conduct a full plenary session to further inspire and engage ISKCON leaders in service to Srila Prabhupada through this project. They will be conducting scheduled tours of the project and make other stimulating presentations during the ILS.

We are very happy to have their team as a supporting partner in the ISKCON Leadership Sanga 2016 so that all registrants will have free accommodations for the duration of the ILS.

To streamline accommodations in Mayapur, and to make it easier for attendees to find rooms that suit their particular needs, the SPT is no longer booking individual rooms on your behalf. Instead, ISKCON Mayapur will be handling the room arrangements


Please register now and we will send you details on how to arrange your rooms as soon as they are available.

Who can attend?

The ISKCON Leadership Sanga is exclusively for devotees engaged in the following leadership services:

  • GBC members
  • Gurus and sannyasis
  • zonal supervisors
  • regional secretaries
  • temple presidents
  • temple vice-presidents
  • leaders of significant ISKCON projects
  • developers of significant ISKCON projects
  • bhakti-vriksha/nama-hatta leaders
  • ISKCON community developers
  • Significant preachers
  • sankirtana leaders
  • communications officers
  • leadership trainees

If you have any questions who is eligible to attend, please contact Kaunteya das at

The Schedule

The ILS 2016 will feature  at least 13 venues presenting 80–100 seminars in all areas of the GBC strategic plan with emphasis on:

  • outreach
  • the “marketing” and communication of Krishna consciousness
  • devotee care
  • online strategies
  • leadership skills
  • best practices in many areas of temple/project/community development
  • strategic planning and project development
  • Special topics for ISKCON Leaders

The majority of seminars will be new. Any seminars repeated from the last ILS will be significantly enhanced. In addition there will be:

  • Themed Bhagavatam classes – Srila Prabhupada’s concepts and directives on leadership.
  • Evening Prabhupada nights, kirtanas, drama and other kathā.
  • Full day scheduled for a parikrama for association and krsna-katha.

The final schedule will be posted closer to the event.

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By Abhimanyu-dasa Vanacari

On Ekadasi day, August 26, 2015 Trata-dasa (Dr. Tri Astawa) from Bali, Indondesia, an ISKCON devotee/ disciple of His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami, met with the Prime Minister of East Timor, Dr.Rui Maria de Araujo in Jakarta, Indonesia and presented him with the Bhagavad Gita As It Is in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian). The occasion was a reunion of medical doctors who worked at a hospital in Dili, East Timor. Trata-dasa and the now Prime Minister worked together at the hospital.

Your servant, Abhimanyu-dasa Vanacari
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

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By Basu Ghosh Das

On the auspicious occasion of Baladev Purnima, August 29, 2015, a grand function including the visit of His Excellency the Governor of Punjab and Haryana Professor Kaptan Singh Solani, was organized by ISKCON at the new six acre plot of land that was acquired in the recent past from the Haryana State Government. At the function, marking the beginning of construction of a grand temple for Krishna and Arjuna, the Diety of Anantadev was installed by HH Gopal Krishna Goswami, ISKCON GBC for most of North India as well as one of ISKCON’s diksha gurus, in the presence of His Excellency the Governor.

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By Sebastian J. Rutkowski
Copyright © Sebastian J. Photography

Chariot Festival, Ratha Yatra is a colourful and vibrant public festival that dates back thousands of years to ancient India. It features a huge chariot pulled by hand, accompanied by music and dancing, culminating in a fun-filled afternoon of stage shows and exhibitions as well as a free, sumptuous vegetarian feast.

Ratha Yatra is celebrated all over the world and was first introduced to the West in 1967 in San Francisco by ISKCON founder Srila Prabhupada and his American disciples. This year the festival team is delighted to return to Dublin on its European tour.

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Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam Canto - 07, Chapter - 02, Text 48 by Hridayananda Das Goswami

(Hridayananda dasa Goswami (Howard J. Resnick, Ph.D.) is one of the most senior and respected spiritual leaders of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).)

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Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam Canto - 10, Chapter - 72, Text - 06 by HG Narayani Mataji at ISKCON Alachua

(Her Grace Narayani Devi Dasi joined ISKCON in Boston in 1970. She has done many services for Srila Prabhupada including Deity worship in Calcutta temple, traveling book distribution in Western India for the Bombay temple, and teaching Bhakti Sastri, Bhakti Vaibhava and Bhaktivedanta courses in the VIHE in Vrndavana. )

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Lecture on Vaishnava Etiquette-The Refined Ornament of a Leader and of a Follower by HH Romapada Swami in 27 Mar 2015 at Naperville

(Romapada Swami‘s first encounter with Krishna consciousness came in Buffalo, in the shape of a lecture at the State University of New York in 1969. The lecturer was His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The following year, Romapada Swami joined the movement in Boston and was initiated in 1971.)

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Lecture on Devotional Discourse on The Life of Srila Prabhupada by HH Sivarama Swami on 11 Aug 2014 at Budapest

(Sivarama Swami was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1949. His family immigrated to Canada where some years later in 1970 he first came in contact with Srila Prabhupada's teachings, via his transcendental books. He became an initiated disciple of His Divine Grace in 1973 and accepted the renounced order of life in 1979.)

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